2016 Republican Presidential Clown Car Begins!

Trump's slush fund, I mean charity. :)

Trump has been anything but transparent, but the one thing we can see is documents relating to his charity, because as with all charities, they have to file public disclosures. And those disclosures don't reflect well on The Donald. It appears The Donald has been using his charitable foundation as a personal slush fund. Records show that he used money from his charitable foundation to pay legal fines and settlements of more than a quarter million dollars. He used his charity to buy his own books and a life sized painting of himself and to make illegal campaign donations to politicians who were important to his ongoing business interests. And it turns out most of the money donated to The Donald's charitable foundation was other people's money.

And this is the guy who wants to turn the country into a police state. He wants to create a new forced deportation force and liberate the country from the oppression of civil liberties and constitutionally protected rights and bring back and expand upon Baby Bush's torture programs.

Funny how this works, the RNC chairman called for all Republicans to support Trump. He threatened to deny future support from people like Cruz should they continue their refusal to endorse or support The Donald. And the next thing you know the scum like Cruz can't endorse The Donald fast enough.
I'm always impressed at the fraud's The Donald is willing to perpetrate in order to save a few bucks or earn a few bucks. I mean, The Donald is suppose to be a mutibillionaire right?

The Empty Jewelry Box Scam

Back in 1986 and likely for many years before, Donald Trump colluded in tax evasion with Bulgari Jewelry Store in New York, a high-end posh location with tony clientele right out of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Here’s how the scam worked:

Trump would go into the store with his wife, his girlfriend, his…whatever (to use his vernacular). He would then buy her an expensive necklace or wristwatch. Normally, such a transaction would face the New York city and state sales tax, which would be pretty high on luxury jewelry.

In an illegal attempt to evade the tax, Trump “asked” the store to instead ship the jewelry to an out of state location, where no New York sales tax could be collected. In fact, the store would merely send an empty jewelry box to the location, while Trump and his lady friends walked out the door with the jewelry that very day.

The state and city tax collectors eventually caught onto this scheme, and Trump promptly testified against his erstwhile tax evasion colluding partners at the jewelry store in order to save his own skin. http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanell...-the-empty-jewelry-box-tax-scam/#408449886aa7
I'm always impressed at the fraud's The Donald is willing to perpetrate in order to save a few bucks or earn a few bucks.

I can't quite think through the mashup. Something about―

• An extrabiblical bit about letting the money sweat in your hand

• Pennies saved and earned

• The long, seemingly strange marriage between fiscal and Christian conservatives

• Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

• Stamping the motto on our coin as a demonstration of piety to be witnessed by others in order to rebuke Communism, thereby celebrating American Christendom by rejecting the both Christ (Matthew 6.1-5) and the Apostles (Acts 4.32-35) in one astounding moneyshot

• The guy I know whose kid made it into her twenties without understanding that using the word "jew" as a verb wasn't the best idea also boasting his ability to save money by refusing to pay for stuff as an example of his Christian virtue recounted as a display of piety to be witnessed by others

• Prosperity gospel

• 1980s "MBA culture", the Wall Street Yuppie craze, the Gordon Gekko Greed Is Good period; whatever we want to call it​

―goes here because Donald Trump is weirdly emblematic of what used to be considered virtuous.

And what's interesting about that is the question of politicians being out of touch. Indeed, the great Clinton achilles heel has been how slow they are to recognize that the marketplace really is changing. But Donald Trump? In addition to everything else about his apparent narcissism or even megalomania, it seems he has yet to recognize just how much the marketplace has changed. The business executives might still think and talk a certain way, but a lot of those presuppositions, formerly celebrated as fundamental to American identity, have fallen from grace. The greedy shite evil he now represents was, once upon a time, a privilege of virtue.

There's an old Hap Kliban cartoon called "Industrialist", depicting an old executive eating a plate of hands. It's astounding how hard it is to find, but I really don't want to cut up my book to scan a proper copy. At any rate, Donald Trump has yet to recognize that society at large no longer admires such cannibalism the people once did, or were expected to.

