1 is 0.99(9) Administrative Thread.

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In that (my red highlighting) response from you above, you effectively assert that when writing 0.09 there is no leading zero to distinguish that from 0.9 ??!!

You reading and comprehension skills are as bad as your math skills. Enjoy beating up your newly created strawman.

And you (who claim to be an "experimental physicist") do not know that the inclusion of leading/trailing zeros is also a means/convention of/for quickly and effectively indicating/conveying to the reader additional information regarding the specific level/degree of precision/accuracy the measurement was made to?

I think I'll have Ranch with this.
You reading and comprehension skills are as bad as your math skills. Enjoy beating up your newly created strawman.

Please explain your unsupported assertion now. I quoted the relevant exchange, and your own response clearly said that there were no leading zeros in any circumstances. I pointed out the relevant example as shown, and so proved you wrong. I also pointed out why your assertion that "no-one in their right mind would write leading zeros" was not a tenable opinion. Please explain your non-sequitur assertions now. Thanks.

You reading and comprehension skills are as bad as your math skills. Enjoy beating up your newly created strawman.

I think I'll have Ranch with this.

You now resort to personal insult as diversion for not actually addressing the facts where you have been shown to be wrong in your assertions in this context.
No, you either don't get your error or you pretend that you don't. Let's try again: when you multiplied 0.9 with $$10^{-2}$$ and you obtained 0.009, in what direction did the zeroes extend from the decimal point?
You initially answered it correctly (to the right) but after Undefined bullied you a little , you switched to the wrong answer.

Quoted for the record.
No. The extension of zeros that matter are to the left of the fractional string generated at every division by ten; and these leading zeros extend to the left to infinity past the decimal point symbol. Any trailing zeroes to the right of the fractional string at any stage (of division process generating the actual string) do NOT affect the string value ITSELF at any stage. The only reason to include these trailing zeros would be as I already explained; ie, to convey further information to the reader regarding the level of precision/accuracy any particular measurement result string value was measured to. Please read again my earlier posts in context. Thanks.

No. The extension of zeros that matter are to the left of the fractional string generated at every division by ten; and these leading zeros extend to the left to infinity past the decimal point symbol. Any zero continuity right of the decimal point in a fractional string is INTERRUPTED by that string. And any trailing zeroes to the right of the zero-continuity-INTERRUPTING fractional string at any stage (of division process generating the actual string) do NOT affect the string value ITSELF at any stage. The only reason to include these trailing zeros would be as I already explained; ie, to convey further information to the reader regarding the level of precision/accuracy any particular measurement result string value was measured to. Please read again my earlier posts in context. Thanks.


You make that bald "fail" assertion without pointing to where the failure is, specifically. Please do so or retract. Thanks.
But that is not what I posted, it's an editied version. Edited by you to support your insanity.

So, you did not post this:

arfa brane said:
I suppose.

But let's look a bit more closely at my list model: if you have a number like 0.999 and multiply it by 10-2, the result is 0.00999, the single zero on the left of the decimal point must really be like a string of zeros extending infinitely to the right (which is inductively true since we can multiply by 10-2 indefinitely).

How did you calculate 0.00999 ?
What happens if you multiply again by $$10^{-2}$$? I asked you before and you pretended that you did no see the question.
Tach said:
How did you calculate 0.00999 ?
What does that have to do with you editing my post?

What does it have to do with 000.9 = 0.9?
You accuse me of diversion, and here you are diverting from an issue. You edited my post to support your insane opinion of "what I think". You're a fuckwit.
What does that have to do with you editing my post?

What does it have to do with 000.9 = 0.9?
You accuse me of diversion, and here you are diverting from an issue. You edited my post to support your insane opinion of "what I think". You're a fuckwit.
Just to be sure.....
Did Tach edit your post and falsely represent what you where saying arfa_brane...?

If so ...not good... not good at all...
For the sake of clarity - are you referring here to the string of zeroes between the decimal place and the first significant digit?

Yes, he is.

arfa brane said:
I suppose.

But let's look a bit more closely at my list model: if you have a number like 0.999 and multiply it by 10-2, the result is 0.00999, the single zero on the left of the decimal point must really be like a string of zeros extending infinitely to the right (which is inductively true since we can multiply by 10-2 indefinitely).

Or the string of zeroes after the last significant digit?

No, he isn't. When he's proven wrong he starts getting obscene. Means he ran out of arguments and denials.
I see 75 pages of posts in this thread. Apparently, there is some kind of simple dispute about zeros before or after a decimal point.

This is not what the thread is about, the thread is about , as the title says it, 0.(9) being equal to 1.
The "dispute" is a side show, arfa brane confused himself on the issue of division by powers of 10 (courtesy of Undefined) but he managed to get it back straight after a few exchanges.

If Tach has any questions about significant figures, I'm sure I can help there, too.

