Why Do Americans Have Such A Poor Knowledge Of History?

Discussion in 'History' started by RedStar, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. RedStar The Comrade! Registered Senior Member

    Grumpy, I really don't know what to tell you. You're making shit up and denying outright facts (Puerto Rico, Guam, and Samoa are all still under some control from the United States). And the only reason Cuba and the Philippines aren't is because they had revolutions and kicked your imperialist ass out.

    Also, do you not know of the whole affair with Queen Liliuokalani and the business interests of Hawaii? There was a good documentary on that, I'll do some searching around for it.

    The South Vietnamese were not more popular than the North Vietnamese. That is a fact. I'm sorry.

    Also, guess who stopped Pol Pot? Oh, right, Vietnamese communists.

    And for Pete's sake, before you talk about indoctrination, you were in the military during the time of the Vietnam war. You were indoctrinated! Why do you think NOBODY supported the Vietnamese war? Why do you think EVERYBODY protested it in the streets? It was an expensive, bloody, and unpopular war, fighting for an unpopular government in Vietnam. You weren't the hero. Get over it.
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  3. Grumpy Curmudgeon of Lucidity Valued Senior Member


    Don't bother telling me anything, you know nothing of which you spew. We do not have political contol of the people and the Philippines were freed from the Japanese, by Americans, and we have a Naval Base there, but no political involvement. Your propaganda is going nowhere. The Cuban revolution occurred without American involvement beyond providing refuge to the exiles(and that half-assed Bay of Pigs non-sense).

    Yes, it was a sordid story of corruption that occurred almost a half century before statehood.

    They were in South Vietnam. And they were peaceful before the North Vietnamese poured across the border. What has popularity got to do with invasion. Another idiotic statement of no merit or rationality.

    Not for months and after over a million executions for not being pure, ideologically speaking. Even buttholes will execute a rabid dog in the yard next door, most will do so BEFORE he eats their neighbors. Pol Pot started his killing AFTER the fall of Saigon(as a part of Communist reeducation)and killed and killed and killed until it even made Communists sick. He killed because of his ideology and he killed more people in Cambodia than the Japanese killed in China. It was only after the news started getting out to the world that the Communists were shamed into doing anything(bad press for the new people's republic I guess). If not for international pressure it's likely he would have run out of non-Communists, eventually. Such are the dangers of ideologs.

    I actually marched in protests against the war after I was out, and I have said, repeatedly on these fora that I never felt heroic in any way for the lives I took. In all instances I was involved in it was the other side who got in the first shot and nothing but luck allowed me to be the one getting off the last one. But the military came after the excellent education I received from our socialist school system and they did not indoctrinate me in anything but how to be a soldier and act in concert with my fellow soldiers. Unlike all Soviet armies we did not have political officers or minders. Politics were our own private affair. And when I joined and when I signed on the second tour I believed we were doing a good thing to protect a people from invasion by hostile troops. It was after my final mission that I realized the war could not be won without destroying what we were trying to protect. The invaders won by being willing to do things civilized people should not be willing to do. Our ROEs meant nothing to the Viet Cong and they were willing to be as vicious and immoral as necessary to win and we were not. What we prosecuted Lt. Callie for doing(rightly)the North Vietnamese did every day. They were willing to destroy the whole country for their ideology, we were not. And where we were instantly recognizable as US soldiers, they were indistinguishable from the civilians around them until they drew their weapons and slaughtered a few, it was the small children with hand grenades that finally convinced me we were dealing with a bunch of animals, not enemy soldiers. We never lost a firefight, but we lost the war to barbarianism and fanatical ideologs(sort of like the Soviets in Afganistan). And those are all facts, get over yourself.


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  5. The Marquis Only want the best for Nigel Valued Senior Member

    Americans are widely believed to have a poor knowledge of history largely because others, as well as themselves, make the time and effort to point it out.

    Truth be told, they probably are a little uneducated, by comparison with some. I've been around, though, and have never found it to be much more pronounced than anywhere else.
    I believe most of the disappointment in American (lack of) knowledge comes from the belief that, given all their perceived opportunity, Americans are relatively less likely to take advantage of it.
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  7. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, question should be why so many others are so invested in believing that they are more knowledgable and worldly than Americans. And that seems to come down to geopolitical envy more than anything else.
  8. ParketDos Registered Member

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  9. JapJainnicbup Banned Banned


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