3 Best guitar players ever ????

1 power rangers
2 the old dude with the long ass hair that thinks hes 20
3 my boy scouts leader ...the way he played coombaya oh man it was AWESOME!!!!
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan
  • Steve Vai
  • Jimmy Hendrix

(but my favorite is still David Gilmore)

2. David Gilmour

3. Stevie Ray Vaughn

all in order.
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ooh ooh

-Jason Becker
-Marty Friedman
-Alexi Laiho

Some of you might disagree but I think speed and touch, something that all of these guys have (especially Friedman) are a sign of a good guitarist. Also they all are kind of extraordinary (again, especially Friedman who uses weird scales that nicely blend with his music).
Good lord, clapton and page are not close to being the best!!!

Satriani is a hack - highly overated.