Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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I'm serious. That symptomizes a malfunctioning brain, not a properly functioning brain. You need to get checked out. It could lead to an accident.
Yup. You've run out of rational responses and now attack me. This is a good sing that you're beginning to question.

Don't take my word for it. Do some reading on your own. Until you have, don't pretend any of this is merely my assertion.
Yup. You've run out of rational responses and now attack me. This is a good sing that you're beginning to question.

Don't take my word for it. Do some reading on your own. Until you have, don't pretend any of this is merely my assertion.

It is a fairy tale. People just don't hallucinate full bodied people walking in front of them. No study has ever established that ever.
There is no such thing as recounting an event without recalling it from memory. I made that very clear in, like, posts 2 through about 10.

We were talking about what we immediately see, not what we recall later. You're changing the subject because you have zero evidence for your claim about normal brains hallucinating full bodied people right in front of them.
Again, step 1 is simply acknowledging that what you see is not at all what you see.

I see my laptop. I see my words on the screen. I see my living room and the window and what's outside. I see exactly what is there. There is not one thing I see that isn't there. Slight variations of color notwithstanding. lol!
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Yup. You've run out of rational responses and now attack me. This is a good sing that you're beginning to question.
No, MR does not attack people, it is people and you and me that attack him: He said so himself. [tongue firmly planted in cheek :)]
Getting onto the subject matter, ghost's like any claimed paranormal incident, are simply a manifestation of the human subconscious. They are clothed because it is inappropriate in society to be naked. Especially when haunting other peoples houses. Ghost only exist in the dream state. There you can imagine a ghost to your heart's content, and in anything you want.
MR said:
Joe Nickel? LOL! He'll say anything to sell more subscriptions to his online magazine. He lives for debunking. It's his bread and butter>>>>>

Of course! Just as you never insult people. [ TIC mode on again]
The Science Behind
500 years ago demons haunted our world, and incubi and suc- cubi tormented their victims as they lay asleep in their beds. 200 years ago spirits of the departed made bedside visits. More re- cently green and grey aliens began to molest people in their sleep. What is going on here? Are these mysterious visitors in our world or in our minds? They are in our minds. All experience is mediated by the brain, which consists of about a hundred billion neurons with a thousand trillion synaptic connections between them. No wonder the brain is capable of such sub- lime ideas as evolution and big bang cosmology. But it also means that under a variety of con- ditions the brain is capable of generating extraordinary experiences that are not real.

The renowned neurologist Oliver Sacks, best known for his remarkable work in “awakening” the catatonic brains of encephalitis victims as portrayed in the popular 1990 film Awakenings (starring Robin Williams as Sacks), has written a number of books describing the bizarre hallucinations experienced by his patients—such as the man who mistook his wife for a hat—which are inevitably interpreted by the experiencers as external to their brain. One elderly patient who suffered from macular degeneration and had completely lost her vision was diagnosed by Sacks with Charles Bonnett Syndrome because of her suite of complex visual hallucinations, including and especially faces with distorted teeth and eyes. Another patient developed a tumor in her visual cortex and soon after began hallucinating cartoons—most memorably Kermit the Frog—that were transparent and covered only half of her visual field. In fact, says Sacks, about 10% of visually impaired people experience visual hallucinations. Brain scans of hallucinating patients show that the visual cortex is activated during these phantasms. During geometric hallucinations it is the primary visual cortex that is most active—the part of the brain that perceives patterns (but not images). Hallucinations that include images such as faces are associated with more activity in the temporal lobe’s fusiform area in the temporal lobe, which is involved in the recognition of faces (people with damage to this area cannot recognize faces, and stimulation of the area causes people to spontaneously see faces). 3

So everyone that sees a ghost is now brain damaged? lol! This is getting funnier by the minute.

Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased

After a loved one dies, most people see ghosts

Carlos Sluzki’s cat died a while ago now, but he still sometimes visits. Now more of a shadow cat, the former pet seems to lurk at the edges of Sluzki’s vision, as a misinterpreted movement amid the everyday chaos of domestic life. All the same, the shadow cat is beginning to slink away and Sluzki notes that as the grief fades his erstwhile friend is “erasing himself from the world of the present and receding into the bittersweet world of the memories of the loved ones.”

The dead stay with us, that much is clear. They remain in our hearts and minds, of course, but for many people they also linger in our senses—as sights, sounds, smells, touches or presences. Grief hallucinations are a normal reaction to bereavement but are rarely discussed, because people fear they might be considered insane or mentally destabilised by their loss. As a society we tend to associate hallucinations with things like drugs and mental illness, but we now know that hallucinations are common in sober healthy people and that they are more likely during times of stress.

A Common Hallucination
Mourning seems to be a time when hallucinations are particularly common, to the point where feeling the presence of the deceased is the norm rather than the exception. One study, by the researcher Agneta Grimby at the University of Goteborg, found that over 80 percent of elderly people experience hallucinations associated with their dead partner one month after bereavement, as if their perception had yet to catch up with the knowledge of their beloved’s passing. As a marker of how vivid such visions can seem, almost a third of the people reported that they spoke in response to their experiences. In other words, these weren’t just peripheral illusions: they could evoke the very essence of the deceased.

Occasionally, these hallucinations are heart-rending. A 2002 case report by German researchers described how a middle aged woman, grieving her daughter’s death from a heroin overdose, regularly saw the young girl and sometimes heard her say “Mamma, Mamma!” and “It’s so cold.” Thankfully, these distressing experiences tend to be rare, and most people who experience hallucinations during bereavement find them comforting, as if they were re-connecting with something of the positive from the person’s life. Perhaps this reconnecting is reflected in the fact that the intensity of grief has been found to predict the number of pleasant hallucinations, as has the happiness of the marriage to the person who passed away.

