Women and Dicks

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by Tnerb, Apr 2, 2006.

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  1. hug-a-tree Live the life Registered Senior Member

    OKay why don't you take everything men say as personal say you take everything women say? Then you will see that us girls aren't that bad. All women don't dream about "cutting guys things off." IN fact the thought has never crossed my mind. Whenever a girl does say that, they aren't serious. Well most of the time. Look up all the times men have raped women then compare that to how many penis's have been cut off by women in the past year.
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  3. finewine Registered Senior Member

    I was making a general statement about the clash between genders. My statement was not directed specifically at anyone on this board. I did read your posts and saw both your support and complaint.
    My statements never are meant at anyone posting. My statements have always been a comment on what I've observed about the particular topic of the post not about the person who writes the post.
    I have read your posts and understand your sense of humor.

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    Are you being defensive?

    Well, there you have it. What is needed then is a better clarification of why women cut off men's balls. I wouldn't do it because I felt oppressed. I never have felt oppressed by men. I love the male gender. I actually prefer to be with them than women. Is that undignified??? Why?
    In talking about castration, I would want to say I would castrate a man
    because the frustration to me of his inability to hear what I am saying and feeling is insurmountable and I want to get his attention to shock him out of his complacency or because he emotionally mutilated me and I want him to know about it. (verbally not literally and by verbally I mean, "You asshole, I should castrate you for doing that or saying that." ) Am I no better than a man who emotionally mutilates a woman if I resort to verbal catration that you and bells promote. I am no different and nothing good comes from any of it but a venting of our feelings attacking the other person. Does it move forward any good solution to the conflict? NO. it becomes silly tit for tat childish immature behavior between "adult" men and women.

    Sexuality can never be irrelevant, TOR. That is where we disagree. This is a thread about sexuality.

    RE disregard other women. That makes it sound like it is a them against us issue. Why do I not have the freedom to rally around any idea I choose be it from a man or woman? Are you not making sexuality relevant with your statement. Maybe I am misunderstanding you. Please clarify that for me.

    Why are compliments and flirting undignified?
    Do they somehow demean your significance? Why do you let them demean your significance? What causes you to feel that they demean your significance?
    What is undignified in celebrating my sexuality as a woman? Why should I want to hide it or think it undignified?

    It seems to me that if sexuality was not relevant here then you would not feel the compliments, flirting awash, etc.. is very undignified.

    When I think someone has done something nice or good, I'll compliment them.
    Why is that a bad thing to do and why is it undignified?
    What is incorrect about making a person feel good about him/herself?

    If we expect men to rally around female causes, why can't a woman rally around a male cause?

    Agreed, we are designed to compliment each other..
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  5. finewine Registered Senior Member

    What are your terms, brent? I'd really like to understand what it is you are trying to say.
    Where exactly do you disagree?

    You are entitled to your own opinion, of course.
    I do agree with you that all women by nature want to usurp the control of the male gender over them and maybe that expresses itself in the desire to castrate men.
    but it is difficult to trust men when they are lazy sonsofbitches and are so afraid of their inadequency that they make lousy leaders so the woman feels like she has to take control when in fact she longs for a man to lead.
    Maybe in your gal's frustration of wanting you to be a leader she has come at you with a knife to see what kind of man she has given her heart to and if she should mourn it or celebrate it.

    well, I'm from the USA so I don't relate to "birds".

    I meant by a whole different level that she was doing it literally and not just saying, "You asshole, I should castrate you for saying that or doing that."
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  7. Bells Staff Member

    You're the type of guy who only listens to a woman if she strokes your ego and tells you that 'yes, you really are a man'.

    No Numbnuts. My husband is a billion times the man you could ever even hope of wanting to be. Our finances are really none of your business so I wonder why you ask? Want to know how much a real man has in the bank? I'll give you a hint though numbnuts... with our combined "resources" we are far from "poor".. we were far from "poor" when we first met and we are far from "poor" now. There... does that satisfy your pathetic curiousity? As for his ambitions, what concern are they of yours? Are you curious? Do you want to see what real men aim for? As for his brawn. Again, why are you so curious? The same will be asked about his looks. Why are YOU so curious you little pathetic wannabe?