I remember my father once complaining in defense of something that went wrong on Wall Street in the '80s that it's just wrong that insider trading is criminal when in Japan it's good business. That is to say, the difference between bad or good business was getting caught or not. Mr. Trump made his fortune within that ethos; we ought not be surprised he has such a hard time shifting out of it.
The junior Trump appears to be just as bad as his father, and he and his siblings are his father's chief advisers. That's scary. Junior has compared immigrants to poisoned Skittles. The lies and fear mongering continues.



I desperately hope after this election and Hillary wins that everything Trump will slither back into the sewer that spawned them. The sons are indeed awful just like Dad awful.

There's an old Hap Kliban cartoon called "Industrialist", depicting an old executive eating a plate of hands. It's astounding how hard it is to find
Aaah ... I feel better.

Thank ye.

(Why does this feel familiar?)
You are quite welcome - it's the second time you've referenced this drawing so I thought I would take a looksee...

Ah. It feels like you dug up one of Hap's for me, before. It's just weird; some of the cartoons I found by name are pretty easy. I completely forgot to go raid his name dot com.

I wonder if we should do an expo on Genitals of the Universe? That was fun series.

But, yes ... thank ye.
Who would have thought the party of right wing Christians would be a porn star? It turns out, The Donald is also a porn star. You gotta love it. Just when you think Republicans can't get more bizarre, they get more bizarre.

'Trump on Friday blasted the former Miss Universe Alicia Machado for her "sex tape," apparently a reference to her appearance on a reality TV show in the 1990s." http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-brief...p-briefly-appeared-in-a-playboy-softcore-porn

It turns out The Donald has his own sex tape. :) http://www.salon.com/2016/09/28/rus...universe-alicia-machado-porn-star-miss-piggy/

If The Donald wins, he could be the first porn star POTUS.

Who would have thought the party of right wing Christians would be a porn star? It turns out, The Donald is also a porn star. You gotta love it. Just when you think Republicans can't get more bizarre, they get more bizarre.

So ... I don't know, I just would have thought the "clown car" bit would have necessarily given over to the Donald Trump experience, but it turns out they're still one and the same.

Let me see if I've got this straight:

• Thrice married

• Accused of raping a minor

• Once sent his lawyer out to explain to the public that it's not rape if it's your wife

• Proud adulterer

• Serial sexual harasser

• Porn star​

He's going to call out a sex tape nobody's found yet?

Or his opponent's husband's affair?

Maybe in this rubber-glue world Donald Trump will attempt to recall the time Hillary Clinton sent her lawyer out to explain that it isn't rape if it's her wife.

I'm not certain if, after that, Democrats will ever be allowed to stop explaining that Hillary Clinton isn't a lesbian, and doesn't have a wife.
Hillary has to devote her efforts to playing in the mud first, because she can't run on her record. She is good on paper, since that can be spun, but in terms of deeds her record is not that good. She needs distractions away from her record, and away from her same old tired ideas. Trump is not a professional politician. As an America citizen he has the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Once you become a politician and are part of the political system a different set of rules applies. The liberals are confusing the rules of a private citizen with those of a government official. This is Hillary deception 1.0. How many think both use the same rules?

Hillary preaches women's rights to her base, yet she was in charge of punishing women, who had sex with her husband. She was not being a jealous wife, but a power hungry woman who was more interested in preserving her position of power. Hillary was head of the bimbo eruption squad, which harassed, mistreated, and even ruined women who were willing victims of a charming powerful man; Bill. Gold diggers can't approach a president, he needs to buzz them in. Any normal wife would have separated or divorced to draw a line. But Hillary accepted his behavior, so she could remain in the powerful position he was able to provide for her. This goes to the heart of where her priorities lie. It tells us something of what she would do to gain or retain power. Playing in the mud with National Enquirer scandal or intimidating those on the left, who speak out against her; Bernie Sanders, is not the character of a president. She would make a better third world dictator in a communist country.

What Trump is being accused of is covered under liberal morality, but not religious morality. The liberals should be proud of Trump. The religious don't agree with this, but they see Trump as being more on their side in the larger things.
Hillary has to devote her efforts to playing in the mud first, because she can't run on her record. She is good on paper, since that can be spun, but in terms of deeds her record is not that good. She needs distractions away from her record, and away from her same old tired ideas. Trump is not a professional politician. As an America citizen he has the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Once you become a politician and are part of the political system a different set of rules applies. The liberals are confusing the rules of a private citizen with those of a government official. This is Hillary deception 1.0. How many think both use the same rules?