There are hints that the type of grief hallucinations might also differ across cultures. Anthropologists have told us a great deal about how the ceremonies, beliefs and the social rituals of death differ greatly across the world, but we have few clues about how these different approaches affect how people experience the dead after they have gone. Carlos Sluzki, the owner of the shadow cat and a cross-cultural researcher at George Mason University, suggests that in cultures of non-European origin the distinction between “in here” and “out there” experiences is less strictly defined, and so grief hallucinations may not be considered so personally worrying. In a recent article, he discussed the case of an elderly Hispanic lady who was frequently “visited” by two of her children who died in adulthood and were a comforting and valued part of her social network. Other case reports have suggested that such hallucinations may be looked on more favorably among the Hopi Indians, or the Mu Ghayeb people from Oman, but little systematic work has been done.

And there, our knowledge ends. Despite the fact that hallucinations are one of the most common reactions to loss, they have barely been investigated and we know little more about them. Like sorrow itself, we seem a little uncomfortable with it, unwilling to broach the subject and preferring to dwell on the practicalities—the “call me if I can do anything,” the “let’s take your mind off it,” the “are you looking after yourself?”

Only a minority of people reading this article are likely to experience grief without re-experiencing the dead. We often fall back on the cultural catch all of the “ghost” while the reality is, in many ways, more profound. Our perception is so tuned to their presence that when they are not there to fill that gap, we unconsciously try to mold the world into what we have lived with for so long and so badly long for. Even reality is no match for our love
Here's a typical account of a haunting. Notice that it involves more than just seeing figures. There are almost always other strange events accompanying the sightings:

The land we live on has paranormal activities

Added: 03-28-16 by Country girl

Location: Location: Kentucky

"It happened two years ago when my husband and I moved into a house in secluded woods on a land of Old Civil War battlefield ground. The very first night we moved in strange activities started happening right away. We lived miles away with no neighbors, in Valley, all you see is nothing but long view of nothing but countryside.

We were celebrating our first supper in our new home when we heard footsteps on the front porch. We went out to see who it was thinking it was strange since our family and friends live in another state. We flicked the porch light on and saw there was no vehicle in the driveway and no one was outside, so we thought it was a squirrel or a small animal on the porch running around even though it sounded more like person's footsteps. After our supper we decided go outside and enjoy the night's air in May. We were sitting on the porch and I spotted my first black shadow figure standing by a tree, and believe it or not I showed it to my husband and he saw it too, and then it disappeared. I felt cold chills going through my bones and it felt like I was being stared at from the dark woods and I could tell my husband felt the same way.

That night when we prepared to go to bed we started hearing voices. It sounded like 4 or 5 people mumbling to each other right out at our front door. We went out to investigate the voices but it was just quiet, like someone was watching us or knew what we was doing all the time. So we locked the door, turned the porch light off and went back to the bedroom to go to sleep. We hadn't laid down long when we started hearing old music that sounded like a music box playing. We got back up and flicked porch light on, unlocked the door and went outside and didn't find anything again.

The next morning it was sunny outside and beautiful, we tried to forget what happened last night thinking maybe it was our imagination being in a new place. We're pretty much skeptical people and we don't believe in the Paranormal stuff so in the back of my head it was bothering me because I was wondering what was going on it had been our imagination.

After supper my husband and I decided take a little stroll outside, as we walked I looked up at the window of the house and we both saw a shadow walk past the window, it was a black figure. I felt the hair standing straight off my arm and cold shivers running down my back and my husband went real quiet. I just knew this wasn't human, this was something that we saw in the woods that night, this was that same black shadow figure. This thing was too big for a human. We hesitated about going into the house, but when we did we didn't find anything so that night we went to bed and tried to ignore the sounds.

Next day I decided to make a flower garden to get my mind off the events that's been happening around the house. I planted my flower seeds my husband and I, then we put turtle, little yellow chicks and birds figurines in the garden. That night we heard pounding on the windows. My husband grabbed the baseball bat and we went to see what's going on, we went outside and we couldn't believe what we saw. Our candle that was in the windowsill outside where we were sitting the other night on the porch, it was lit and my little chicks figurine's were upside down. I couldn't believe my eyes.

So next day I got reading about the paranormal and it said, candles being lit and things moved, someone passed away trying to communicate and they can become aggressive if ignored. But surely if couldn't be someone in civil days but why not, a lot people travel around these parts. So I put app on my phone evp and app where you can take pictures in the dark or capture something a regular camera couldn't, I wasn't sure if it work but I had try something.
My husband and I went outside when it got dark. I was going around asking what do you want? and is anyone out there, and if so, are we in danger? Are you trying tell us something? Then my evp went off really loud towards my husband. I snapped the picture of my husband not knowing if we got anything and I kinda felt stupid talking to something you can't see, but it was clearly something I captured on my camera. It was a black shadow of a man floating up above my husband's head. You could see his arms and legs and head, it was definitely a figure.

Well we didn't stay long, we moved away but we did find out something later. Someone familiar with that place told us that not only Civil war history, there was a man who had died in a garage fire beside the house we lived in and he was trapped in the fire, this happened 15 years ago. If we hadn't experienced what we did we still would be skeptical about the paranormal."===http://www.ghost-mysteries.com/true-ghost-stories.php
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