Wheres The Beef Arfa-Brane? Complex > Pahtway > Simple---NADA/Zero/ZIP
arfa brane--That you still think there is a conundrum means you really "dunno"."
I know that there is controversy-- that I'm specifically a part of ----regarding a crux/connundrum involving the issue of a finite 1.0 = infinite 0.999...
What your "dunno" is I dunno. It appears to me as troll-like uneccesary mental head-slap( digg ). Before I go into the below, if and when--- never is my best guess ---want to offer us( and I repeat ) a rational, logical, common sense and relatively simple explanatory guide for 99% of humanity to understand how/why a finite 1.0 = and infinite 0.999...., then please share.
I have not seen such by anyone, although appears to claim he gave us such. His set of two formula as a proof is laughable to me, as he gave little to no explanation, rather he just gives more typical troll-like head-slapping.
You've got a triangle with equal angles of 60[sup]o[/sup], a finite number. You appear to be unable to recognise that this is 1/3 x 180[sup]o[/sup], and
Huh? ABrane, first of all you appear to be attempting to say, that, somehow 0.3 or some rendition of that is equal to the number 60.
1) 0.3 * 180 = 54
...1a) 0.33333 * 180 = 59.9994
Without any explanation you want me to believe that, 0.333... does not represent and infinite value. Duhh, what/why do you think has been the crux/connundrum(?) of this topic/issue from its inception?
My understanding-- and I believe many others if not 99% of humanity placed in our circumstances ---will also believe, that 0.333... is representative of both an infinite value and irrational number. It is like a tag team wrestling with the opposing team on this issue i.e one person eventually posts to me and inference, that, 0.333... is not infinite, anpther that infers that, it is not irrrational, and another something else that I forget.
1) if 0.999...does is not representative of infinite value, then this topic/issue is not a crux/connundrum(?) from day one of its posting. I don't agree with that assessment, and
2) 0.999... and 0.333... appear to me to be irrational numbers or irrational decimals if that is more specific/precise. I dunno.
1/3 is 0.333... which is also a finite number. You also don't seem to be able to recognise that 1/3 is not irrational (if it was it would not be represented as the ratio of two finite numbers, namely 1 and 3)....
And you don't seem to be able to recognise that 1/3 is not infinite.
I think your playing mathematical head games with me ABrane, because no one-- except you a few posts back in this thread or the other one of similar topic ---has made this assertion to me as a statement of fact, rather they go giving all kinds of complex explanations never stating what your alledging here above. So there going on as if there is finite value vs infinite value crux/connundrum(?) when there perhaps never was.
What I understand, after doing Origins given formula on cal. is that, some numbers--- 9, 7, 6, 3 ---fill all of the available spaces on my MS cal. ergo I believe that infers/implies/suggests and infinite value. If that is incorrect, then your correct I do not understand the point of this finite 1.0 = infinite 0.999..., because you are inferring/implying.suggesting that 0.999...does not and is not an infinite value.
Duhh, I have been referencing 0.999.... as an infinite value all along, so as long as you can accept that as and fair representations--- as obvious many here and in the other thread have been doing ---then there is finite vs infinite crux/connundrum(?) and your above is attempt to throw my head into tail spin and keep you from giving us something you nor anyone else here has. A rational, logical, common sense and reltively simple explanatory guide as to how a finite 1.0 = infinite 0.999....
You appear to me, to want to change the rules of the game, midstream, because you cannot address my above, as stated and not just by quoting my comments and pretend that actually addresses them.
That said, I begin with 0.333..being representative of an infinite value. If you do not agree then we cannot have a rational conversation in regards to 0.333... * 180 =
I think your problem is that you just don't understand basic math. Did you finish grade school?
That may be true to whatever degree, but if you want to play this mathematically intellectual game fairly, then we have to play by the same rules and not be chainging them midstream.
I have from very beginning laid out in earnestly and sincerely, the rules of the mathematically intellectual game I've been playing all along, based on what I believe to be the facts of this finite 1.0 = infinite 0.999... topic/issue;
1) 0.
nnn...i.e. any number(
n ) with the dots after word represent and infinite value,
2) 0.
nnn.... i..e any number(
n ) to right of decimal point is irrrational.
That I don't understand why the some numbers appear to me to give infinite values and others do not is perhaps a clue that I'm mispercieving something in all of this disscussion and apparrently other people becuase it appears to me, that, that finite vs infinite has been the point of crux/connundrum(?) all along.
This is reminiscent of the transcendental Pi, not technically being an infinite value, yet for most 995 of humanity, it does appear to function that way. Alpha-numeric made this point clear to me, although it is not really that clear, and he even help to validate the unclarity of why Pi is not technically an infinite value, when he stated that, Pi is a non-terminating decimal. Ha!
I asked him to direct me to thread that disscusses why/how a non-terminating decimal is not equal to infiinite value?
He did not direct me to any thread of such nature. So ABrane, in addition to my requests of you above, we can add to that list, direct me to thread that disscuss's how/why 0.999...and or 0.333.... or any number( n ) is not representative of;
1) 0.nnn... = infinite value,
2) 0.nnn... = irrational value.
Thx, and hope I covered all of your concerns.