what is a liberal?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by riku_124, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. riku_124 High School Smoker Registered Senior Member

    jack4war or w/e his name is ( hey jack!) keeps saying stuff abotu liberals so i ask
    wtf is a liberal?
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  3. OliverJ Banned Banned

    Someone who thinks I should pay for your medical bills.... pay for them yourself gimpy!!

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  5. riku_124 High School Smoker Registered Senior Member

    im still confussed i still dotn understand what al eberal is can you expain it a little more?
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  7. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    Try it this way: it's the Republican's, as opposed to the liberals, who are responsible for your spelling and grammar skill (sic).
  8. riku_124 High School Smoker Registered Senior Member

    ok.....? witch one belvies in less goverment and witch one belives in more ogverment?
  9. OliverJ Banned Banned

    Ok --- someone who thinks America is the bad guy who goes around killing innocent people so we can have oil for our Hummers. Liberals think we should send an e-card to all the Islamic extremists and then sit around the campfire and sing songs all night long, and all the worlds problems would just go away.

    Liberals think that Sadam never killed nobody,and most certainly did not pay any moneys to the families of suicide bombers. Nor took part in trying to acquire weapons of WMD - had no links to terrosists in no way shape or form.
    Liberals think Iraq was just a little ol Disney World in the middle of the desert somewhere.
    Liberals think that the world is going to burn into a crisp next weekend due to global warming that George Bush caused last weekend.
    Liberals think its ok for China not to sign the treaty , but America , the country that has cleaned up his act more then any country on the face of the earth must sign the piece of shit paper.
    Liberals think that the UN is not corrupt in any way. those rapings in Africa never happened and those oil for food programs did not put money in anyones pocket , the children of Iraq are the one who benefited entirely from it, until we killed all 27,000,000 of them.

    And most of all a Liberal is something that wont be sitting in the White House for quite sometime.
  10. riku_124 High School Smoker Registered Senior Member

    ummm...... i heard it was a repoblican ( most of the itme ) or osemone who belives in little govermetn control also true
    and another qustino do you have to belive the thnigs u siad to be a liebiral? are htings that narrow minded ?
  11. OliverJ Banned Banned

    Im afraid so bro--- America is pure evil , hell bent on destroying the planet. And were taking all the oil with us!
  12. glaucon tending tangentially Registered Senior Member

    riku: I truly hate to do this, because I sincerely believe you actually are an intelligent person and just post here to have a fun time, but, you're being oddly persistent here so...
    classicly speaking, a liberal is pro-government involvement; a conservative favours minimal government involvement in the day to day lives of the constituents.
  13. OliverJ Banned Banned

  14. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    Though certainly in the past 13 years or so this distinction has been turned right on it's head. Clinton was practically a moderate republican, rather than a democrat, and Bush is practically Stalin, pushing to get government's fingers into every little thing. The government has grown more under him, than perhaps any other president since FDR. . . but then again he gave the rich some tax-cuts, so we've gotta love him, right?

    riku_124, in America we tend to break people's political views into the two categories of Liberal and Conservative - Republicans are more typically conservative, and Democrats are typically more liberal.

    A liberal, by definition, tends to be open to a broad range of ideas, willing to take them into account even if he doesn't necessarily think they're very good ideas, reserving value judgments unless the issue itself really calls for one, they tend to be slightly more secular in governing style, though this is not always the case. A problem that many conservatives seem to have with liberals today is that they believe in policing their own, IE we should really pay attention to what the hell we're doing, and this has earned them the brand of "hating America" A fairly stupid and over simplistic assessment of liberal views. Liberals tend to be accused of being over-educated and elitist, and many conservatives seem to think that liberals exist only as pro politicians, in Hollywood, and as University professors whereas everyone else, all the "good normal folk" are conservative (unless they're crazy hippy vegetarian tree huggers or something). This of course is not the case. Liberals have a long history of supporting labor rights and being on the right side of social issues such as desegregation and civil rights (This is a complicated issue, as it was mostly Democrats who were against desegregation in the 60s, however it's important to remember that the political climate of the nation was different back then, those were the southern, or conservative wing of the democratic party, a group which today are all voting republican).

