Hi Fednis48.
According to Standard Model assumptions/postulates/theory, the Big Bang Scenario is essentially an UNIDENTIFIED IN REALITY some fundamental (infinitesimal?) 'nothing' state/thing which due to 'quantum fluctuation' of/in that 'nothing' became 'something'?
In my reality based perspective, it is an Energy-space arena 'something' that existed all along, but we will not go into that now.
Insofar as Standard Model goes, the space-time and all its mathematically modeled 'properties' ultimately depend on certain 'infinitesimal' things associated with 'pointlike' things which when treated in some 'mathematical space treatments' effectively represent the 'forces' and 'energy' and other dynamical entities which are used for the abstractions of reality into the mathematical formalism dependent 'models'.
So I now ask:
If 'pointlike' (ie, having no real or abstract dimensional extent) things are NOT ultimately THE closest thing (logically and effectively in reality context) TO 'infinitesimals of reality effectiveness' (regardless of mathematical formalism abstractions/modeling), then what are these pointlike 'nothings' that underlie all theorizing in 'from-nothing-to-something' models/treatments like that used for the conventional Big Bang Standard Model? Fair enough question, mate?
Again, the 'reality limitations' of mathematics AS IT STANDS NOW is not disputed, so it is a 'given' whenever such philosophical discussions OF it (and of other 'limited' systems of thought, especially including the physics system) are brought into 'review' like this via NON-prejudicial and 'uncommitted stance' discussions which are not yet FORMAL PRESENTATIONS as 'completed review'. So a certain leeway and patience needs to be allowed for developing all the various thoughts and observations which such philosophical discussions will inevitably elicit for further discussion in the various contexts they arise in. Yes?