These are 5 foundational assumptions of science (Given by Kitty Ferguson's "the Fire in the equations) are ....
as an example, empirical science focuses on the second assumption - but when science moves on to subjects beyond the senses (like theoretical physics), the first assumption is called upon
JamesR states
Provisionally,(the nature of science is to) determine that things for which there is no evidence of existence are mythical
The challenge is, what is the evidence for these 5 foundational assumptions of science.
JamesR offers
For example, the fact that your computer exists is testament to the fact that the universe is rational and acceptable.
this doesn't address the challenge because he is saying that the evidence of the first and second assumptions is addressed by the third (IOW evidencing an assumption by relying on another assumption is begging the question)
- the universe is rational - can be determined by systems of logic
- the universe is accessible - we have the means to interact with the universe
- the universe is contingent - relationships of cause and effect operate within parameters
- the universe is objective - exists independent and indifferent to sense perception
- the universe is unified - nothing can be "separated" from the universe
as an example, empirical science focuses on the second assumption - but when science moves on to subjects beyond the senses (like theoretical physics), the first assumption is called upon
JamesR states
Provisionally,(the nature of science is to) determine that things for which there is no evidence of existence are mythical
The challenge is, what is the evidence for these 5 foundational assumptions of science.
JamesR offers
For example, the fact that your computer exists is testament to the fact that the universe is rational and acceptable.
this doesn't address the challenge because he is saying that the evidence of the first and second assumptions is addressed by the third (IOW evidencing an assumption by relying on another assumption is begging the question)