WhoAmI? - Round 14

There should be a courtesy rule which states a member may only vote twice per thread in a thoughtful manner.
I am not Skaught. You all really ought to actually ask questions, instead of merely guessing random members' names. Maybe you'll actually make some headway.
Believe in God? Favorite subforum? Have a family of your own? Male or female? Still in state funded school? Going to school again? Live in the US? Fan of Peal Jam?
Believe in God? Favorite subforum? Have a family of your own? Male or female? Still in state funded school? Going to school again? Live in the US? Fan of Peal Jam?

I do indeed believe in God; but, contrary to Draqon's suspicions, I am not him.

I am, first and foremost, a student; but really, we are all students for as long as we live, for we are constantly learning. One can never know so much that he cannot learn more.

I have never heard of Peal Jam.
sisyphus...howd u change the name?

Final name change for me.... For years anyway. Must respect the policy. I've been seeing improvements and requested for a name change... Sisyphus is by no means a healthy mans name if you know what I mean...

And whoami?
I stated quite kindly if you don't mind me saying, about how proper it should be to only vote once or twice. I haven't found rules stating name guessings, and if that wasn't a rule then I'd just post and post and post, absurd. I guess we're following that tactic fairly well.

Anyway, I don't know who you are and I don't know what questions to ask.. Sue me? Seriously, I don't know who you are.

I can sense a little anger, mockery or something. The reason I don't ask questions mostly. What color is your hair?

Do you reside in the UK?

Do you have none, one or two DVD drives in your PC?
Anyway, I don't know who you are and I don't know what questions to ask.. Sue me? Seriously, I don't know who you are.

I can sense a little anger, mockery or something. The reason I don't ask questions mostly. What color is your hair?

No, I'm not angry - here, I'll prove it by momentarily dropping my generally austere demeanor and using a smilie :D How's that? I am not mocking anyone either. As for the proposed rule, I think that it is probably unnecessary as long as people play the game correctly, which they now appear to be doing.

My hair is dark blond.

What sort of music do you like ?

I like a variety of music. I'll post links to a few of my favorite songs: this one is mandopop, this one is R and B, I think, this one is "inspirational" (according to itunes). Obviously I have more than three favorite songs, but I'll just link those ones.

have we haggled? when did you join (month/ year)? do you have an avatar?

No, we have never haggled. I joined less than a year ago. And yes, I have an avatar.

WhoamI, 2nd question:

What's your username?

Yeah, right. :p


Do you reside in the UK?

Do you have none, one or two DVD drives in your PC?

I have already addressed my place of residence, and will sa no more on the subject. There is one disc drive in my computer.