731. Learn MTW properly and kick everyones ass.
Einstein’s theory is theoretically proven wrong see "challenge"12. Prove Pythagoras' Theorem, Einstein's theory of relativity and all of Newton's laws wrong...by being infeasbly clever
62. Learn and do often-aggresive driving eg. over 170 with stunts
63. Make a real difference in a human's life
64. Make the humans on this world more enviromentally friendly/self sufficient/more satisfied with a simple life
475. STay up for 5 days straight
683. Go Blonde.
684. Be in two places at once.
685. Swim with sharks.
686. Learn sign language.
687. Win the lottery.
688. Buy a country with said lottery money.
689. Solve a Rubix Cube.
690. When you realize you can't solve the Rubix cube, throw it to the sharks.
691. Live in a house with hidden rooms and secret passageways.
692. Swim in the Dead Sea.
693. Break a world record.
694. Convince someone to go bald.
695. Fill my iPod to capacity with songs.
696. Fall in love.
697. Buy a useless electrical appliance.
698. Make cookies.
699. Make love.
700. Dance in the rain.
701. Ask to see the menu when ordering pizza over the phone.
702. Karaoke in Japan.
703. Egg a house.
704. Go on a roadtrip with no particular destination.
705. Break a bone.
706. Find an item of clothing that you would never wear in public, then wear it in public.
707. Smash something.
708. Show up at the airport with a bag and a passport and take the first flight avaiable.
709. Convince someone in joining you in creating a concrete angel (dry concrete).
710. Start your own holiday. Eg. Happy Aluminum Underpants Day!