Trump is "a clear and present danger"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ivan Seeking, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. arfa brane call me arf Valued Senior Member

    Does a bear shit into a funny hat?
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  3. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Nothing much. Clinton wins and becomes president. If Trump tries to move into the White House, the Secret Service escorts him away.
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  5. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    He may decide to form his own "Party"... what do you think he would call it?

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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    It does occur to me to wonder:

    • Clinton wins, there is some violence, perhaps even a couple shocking episodes. Republicans form up and oppose Hillary Clinton with all the enthusiasm misogyny as their passion racism greeted Barack Obama. As this finds its place in normalcy, the rightist tendency for extraordinarily nasty subcurrents generates some manner of movement or movements. Here's the tricky part: Will anything but a centrist Republican be subject to a loss of support when these―to (ahem!) borrow a phrase―basketeers emerge to show their support? That is to say, if the (cough!) deplorables persist loudly and demandingly enough throughout, how thoroughly will the GOP have to lock them out? Will the ballot cost of losing them be greater or less than the price of accommodating them?​

    Do the misogynists have their Pepe, yet? I wonder who it will be. No, actually I don't. I'd rather forget I ever thought of the question.
  8. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    The popular vote may be close simply because we only have a two party system so your choice is limited to one of two. The electoral vote will not be chose however.

    Trump will be out of politics when this election is over. He may try to parlay his increased public presence (if that's possible) in some commercial way but, like Ross Perot, he will have a limited shelf life.

    The Republicans really dislike Hillary but they weren't going to vote for her anyway. Actually, now that Trump is self-destructing some will vote for her. She isn't especially popular among Democrats just because she isn't particularly natural and relaxed in her public speaking.

    She is competent (Trump is not) and her negatives are largely due to misogyny with comments about her voice, manner of dressing and looks. She has a chance of being a decent President as the bar is currently set quite low for her in terms of expectations.

    She should be a little more clear in terms of what her agenda is. When you hear her speak you just hear a typical politician who is saying nothing and trying to appeal to everyone.

    After she is elected if she moved away from Wall Street, proposed meaningful campaign reform, focused on the economy and got us out of all armed conflict for 4-8 years she would be seen as an above average President.

    Her problem is the Richard Nixon problem...she is just too calculated and is bound to shoot herself in the foot. Having Bill in the White House isn't going to help either.
  9. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Twenty, twenty five years ago that all might have made some kind of sense.

    Republicans "form up"? This "finds its place in normalcy"? The basketeers persist in demanding things, loudly? Check your calendar for the decade. Hell, the century.

    All of those questions have been answered - fundamentally, with the disappearance of the "centrist" Republican from national governance. There is no such thing as "the GOP" in any sense capable of "locking them out" - they are the GOP. The Cliven Bundy backers (or silent officials). The T-Party. The "Conservatives". The Dittoheads. The Republicans.

    The Solid South. The people who regret having lost "the War" - without explanation - and any adult American knows they aren't talking about Vietnam. The KKK.

    They have visibly been the GOP since Gingrich consolidated their hold on the Federal House, they have obviously been the GOP since the Swiftboating of John Kerry was accomplished with full cooperation of the Republican Congress, and they have been the GOP right out in front of God and the TV and everything since Rush Limbaugh accepted his first public apology from a sitting US Congressman:
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Start Making Sense

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    Click to cry out, "Throw first!" before it's too late.

    If the consideration has to do with what Marketplace will accept from Entity, congratulations, Iceaura, your response is to point out that Entity exists.

    That's just ... super.
  11. arfa brane call me arf Valued Senior Member

    We can all relax. Apparently the whole show, designed or otherwise, has only brought the dark side of America into the spotlight for a while.

    Now that Donald Trump has managed to, as if anything else was ever possible, out himself as wholly unfit, democracy in America is not under any threat. It never was because men like Donald Trump will only ever have a small group of voters supporting his every word.

    His refusal to concede if he's defeated won't destroy the democratic process, because it won't change an electoral college decision. He will need to have a close defeat to have any chance of overturning the result, and that just doesn't look very likely.
    Quantum Quack likes this.
  12. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Lawrence O'Donnell↱ took some time yesterday for the pretense, "Why I hope Trump doesn't concede". While it doesn't quite go down as famous last words, the msnbc host uttered a prediction:

    There will be no uprising by the Trump brigades when he loses, no matter what he says to them. Those voters have been on the losing side of the last two presidential elections, and they immediately turned against the candidates who led them to those defeats, John McCain and Mitt Romney.

    He makes a fine point, but aren't we in a year when comparing the Trump phenomenon against any pretense of normalcy is widely recognized to be folly?


    O'Donnell, Lawrence. "Lawrence: Why I hope Trump doesn’t concede". The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell. manbc. 20 October 2016. 21 October 2016.
    Quantum Quack likes this.
  13. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    43% actually willing to vote for Trump, right now, is no small percentage. The benefit of bringing the dark side into the light is supposed to be getting rid of it, not finding that it has a majority of the Congress and a stranglehold on the Federal government - still.

    And that's if he loses.
  14. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    As I suggested before, don't underestimate the migration ( border control ) protest vote...that has swept the world over the last 12 months or so...
    Islamophobia and border protection - a silent protest vote.
    If anything will cause the EU to collapse it is this issue as well.

    People are not expressing there feelings openly for fear of being called racist/bigots/misogynist etc but the vote is private... just them and the ballot box...
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  15. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    If you did a poll on how people felt about the migration/refugee issue you could just as easily see the percentages the election will bring for Trump. IMO
  16. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    The Donald J Trump Party of course.
  17. Quantum Quack Life's a tease... Valued Senior Member

    The Trumpeteers? Trumpicat Party? hee hee oh I know..
    The TrumpIcan party
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  18. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Well, isn't there that thing in Britain where some of the minor parties have brand names?

    Why not just call the party TRUMP™?
  19. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    My guess is Trump would name his third party after his wife or one of his daughters - same way guys name boats.

    But Trump has the Republican Party, meantime - he has no need of any other, and I don't really see how anyone can pry it out of his grip unless he gets bored or bribed. Without the Trump voter the Republican Party would have a hard time electing dogcatchers outside of Mississippi.

    They were betrayed, and lost anyway. Trump won't betray them - win or lose. Rhetorically, of course.

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