35 Flaws in Gore's Movie

Global warming being caused by man is a massive hoax...just like how there was global cooling in the 1970s...
"It is a cold fact: the Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species" - Lowell Ponte (1976)
How can they say that the Earth would freeze over 30 years ago with their graphs, and now say the Earth will melt over? Its very easy to mis-interpret graphs like these where anyone can easily falsely see correlation in anything

Global warming has been happening naturally for thousands of years, the graphs and data clearly show that its a 100% natural occurence. One of the biggest flaws in the movie is saying CO2 levels causes temperature increases, when its already a known fact that its the opposite, temperature rises causes CO2 levels to go up

See that graph? Around 325,000 years ago there was a greater temperature change in a much shorter time duration then our Industrial Revolution...I guess that means it was some how man-made CO2 back then too :rolleyes: . The only thing we're actually certain of is that when there's cold fronts the temperature decreases and when there's warm fronts the temperature increases, and that its been happening like this for millions of years

I can't believe someone as pathetic as Al Gore gets a Noble Prize for this, must be those liberal wackos giving up the prizes...
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Global warming will lead to conflicts over resources, especially water.

Why, also, does it seem like denial of the science goes hand in hand with faith in a creator that guides mankind?
Global warming will lead to conflicts over resources, especially water.

Why, also, does it seem like denial of the science goes hand in hand with faith in a creator that guides mankind?

religion fears sciences for the possibilty at some point in time i would dissprove the existence of god
One of the biggest flaws in the movie is saying CO2 levels causes temperature increases, when its already a known fact that its the opposite, temperature rises causes CO2 levels to go up
Why do temperature rises cause CO2 levels to go up? Is that just a correlation or is there a causation relationship proven?
The Science and Public Policy Institute say there are at least 35 inconvenient truths in Al Gore's movie:


Just as with any popular account of scientific findings I would expect them to be riven with inaccuracies. I don't recall ever watching a National Geographic documentary on a topic I has some knowledge of that I didn't catch a couple of bloopers in - without looking for them. Thirty five in a movie length presentation doesn't seem out of order.
Please don't confuse popularisation with the original science. Oh, wait. Too late. You already have.
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Global warming will lead to conflicts over resources, especially water.

Why, also, does it seem like denial of the science goes hand in hand with faith in a creator that guides mankind?

Because we've been through this before only it was called global cooling/freezing of the 70's. It never happened. It never will.

And religion may fear science by Christians don't. We respect most science but we know there's more. Much more. ;)

There are at least 35 major flaws in Gore's movie. And he gets a peace prize? :confused:
Because we've been through this before only it was called global cooling/freezing of the 70's. It never happened. It never will.

And religion may fear science by Christians don't. We respect most science but we know there's more. Much more. ;)

There are at least 35 major flaws in Gore's movie. And he gets a peace prize? :confused:

I guess you are a jealous person for not getting it yourself for being so

Christian and good to people. :shrug:
You guessed wrong. I am not jealous of anybody or anything. And the last thing I would ever want is a liberal award. No thanks. :(

The only reward I'm interested in is from God. :worship:
They all seem (ed) pretty liberal to me. And I didn't say that they were all liberal. I said "the last thing I would ever want is a liberal award." :)
We could argue that all day. I could post brilliance from the brilliant who know it's a crock. But I would just get infracted, threatened, and banned by those whose religion includes global hot air. So I won't. :)
Don't bother even pretending to respect science, you probably think the Earth is 5,000 years old.
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Why, also, does it seem like denial of the science goes hand in hand with faith in a creator that guides mankind?

Because if a disaster is occurring God has to be the one causing it, presumably to punish heathen homosexuals. I'm actually surprised that fundamentalists aren't trying to see god's hand in this since it will be those heathens living in equatorial countries who will suffer the most.