Trumpism Fading?

Speaking of Trumpism.
What is with the audit in AZ??

These are Trump's vassals, creating havoc with regular order.
The definition of a vassal was someone in feudal times who received protection and land from a lord in return for allegiance and performing military and other duties, or someone who is subordinate. ... An example of a vassal is a subordinant or servant.
I think Trump will fade away (out of sight, out of mind) but Trumpism seems to linger. Liz Cheney represents what the Republican Party was before Trump. They are still trying to censor her or throw her out.

The Republicans are basically the party of a strong economy and then all the crazy stuff. Now it's mainly just all the crazy stuff with enough of the former to keep that faction.

That faction would now be with the Democrats if Biden wasn't trying to double capital gains taxes and spend in the vein of FDR but with less focus.
I think Trump will fade away (out of sight, out of mind) but Trumpism seems to linger. Liz Cheney represents what the Republican Party was before Trump. They are still trying to censor her or throw her out.

The Republicans are basically the party of a strong economy and then all the crazy stuff. Now it's mainly just all the crazy stuff with enough of the former to keep that faction.

That faction would now be with the Democrats if Biden wasn't trying to double capital gains taxes and spend in the vein of FDR but with less focus.
What really bothers me is that now Republicans are trying to take credit for the good things that are happening, while they totally opposed Biden for everything he proposed. But now they come crowing home; "help is on way" see what I have accomplished.
This is shameful hypocrisy and has nothing to do with good governance, but is engaging in con games which they learned from Trump who got away with it.
I hope Liz Cheney switches parties. I'm sure the Democratic party will welcome her as a conservative ally.
What really bothers me is that now Republicans are trying to take credit for the good things that are happening, while they totally opposed Biden for everything he proposed. But now they come crowing home; "help is on way" see what I have accomplished.
This is shameful hypocrisy and has nothing to do with good governance, but is engaging in con games which they learned from Trump who got away with it.
I hope Liz Cheney switches parties. I'm sure the Democratic party will welcome her as a conservative ally.

I've just ignored the Republicans largely since Trump left. At least the news is more "peaceful" and calm without the daily dose of Trump.

I just got back from getting my first Covid shot. It reminds me of what a large portion of the public is like and it isn't good. You go in to get a Covid shot so that you don't get Covid but you have to wait and be around so many (unhealthy) people that you could get Covid just waiting for the shot.

I don't think giving a bunch more money to the group I saw is going to be productive either. There has to be a dose of initiative required for most public programs or the result isn't good. There were drug addicts all over the place on the drive over there.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans seem to have the answer which is less politics and more efficient and effective policies. Do what works and and don't do what isn't working. That's not political. Everyone in their ordinary lives would agree with that. It seems to be beyond the government however.
You go in to get a Covid shot so that you don't get Covid but you have to wait and be around so many (unhealthy) people that you could get Covid just waiting for the shot.
yeah, I was lucky, had an appointment at the pharmacy. No one in-line, walked in, identified, got shot, walked out.. 2 minutes for procedure.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans seem to have the answer which is less politics and more efficient and effective policies. Do what works and and don't do what isn't working. That's not political. Everyone in their ordinary lives would agree with that. It seems to be beyond the government however.
Well, hopefully Biden has learned a thing or two during his tenure in the house and as vice-president. He seems to be trying and people are beginning to respond. with favorable job ratings.

Ironically, when the Republicans are trying to take credit for Democratic actions, after vehemently opposing them when it came to voting for the program, that may be actually be the best acknowledgement for the popularity Biden's programs are enjoying.......... :rolleyes:
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yeah, I was lucky, had an appointment at the pharmacy. No one in-line, walked in, identified, got shot, walked out.. 2 minutes for procedure.
Well, hopefully Biden has learned a thing or two during his tenure in the house and as vice-president. He seems to be trying and people are beginning to respond. with favorable job ratings.

Ironically, when the Republicans are trying to take credit for Democratic actions, after vehemently opposing them when it came to voting for the program, that may be actually be the best acknowledgement for the popularity Biden's programs are enjoying.......... :rolleyes:
I had an appointment at a pharmacy too. It just did go as smoothly as I'd hoped.
This is shameful hypocrisy and has nothing to do with good governance, but is engaging in con games which they learned from Trump who got away with it.

to be fair & a little more accurate(imho)
those scammer games have been around in the usa for hundreds of years
selling snake oil at carnivals etc
time share
pyramid schemes
ponsy schemes

it is 100% american culture

as modern morally balanced society develops, it highlights the moral hypocrisy's and classicism which support such abhorrent abuses of common moral equality.

what % of white americans think "multiculturalism" is some type of social engineering socialist ideology ?
probably around 50 to 55%

point of note irony is
trumpism, per say
is in fact republican white ism capitalism
money 1st
class 2nd
constitution 3rd
social conventions 4th
etc etc ...
Listening to the radio today on the way to the beach and supposedly, most people view Republicans as Trumpists. Did he forever change how we “define” Republican?
Listening to the radio today on the way to the beach and supposedly, most people view Republicans as Trumpists. Did he forever change how we “define” Republican?
They're dumping Liz Cheney, a typically honest conservative Republican. She refuses to pay fielty to Trump and the Big Voter Fraud Lie.