    But you want to know because that's how you view the notion of masculinity. You value a person because of their monetary value, how buff they are and how good looking they are. All of which prove how shallow and unmanly YOU actually are.

    I find this interesting. I actually haven't been around for nearly a month. So I was following you around this forum how exactly? In your imagination perhaps? Do you like to think that all women follow you around? LOL! Hmmm... I opened this thread because I saw that Brenty boy had started it (they're always an amusing read because of his... you know.. schizophrenia that he denies) and I happened to notice your post on the last page at that time. Believe me Jay, I do use great care when I use the word "pathetic"... You more than fit the bill. I believe you also fit the bill for "moron" and "wannabe".

    You see Jay, women don't have to castrate you because you never had a dick to begin with. While Brent is amusing and may have something to possibly complain about as women probably fob him off because he does seem a tad unstable, you on the other hand really should not complain that women have castrated you. Refer to above about you never having had a dick to begin with...
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2006
  8. QuarkMoon I Registered Senior Member


    I can't believe I missed this thread. Your post is quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever read! I will certainly be quoting your post on another forum I visit to get a laugh, keep them coming!
  9. Tnerb Banned Banned

    First, it appears so TOR, because I can't seem to get my point across.
    This comment here is a laugh. Any penis' that have been cut off isn't comparable to the times women have been raped. If you dis-agree you're nothing but a flame idio
  10. Tnerb Banned Banned

    All other comments becides finewines proof, deserve big bash death sentence....
    Just because it's stupid. Infact most stuff here is plenty of proof for the womans way of writing and being a bird. Not like they can help it, they're admired in my view. However the writing still remains bird like. I've been called bird brain before, but i'm no where near the bird writers. I mean, you can see the desire to castrate in their very writing. Bells trying to defend herself, shows she's been grown into this society.

    I don't indend to try and even TRY to express my ideas yet, however,

    Bells defending her fine husband deserves to know that she were else-where or in worse shoes she would castrate her husband, such things are amazing, it is why this world is bizare with bird poop.
    I hope I "Take my meds one day" bells, you ding-a-ling- a ling
  11. Tnerb Banned Banned

    I don't want to tell everyone here my secret. But it seems like slowly I will allow you to know. I'm about to get a link.
  12. Blue_UK Drifting Mind Valued Senior Member

    A girl once called me up and tried to convince me to bring her something that she could have returned for herself. I might have done so, but when she said something that meant "you'll be a man if you do / not if you don't" immediately my mind was set. No f way I was gonna help her out!

    Although women vary too much from individual to individual to generalise upon, I do have one problem with women overall. DO NOT tell a woman something and expect her to treat it as a secret. It doesn't work that way; they're much like the borg, each confides in a few others and the web covers the entire planet.
  13. Tnerb Banned Banned

  14. Tnerb Banned Banned

    There are tons more links,
    I don't want to give them,
    laugh it up
  15. makeshift Registered Senior Member

    Yeah man. They're all sistas; they identify with each other with the exception of perhaps a few of the more masculine types found in Sciforums. No individuality. Just a hive. Nothing wrong with that as long as you know what you're dealing with. You really can't tell women anything.
  16. Bells Staff Member


    *Steps away from the raving lunatic*..


    And how exactly am I defending myself? Why should I defend myself? What society have I supposedly grown into? A society where women and men are meant to be seen as being equal at law? Hardly a new concept. Is that what bothers you? That legislators have actually forced you to view women as being equal to you? Or could it be that I have grown into a society where mutual respect and understanding is the norm? Looking at some of the replies in here (including my own), that is something which society as a whole will just have to continue to aspire to.

    Do I castrate you in my writing? I make fun of you, I see you as somewhat "nutty" and unstable. So does that constitute as castration to you? I find this somewhat interesting. How do you view "castration" Brent? Is it when a woman is more intelligent than you? Is it when she shuns you or turns you down? Is it when she does not see you as the worthy man? Is it when she is mentally and physically stronger than you? Is it when she gets promoted over you for a particular position? Is it when she orders the wine at dinner?

    Do you even have any idea at all?

    No Brent, if I were in a worse place, I would not stay.

