Why do young women in Britain drink themselves to oblivion?

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by kira, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. billvon Valued Senior Member

    OK. So to answer your earlier question, I guess the problem was prohibition (and the deaths that resulted) and the solution was to eliminate prohibition.
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  3. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    "Contempt" is your personal projection, why are you attempting to put words in my mouth?

    Thanks for the unrequested personal critique, it is as accurate and as well thought out as the balance of your argument. :bugeye:
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  5. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    You previous analysis of me

    warrants my reply to you fully.
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  7. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    On several previous occasions you have displayed a lack of ability to understand the connection that most of us have with our family members and friends. Here you display a lack of empathy, altruism and compassion for others in general. Since this is part of what you say on an ongoing basis I must conclude that you lack the ability to connect with others on an emotional level. Thus my suggestion that you try an intellectual work - around to better understand why we think differently than you.

    You are either being deliberately disingenuous, seriously unable to understand the analysis or just trolling to create upset.

    I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt and attempted to help you understand why others feel differently than you. That is not the same as "contempt". IMHO, you do not rate "contempt".
  8. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    Anything to makes you feel good about yourself, eh?

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  9. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    I feel good about myself pretty much all of the time, thanks.

    I credit this to a rational ethical system, healthy lifestyle, an entertaining career, a fine family and good friends.

    Yes, I enjoy helping others less fortunate than I as well, peripherally. Any more questions?
  10. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    Drinking themselves to oblivion, yes.
    But they are also drinking themselves to death in some cases.
    Alcohol is a particularly bad drug in that the dose which will cause you harm is not much greater than the amount which has an effect.

    Half a bottle of wine will make you a little merry. Unless you are a neophyte, you will probably not be drunk, though you are certainly unfit to drive.
    A mere bottle a day over a long period of time may kill you, if you are susceptible to cirrhosis.
    Curiously, if you are not susceptible, you are unlikely to get that particular disease no matter how much you drink.
    Many alcoholics, whose livers should rightly be pickled, don't have a trace of it on autopsy.
    Cirrhosis is only one of the illnesses alcohol causes, in any case.

    We could do with replacing alcohol with another drug that has a similar effect but damages the body less.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  11. Anti-Flag Pun intended Registered Senior Member


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  12. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    He said "damages the body less - not more.

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  13. Anti-Flag Pun intended Registered Senior Member

    Body or mind?
  14. Stoniphi obscurely fossiliferous Valued Senior Member

    The body follows the mind, wrong thinking makes for wrong living as right thinking makes for right living.

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