Hillary preaches women's rights to her base, yet she was in charge of punishing women, who had sex with her husband. She was not being a jealous wife, but a power hungry woman who was more interested in preserving her position of power. Hillary was head of the bimbo eruption squad, which harassed, mistreated, and even ruined women who were willing victims of a charming powerful man; Bill. Gold diggers can't approach a president, he needs to buzz them in. Any normal wife would have separated or divorced to draw a line. But Hillary accepted his behavior, so she could remain in the powerful position he was able to provide for her. This goes to the heart of where her priorities lie. It tells us something of what she would do to gain or retain power. Playing in the mud with National Enquirer scandal or intimidating those on the left, who speak out against her; Bernie Sanders, is not the character of a president. She would make a better third world dictator in a communist country.

What Trump is being accused of is covered under liberal morality, but not religious morality. The liberals should be proud of Trump. The religious don't agree with this, but they see Trump as being more on their side in the larger things.
And you think any of that makes sense?
And you think any of that makes sense?

The point isn't to make sense. Think of it this way: Economies of scale, to the one, and messaging, to the other. Consider how much of the "scandal" that makes Hillary Clinton seem so "untrustworthy" to people really was false, and how we would measure her record, were she a man, without the shadow of all that bullshit, which in turn sticks around simply because so many people repeat it so much.

In the end, we see at least one measure of Hillary Clinton's actual power among human beings, and that is the number of people who seem to dedicate a substantial portion of their identity to being absolutely terrified of her very name.
Could Trump have gained the GOP nomination if (a) this report is substantially true

(b) it had been known in a timely fashion


There is no way the GOP can sue Trump for damages if it can be proved he lied about his tax affairs,is there ?

For person to be immune from income tax over a 18 year period seems outrageous (if I have understood the report correctly)

I can understand a year or two of grace but 18 years seems like ,well it would be about a third of an average "business lifetime" perhaps.
Trump is the party of men but not all the feminize men. As men become unnatural they prefer Hillary.
The point isn't to make sense. Think of it this way: Economies of scale, to the one, and messaging, to the other. Consider how much of the "scandal" that makes Hillary Clinton seem so "untrustworthy" to people really was false, and how we would measure her record, were she a man, without the shadow of all that bullshit, which in turn sticks around simply because so many people repeat it so much.

In the end, we see at least one measure of Hillary Clinton's actual power among human beings, and that is the number of people who seem to dedicate a substantial portion of their identity to being absolutely terrified of her very name.

By any measure of standard, male or female, Hillary is corruptible. The woman card is being used, to cut her extra slack, for all the suffering of all women, as though all the suffering of women happened to her, while being in top positions at the highest levels of power.

Richard Nixon is treated as one of the most corrupt presidents for erasing 20 minutes of audio tape; WaterGate. Hillary deleted 30,000 e-mails, which if translated to audio tape would taken days to recite. However, because she is a woman it would be sexists to mention this comparison.

Say Nixon had been a woman and she-Nixon said, I erased that 20 minutes of audio tape, which everyone believes was smoking gun, because all it contained was small talk with my children. Plus, I am not good at the tape recording stuff and pushed the wrong button. Would she-Nixon be treated differently by history? The odds are yes, if he had been a liberal woman. Nobody would have accepted that excuse if he was a man. Men use a tougher standard on each other.

There is no man card to play that would have allowed Nixon to escape justice, or be cut extra slack for playing dumb, because he was a man. If he had played dumb about recording and erasing, that would have exempted him from the job of president. We don't need a dumb president.

The country cannot carry and sweep Hillary's nonsense for 4-8 years; incompetence and corruption. She will set back women for decades. She is being by sold as the smartest woman of all time, yet she needs all types of slack and smoke to make the illusion work? The real smart women of the world will not be taken seriously. The Democratic party needs a puppet. A puppet can't be too smart, or they may come to life and stop dangling from the strings others are playing. Trump is not a good puppet, which is why the power brokers on both sides are afraid.