Zimmerman Auctions Gun He Used to Kill Martin

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by joepistole, May 13, 2016.

  1. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Zimmerman is back. You knew he wouldn't stay out of the limelight. This time he is auctioning off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin. I'm beyond words. This is outrageous. Who would want the gun, much less pay a premium for the gun. One would have to be a very sick puppy indeed to want to own that weapon or to revere it in any way. Unfortunately, there are undoubtedly some sick puppies (i.e. racists) out there who will pay Zimmerman for his gun.

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  3. Dr_Toad It's green! Valued Senior Member

    At least the auction house had the good manners to pull it at the last moment...
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  5. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    1.) - He would not be in "the limelight" if the Mass Media would not put him there.
    The Washington Post did not have to run the article. Why do you suppose they did?
    2.) - "beyond words" ? Yet you Started this Thread with more than 80 "words"
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  7. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

  8. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    This guy is a straight up narcissist. Only a narcissist would persist in the media limelight like this, after what he had done. What is even worse however, is that he has a fan club.

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  9. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Seriously, Wegs ?
    George Zimmerman has a "fan club" ?
  10. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

  11. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Seriously, Wegs ?
    From reading the Link that you supplied, it would appear that George Zimmerman failed miserably at drawing many "fans" or amassing any "fan club".
    To wit :
    - the ^^above quoted^^ from : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/p...of-honour-at-gun-show-in-florida-9181719.html

    As I stated previously, Wegs : He would not be in "the limelight" if the Mass Media would not put him there.
  12. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    wegs and Daecon like this.
  13. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    So, joepistole, a single instance of a Sarah Jones article where she uses the term "fan club" (without providing any evidence of an actual "fan club"!) from over 2 years ago...is all you came up with?
    Surely "Google" or possibly even "Fox News" should have provided an active Link to any actual "George Zimmerman Fan Club", if it was in existence.

    At any rate, I will bow out of this Thread so you can continue to "Fan the Flames" and keep George Zimmerman in "the limelight".
  14. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    George Zimmerman has many "fans", and there are many more people who while disapproving of his actions in some ways (he should have called for police backup before confronting Martin, he should have had his gun drawn and pointed at Martin from a safe distance in the first place, he appears less than heroic in his character and actions, etc) regard him as an innocent victim of persecution by irresponsible and elitist liberals who don't understand his virtues or value his willingness to endanger himself in the defense of his community.

    Many people in the US believe - sincerely - that black people (and especially young black men) are in general a threat to decent civilization, remember. Some of them also regard shooting people as a normal outcome of confrontation.

    Whether or not he has an official "fan club" is a sort of technical detail.
  15. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    I didn't say he has many fans but you'd be naive dmoe, to think that psychos like Zimmerman don't have a following. Many incarcerated infamous murderers have a following, too. Strange and sad world we live in.
  16. Retribution Banned Banned

    Kim Kardashian auctions her arse on a regular basis. Yet she hasn't contributed a single thing worthwhile to society... in fact, one might argue she and her whole family detract from it. Don't see anyone complaining about that.

    Want to deal in the minutiae of societies ills, be prepared for failure. No one cares.

    Actually, I'm quite wrong about that. Fact of the matter is, those media publications dealing with the outrageous wouldn't exist were it not for those who read them.
    Yes, yes. I know. You don't.
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  17. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Why would anyone want to buy a used weapon at over retail?

    If the pistols which killed President Lincoln or Archduke Franz Ferdinand were to come up at auction, what would be the high bid?
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  18. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member

    I heard on the radio that Zimmerman would use the proceeds of the sale to try to undermine the 'black lives matter' movement and to fight Hillary and her anti-gun stand. I may have misheard this, but I also heard on the same broadcast that the bid was up to $65,000,000. I think there may just possibly be some bogus bidders.....

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  19. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

  20. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Exactly. Why would they?

    Because they would, in this case. Way over retail. And you know it.
    Trayvon Martin was not and - relevantly, central to the point - still is not, a historically significant figure, the pivot of significant geopolitical events and changes, killed intentionally. He was a teenage boy - the same age as the victims of some of these school shootings - killed for no reason by someone of no personal or historic significance themselves, who didn't even know who he was.

    The perpetrator of the murder of Lincoln or the Archduke would not be the instigator of the sale and beneficiary of the profits.
  21. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    You could very well be right on that. But, because he is who he is, the media is drawn to his bizarre desire for attention.

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  22. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    Boaty mcboatface (didn't win)
    Racist mcshootface( supposed high bid)

    Both of which came from a previous pop culture thing?
  23. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Charles Manson, for example! There are still women who want to marry him.

    And I'll bet that a lot of you have no idea who he is!

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