Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?

Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?


I have a hard time seeing God as --- doing unto others as he would want done to himself --- in the clip above. I cannot see God wanting someone to do what he did to the women who owned those wombs to him. He is therefore certainly not walking his talk or fallowing his own good advice.

It seems that people are more responsible than God as we are trying to get everyone on board the Golden Rule that God ignores.



Why should He have to? If you were an all-powerful being, what obligation would you face to treat something you created as you would wish to be treated, given you could wipe them out in a blink and remake them at will?
Funny you should mention that, as God's miracles seem to get less and less spectacular as time goes on.

Fair nuff - my point was simply in the context of "God" as the All Powerful type Ala the Bible.
This is in the context of a god not only omnipotent but also supposedly benevolent & loving & claiming the moral high ground.


The only issue with that is we are assuming that our "mortal comprehension" is able to ascertain the truth and "greater good" of His "divine plan."

Overall, if one is to believe in God, and that there is a "divine plan", and that all things "happen for a reason"... isn't trying to fit such a plan into our admittedly limited worldview and perception a bit, i dunno... presumptuous of us?
The only issue with that is we are assuming that our "mortal comprehension" is able to ascertain the truth and "greater good" of His "divine plan."

Overall, if one is to believe in God, and that there is a "divine plan", and that all things "happen for a reason"... isn't trying to fit such a plan into our admittedly limited worldview and perception a bit, i dunno... presumptuous of us?
Then we cannot call god good or its plan a greater good. We cannot know whether god is good or evil, sane or insane, loving or hateful, intelligent or stupid, benevolent or malevolent, mature or a brat. We cannot say robbery, rape, murder, etc is good or bad. Maybe I did evil yesterday by fixing someone's wheelchair & all last month by taking care of 4 kittens found in a dumpster.
Any strong opinion or belief about god or morals would be presumptuous.

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Then we cannot call god good or its plan a greater good. We cannot know whether god is good or evil, sane or insane, loving or hateful, intelligent or stupid, benevolent or malevolent, mature or a brat. We cannot say robbery, rape, murder, etc is good or bad. Maybe I did evil yesterday by fixing someone's wheelchair & all last month by taking care of 4 kittens found in a dumpster.
Any strong opinion or belief about god or morals would be presumptuous.


Indeed - it's a quandary for sure

Get the quote please.

A glitch to that thinking is that scriptures tell us to emulate and be like God in all ways.

If he needs not follow his rules and we are to be like him then we should not either.

Take your thinking to those glitches and you will agree on the immorality of a God who say, do as I say and not as I do.

Scriptures contradict each other. Another example: Yes, it says to be like god yet it says to obey god.
is it because people seem to habitually pretend to care about you and find out later they care about something else? do you feel like a fool for trusting them? you should feel good about yourself for being decent enough to trust people and pity for those that deceived you.
is it because people seem to habitually pretend to care about you and find out later they care about something else? do you feel like a fool for trusting them? you should feel good about yourself for being decent enough to trust people and pity for those that deceived you.

How the fuck did you jump to that conclusion?
Why do people not follow the golden rule?


Generally, we do. We humans are quite good and altruistic and most use reciprocity daily.

When we forget to add to each others security and order, that is when it hits the fan.

The world needs what it has always needed for full peace. A God/Man.

We refuse to elect such a God/Man.