The Republican Party has gone completely insane and complain about Trump's victimhood to restricting his freedom of speech by Facebook, while busily passing laws restricting freedom of vote. The hypocrisy borders on plain treason and advocating the overthrow of a legitimately elected government.
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Latest news'

In the latest episode of the "Grand Arizona false vote" search they are now looking for traces of bamboo in the ballots. Reliable sources have it that 40,000 votes favoring Biden were flown in from Asia and secretly stuffed in a voting box to boost Biden's votes count total.

I ain't kidding you! This is why the count is so slow, each ballot must be inspected for bamboo traces!

The reality TV show is just entering a new season folks. Keep sending support money to Trump. We must keep things honest by all means , especially by sending Trump money. Lots of money .

Send money, money, money, money. Trump needs money! The great business friendly president just can't handle money. Send monyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !
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Latest news'

In the latest episode of the "Grand Arizona false vote" search they are now looking for traces of bamboo in the ballots. Reliable sources have it that 40,000 votes favoring Biden were flown in from Asia and secretly stuffed in a voting box to boost Biden's votes count total.

I ain't kidding you! This is why the count is so slow, each ballot must be inspected for bamboo traces!

The reality TV show is just entering a new season folks. Keep sending support money to Trump. We must keep things honest by all means , especially by sending Trump money.
Are they also drafting in sniffer dogs to check for any traces of vodka? Or any other telltale signs like left- behind-in-a -hurry golf tees?

edit btw ycbs:biggrin:
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In the Grand Arizona "false vote" search they are now looking for traces of bamboo in the ballotes. Reliable sources have it that 40,000 votes favoring Biden, were flown in from Asia and secretly stuffed in a voting box to boost Biden's votes.


and they want all your nuclear launch codes
Listening to the radio today on the way to the beach and supposedly, most people view Republicans as Trumpists. Did he forever change how we “define” Republican?

he simply filled the space they created with their beliefs to define themselves
the culture is now looking to blame him for them all supporting all his policys, which were all republican policys to begin with.

its a bit of a sad mockery but thats amerika politics
land where you dont talk to strangers but sue everyone you meet

republicans are loosers
they lost

now they want to blame someone to try and sell the idea they didn't really lose and so not loosers
but they are
they are loosers

trump won
he will be x president for ever

and they want all your nuclear launch codes

Well waddaya know!!!!!!! You found the missing votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. That fence is no longer there and was converted into voting ballots !!!

See that bump in the 45th stick from the corner. It is clearly the same bump in 10003 ballot. The identity of this bump has been indisputably confirmed by photo matching. Unfortunately the offending ballot itself was eaten by the inspector who loves Chinese food and just could not resist that tasty little tidbit..............:smile:
how do you test for trumpism
how do you test republicans
party(group) testing
covid testing(see picture)
its an age of testing
cultural testing(which cultures test in which ways?)

following the medical science
Travellers flying into Shanghai must undertake a full battery of tests including anal swabs if more than five people on their airplane test positive for the virus, state media reported, citing one of the local CDC staff.
butt whole is following the political science ?

does usa test for anti vaxxers ?
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Well waddaya know!!!!!!! You found the missing votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. That fence is no longer there and was converted into voting ballots !!!

See that bump in the 45th stick from the corner. It is clearly the same bump in 10003 ballot. The identity of this bump has been indisputably confirmed by photo matching. Unfortunately the offending ballot itself was eaten by the inspector who loves Chinese food and just could not resist that tasty little tidbit..............:smile:

if its Vietnamese bamboo it will be called
bam-bam-gate & probably be a special private service for american tourists
QUINHON, South Vietnam. Jan. 24 (UPI)—The United States Army has opened its gates to Vietnamese prostitutes at several bases in South Vietnam and Army spokesmen said such a thing is apparently permissible under current regulations.

are you being serviced appropriately by your local elected officials ?

irony that this war capitalism would spawn(literally) a new type of american
American Vietnamese
american asian

do republicans hate them ?
their own vietnamees americans ?

what type of party are they having ?
Yes. They are getting rid of the few honest people in the party and gone completely over to the Dark Side. It's a remarkable development, and reminiscent of the NAZI takeover of Germany, all those years ago.
Caitlyn Jenner is a Republican, and I’ve been reading up on her views, recently. She considers herself an “outsider,” so we’ll see where her politics lead.