    Conservatives by contrast tend to favor adherence to their own particular brand and definition of tradition, usually appealing to some mythical golden age when things were simpler, and children were respectful toward their elders. They tend more toward religious or faith based decision and policy making (this is especially true of the Neocons currently in power), though American conservatives in general certainly has a powerful secular streak running through it. These secular conservatives tend to be Free-trade or supply side economics gurus who favor no taxes on anything, no government intervention in business, and absolute freedom to exploit the complete lack of labor laws (or even anti-slavery laws) in nations abroad so long as it lets 'em make a buck. Many accuse conservatives of being self-centered, anti-social or just flat out myopic in their view of the world - basically a bunch of jerks who'd sell their own mothers to make a dime, or burn a cross on your law if they learned you were into yoga. Education is also not a hallmark of conservatives, and the Republicans tend to have a pretty dismal record of education funding. Conservatives also tend to be fiercely patriotic to the point of seeming nationalistic, which is why they're often (wrongly) called Nazis, though I honestly don't think that they're trying to be so stupid, they just can't really see what boneheads they are. They also tend to be stereotyped as being a bunch of Rednecks, often because intolerance has long been one of their more charming hallmarks, and indeed many treat the world "tolerance" itself as if it's some sort of liberal plot to destroy America. This, of course overlooks the billionaires and business men who are really only interested in conservative politics because it lets them keep taxes down, and may even insure a war or two which could help out defense contractors. They are also branded as being warmongers or the like, and though it's likely true in some cases, I think it's a bit odd being that Democrats started nearly every major war in the 20th century. I'd have to point out, though, that they also seem to take pride in the idea that they're the war-starting lot, often taking credit for it and wistfully recalling conflicts that no one they ever knew were ever involved with. I myself have heard, on several occasions, conservatives on this very forum trying to imagine what the world would be like if WWII had been left up to liberals. I think that this alone is proof that conservatives aversion to educational funding is part of a larger scheme to make more republican voters.

    In other words it’s not necessarily such a bad thing to be a liberal. It is unfortunate, of course, that conservatives have turned it into a dirty word these days. Personally I prefer to be referred to as progressive as it just sounds nicer these days.
  15. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    A liberal is a person who has never been the victim of a mugging or assault or robbery.

    A liberal wants to give more and more "rights" to the criminal ...even as the criminals are taking those same rights from their victims by the use of assualt, murder, rape and pillage!

    Baron Max
  16. KitNyx Registered Senior Member

    Liberals advocate human rights and civil liberties, and they believe in the redistribution of wealth from rich to poor. Definitely not to be but often are confused with Libertarian.

    - KitNyx
  17. OliverJ Banned Banned


    LMAO !!!! And there you have it dude , read this guys post entirely and you will know what a Liberal is.

    Everything he stated is a lie... Conservatives want you to take care of yourself. Liberals think that you are to damn stupid to take care of yourself. Conservatives know the difference from right and wrong. The Libs will tell you whats right and wrong and your suppused to accept it, cause your to stupid to know any better. Liberals will hold your hand and guide you thru life. Conservatives will give you every opportunity to make something of yourself. Its up to you to take advantage of that opportunity.
  18. KitNyx Registered Senior Member

    There are other ideologies than those of Liberals and Conservatives...both of which believe in a relatively large government that is very much a part of peoples lives. They both believe that it is governments role to dictate morality for the people. There is also the belief in a smaller government that does not interfere with the everyday business of the people. See Libertarian at http://www.lp.org/

    Here try this, it will help you know where you stand and it describes some of the other parties leanings.


    - KitNyx
  19. Mr.Jack4WAR Hating the Hated Registered Senior Member

  20. Mr.Jack4WAR Hating the Hated Registered Senior Member

    haha riku, buddy, after quizin u ...ur a liberal bro
    basically a radical democrat,but to the extreme limits
  21. otheadp Banned Banned

  22. KitNyx Registered Senior Member

    <LOL> God that website is hilarious...Thank you.

    - KitNyx
  23. Mystech Adult Supervision Required Registered Senior Member

    You're thinking in terms of a different scale all together. This isn't an issue of liberal vs. conservatism, you're talkinga bout authoritarian vs. libritarian idiologies. You're describing a classic (and really outdated) view of liberals in the US as being more authoritarian than the fairly libritarian conservatives. As I've said things have really sort of reversed in the past 13 years or so, the democrats, mostly due to having less power, and trying to oppose the policies of the administration are becoming more permisive and libritarian (as they've always been on issues of civil rights, anyhow) whereas the Neocons are extreemly authoritarian as is evident by the astounding growth of powers of the federal government, and the executive branch in particular under the Bush administration.

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