This would not be necessary, I don't have any questions. Besides, it has nothing to do with the subject of the thread.
Hi James R, Trippy. This particular to-do started when Tach, being eager as usual to compulsively "correct" someone, intruded his usual lack of reading in context and trademark fixation on what he wants to "correct" while ignoring the context. That context in this particular side-issue (it's not about the 0.999... = 1 issue per se, as Tach is trying to snow you about now) is about arfa brane was explaining his point to me that dividing a fractional string (eg, 0.999) by ten has the effect of 'moving the decimal point' to the left (thus giving 0.0999). When arfa was explaining that, he wanted to highlight the fact that effectively the 0 in front of the decimal point represents an infinite extent of zeros to the left, thus giving a reservoir of zeros into which the decimal point CAN be moved as each division by ten is done. So that the fractional string is given more and more leading zeros between its first 9 and the decimal point. In effect the movement of the decimnal point along an infinite extent of zeros to the left of that 9 in the initial 0.999 string. In doing so, arfa apparently made a typo and said "to the right" when he (as has been clarified between us after I asked for clarification) now says he meant to write "to the left". And that should have been it, and both arfa brane and I understood each other perfectly as to what he was getting at with this take on the infinite zeros available to the left for moving the decimal point into the leftward infinity of zeros as each division by ten takes place. But Tach kept intruding rudely and arrogantly, out of context and wrongly; first calling my initial polite request to arfa for clarification of the left/right question in the context 'wrong guess'; then when arfa clarified and we were on the same page as to what he was getting at, Tach again came rudely in to confuse and antagonize everybody and everything by insisting on speaking FOR arfa, and telling arfa that HE was wrong; and to cap it off, Tach then accused me of 'bullying' when I merely asked arfa for clarification politely and arfa provided same politely and we were ok on his point as made in that context. But Tach keeps confounding everything because he cannot/will not read context and barges ahead on his compulsive trolling and 'correcting' and twisting the context to suit his imaginary strawmen and face-saving evasions, diversions and trolls. Tach is now trying to 'frame' what is the context in this particular side-discussion that arfa and I were having. Don't fall for it. Tach does this every time he makes a blunder and so tries to ruin/confuse in order to bamboozle mods into thinking it would be easier to just close the discussion/thread.

In short, it's now confused beyond easy repair, as usual when Tach does this sort of thing, and neither I nor anyone else has the time and energy to waste in cleaning up after Tach. Please leave me out of it from now on, it's just not worth it, even if the discussions were interesting and informative BEFORE and IN SPITE of Tach's usual muddying and dishonest tactics and trolling to no other end than his ego-tripping compulsions. Not needed. Not wanted. No thankyou. Good luck to you and the other mods in trying to get any truth and apology from Tach. He has been given countless chances to change his old modus operandi, to no avail. You're welcome to him.

See you round, James R, Trippy, arfa brane, everyone....and thanks for your polite and courteous exchanges. I'll read-only for a while as I catch up with my off-line work. Cheers! :)
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In doing so, arfa apparently made a typo and said "to the right"

Actually, "to the right" is correct.

when he (as has been clarified between us after I asked for clarification) now says he meant to write "to the left".

...while "to the left" is incorrect. So, your correction to arfa's post and his change of statement are both incorrect.

And that should have been it, and both arfa brane ab=nd I understood each other perfectly

...as in both of you making the same arithmetic mistake. He finally corrected himself but you are still on the wrong train. He got very abusive when he finally realized his mistake. He always gets extremely twisted in his panties when he's proven wrong, the abuse signals that he's run out of logical and scientific arguments.:)
Actually, "to the right" is correct.

...while "to the left" is incorrect. So, your correction to arfa's post and his change of statement are both incorrect.

...as in both of you making the same arithmetic mistake. He finally corrected himself but you are still on the wrong train. He got very abusive when he finally realized his mistake. He always gets extremely twisted in his panties when he's proven wrong, the abuse signals that he's run out of logical and scientific arguments.:)

I didn't "correct" arfa, I asked for clarification (in the specific context of what he wanted to say) as to what he meant and he responded with the clarification (in that same specific context). And arfa and I then understood each other perfectly in that specific context, so your 'framing' and 'correcting' is neither here nor there as it is OUT OF THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT. Irrelevant and confused by your abysmal comprehension-in-context levels.

The admin/mods should take this last obvious lying twisting from you as indicative of your incorrigible trollish and dishonest character and sinister intents. Are you going to sabotage all interesting discussions because you are NOT NEEDED at all? Good luck getting over yourself, Tach.
I didn't "correct" arfa, I asked for clarification (in the specific context of what he wanted to say) as to what he meant and he responded with the clarification (in that same specific context). And arfa and I understood each other perfectly in that specific context.

The way you phrased it was interpreted by arfa as a correction. The net effect is he changed a right statement into a wrong statement under your (incorrect) influence. He's furious now, that he realized his mistake, this is why he's so abusive.

So your 'faming' and 'correcting' is neither here nor there as it is OUT OF THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT.

You both agreed on an incorrect statement, so I corrected you, what is the big deal, you make mistakes all the time.

The admin/mods should take this last obvious lying twisting from you as indicative of your incorrigible trollish and dishonest character and sinister intents.

There is no "sinister intents", I (like many others) correct your word salads once in a while. <shrug>
The way you phrased it was interpreted by arfa as a correction. The net effect is he changed a right statement into a wrong statement under your (incorrect) influence. He's furious now, that he realized his mistake, this is why he's so abusive.

You both agreed on an incorrect statement, so I corrected you, what is the big deal, you make mistakes all the time.

There is no "sinister intents", I (like many others) correct your word salads once in a while. <shrug>

Who cares what you, a troll and uncomprehending context-chopper tragic, has to say. Your opinion is worthless now, as people don't need your dishonest ego-tripping twisting of other people's words/intents IN THE CONTEXT which you miss and so remain disruptive and irrelevant when opining based on your own wrongheaded 'version' of the discussion points/reality.
Who cares what you, a troll and uncomprehending context-chopper tragic, has to say. Your opinion is worthless now, as people don't need your dishonest ego-tripping twisting of other people's words/intents IN THE CONTEXT which you miss and so remain disruptive and irrelevant when opining basd on your own wrongheaded 'version' of the discussion points/reality.

I really don't care what you think , I am simply using this website for entertainment. You realize that you have been relegated to Alternative Theories, just like your mate, chinglu, haven't you?
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