    I'll give you an example. I know of a woman who was beaten constantly by her husband. When I say constantly I mean on a daily basis. She was terrified of him as were their children. He had told them that he would kill them all if they ever left and she believed him. So she stayed and endured the daily beatings, rapes and humiliation that only such a coward could place on this poor woman. One say, after he had raped her in front of their children and his friends, she finally decided to leave. She packed 3 bags for herself and her children and escaped to a women's shelter. There she was counselled and sought legal advice on what her rights and those of her children were. In court after she had pressed charges against him, he told the court that he was a true man and she as a woman should know her place and merely accept how her husband treated her. He was jailed for multiple assaults and rapes against her and their children. So was he castrated? If so, did he not deserve it? Or are you one of those guys who thinks that's how women should expect to be treated.

    You castrate women in just about every single post in here... I hate to imagine what you are like in real life... Maybe you are meek and cowardly like a little mouse or maybe you are the bully and the abuser. Do not complain or feel hard done by when women do the same to you. You have yet to realise that a balance exists and attitudes such as yours will throw that balance in any relationship you may have with any women. You think that women are lower than you and worth less than you. It is because of this kind of line of thought and belief from you that women will appear to castrate you. Until you are able to view women as equal to you, you will never succeed and will continue to assume yourself as castrated.


    And you were right not to. Manipulation of this kind is kind of sickening. However women are not the only ones guilty of this. Men are equally guilty of manipulating the other sex to get what they want. Both sexes are guilty of this kind of behaviour.

    Women can be disgusting gossips. But I find that men can be just as bad if not worse at times.
  17. Tnerb Banned Banned

    Bells, shake it lady. I'm not in any way telling lies. I read some of what you wrote and I'm not reading any more. I'm scared to come to this thread because i've started to expound some ideas above your head. I don't really want to keep comming back. You obviously won't attack any of my ideas instead you rant and rave about how much of a lunitic I am. The only person I'm even close to interested in continuing talking to is the sane TOR and Fine-wine. It is simply because you are a hypocrite. And you haven't got a clue or an idea about me. "order wine" you say instead of me. Last time mis lady i've went to a resturant, was when I was 'mentally stable'. Besides, if I saw someone there like you, I'd just remember my sartre and ignore your birdieness anyway.
    Hoping i'd one day find a real woman,
    Sorry lady. Woman are always worse. You haven't even heard of Nietzsche, whom you? You won't find a single species that beats women when it comes to gossip. They gossip their way to being a man.

    I find it funny that I can say anything. This thread is my trap to trap people like shakin bells.
    Shake on!
  18. Tnerb Banned Banned

    Sad of you to think so, bells.
    I think we all should be treated well. It's funny you can't even understand my writing. You don't know what the sub-conscious is do you?
    I do not think women should be treated such a way, in your example however, it's sad. I don't think they should fuck with his nature, though. His body. I do think they should lock him up, and feed him some literature. Might do him some good?

    Also in the second paragraph of this post, you're quite wrong still. You don't understand me on bit. I'd prefer to talk to you, but you won't allow me to. Infact, all of what I say is not even heard. No one hears me. You are the especial cause of all the bullshit, and I hope you fall down.

    Assume yourself as castrated, bells.
  19. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    Basically fiwne, I have no issues with males or females, I believe all women in western culture demasculainate men, just they don't realise they are doing it. If you hand your man a duster and ask him to clean, you've demasculainated him. It's quite a basic concept really. Not saying we shouldn't do it...just it does have an effect as traditionally their role for centuries was something quite different to what is expected of them now.
  20. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    Meanwhile though brent is still taking the castration thing literally, there is NIL we can do about that!!!

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  21. jax0509 The non-believer Registered Senior Member

    there is nothing more a woman likes than a nice big cock
  22. Asmara Registered Member

    Oh My! Such promises!


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  23. Tnerb Banned Banned

    Jax that is the biggest bullshit i've ever heard.
    The women just dont want to hurt your (SAD)Feelings.
    Any and every case, they like the vibrators better. Think about that. The lesbians think cock is for men. They think women rock.

    All women hate cock.

    If they say they like it they're moral liars and make-believers
    (like most beauties)
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