Trump Watch: The Conservative Condition

I think you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You don't really seem to have a point to make. If you do have one, please make it.

OK, you don't want to "argue," so you post on a discussion forum? Got it.

For someone who finds me hard to understand without proper "quoting" you sure seem to have a hard time getting your point out.

If you don't want wish to belabor this, try paraphrasing people correctly. Try not to make idiotic and unsubstantiated claims. Try making sense--I still don't have a clue as to what any of this means:

I disagreed and spoke of my house, car, and investments and pointed out that "the public" isn't the reason that I have those things or that those things exist.

How exactly does this car "exist" without "the public"?

And the people who pay me to write have never complained about having any difficulty with understanding what I write. So I'm not overly concerned if some guy who writes shit like that pretends to not understand me.

Yes, I understand "tooth brush and underwear" isn't literal yet you need for me to quote everything before you can understand it? You don't mean tooth brush and underwear, you mean ...what? The government should own most of production? All of production? Why be so cryptic?

You could always try reading the very next sentence, in the same freakin' paragraph, if it's really all that hard for you to work out. That's generally how "reading" works.

Edit: Oh, and that whole bit above about Ed Gein's corpse--I just made that up. I know how these things are really difficult for you to understand.
Yeah, they do (although maybe that comes down to what one deems necessary for a government to do). For example, I don't think it is necessary for a government to provide a universal social healthcare system, but I very much want my government to (continue to) provide such.

I would say that it mostly comes down to how a person conceives "necessary". I mean, no one is going to drop dead if they don't get that NEA or Arts Council grant, but I would still argue that such are necessary. Shostakovich's state-sanctioned compositions were largely crap, but they did enable him to compose good stuff, as well.

And, they might well drop dead, if the grants are their only source of revenue. Can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but it's possible, I suppose.
OK, you don't want to "argue," so you post on a discussion forum? Got it.

If you don't want wish to belabor this, try paraphrasing people correctly. Try not to make idiotic and unsubstantiated claims. Try making sense--I still don't have a clue as to what any of this means:

How exactly does this car "exist" without "the public"?

And the people who pay me to write have never complained about having any difficulty with understanding what I write. So I'm not overly concerned if some guy who writes shit like that pretends to not understand me.

You could always try reading the very next sentence, in the same freakin' paragraph, if it's really all that hard for you to work out. That's generally how "reading" works.

Edit: Oh, and that whole bit above about Ed Gein's corpse--I just made that up. I know how these things are really difficult for you to understand.
I don't believe that you have a job much less a paid job as a writer.

I have no idea what you are talking about regarding Ed Gein.

Regarding my comments about the public and my house, car and investments, the "public" didn't earn the money to buy those things, I did. The "public" doesn't produce anything. Individuals do. The "public" doesn't own much that is productive.

If you prefer a system where everything is owned by "the public" then not a lot will be produced or get done. The public owned everything in theory in the USSR. As you may (or may not) have noticed, the USSR doesn't still exist. They weren't known for the size of their economy or for the quality of life of their citizens.

Do you really have a job? You're certainly not well-paid to be a writer or anything else or you wouldn't have these views.
I don't believe that you have a job much less a paid job as a writer.

Good for you. I don't actually believe that you completed 8th grade.

Regarding my comments about the public and my house, car and investments, the "public" didn't earn the money to buy those things, I did. The "public" doesn't produce anything. Individuals do. The "public" doesn't own much that is productive.

Cars aren't produced by the "public," got it. Who then--or what, I suppose--does produce cars?

Do you really have a job? You're certainly not well-paid to be a writer or anything else or you wouldn't have these views.

Right, 'cuz there are no well-paid, or well-known, leftists.

Did you actually complete the 8th grade?
And going back to this:

So, many just delay getting a job and learn to fly an airplane, learn to scuba dive, anything to use up that education allowance and to get that stipend. That's taxpayer money however and it's not an efficient use. It encourages behavior that wouldn't otherwise occur if they had to pay for it. It was meant to provide a college education, after service, for those who couldn't afford it otherwise. Now it's just a "benefit" to be wasted.

I actually did get a good laugh out of that. The reason? I actually got paid well to attend university--really well, in fact. I spent over 8 months traveling throughout South Asia on stipend money. I wasn't doing anything "academic," at least not officially. Just shits and giggles. But more to the point: I didn't learn scuba dive, but I did do a lot of white water rafting and kayaking--all on someone else's dime.

Edit: This was a private university, so it wasn't really tax-payer money. But it was someone's money, I suppose.
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And going back to this:

I actually did get a good laugh out of that. The reason? I actually got paid well to attend university--really well, in fact. I spent over 8 months traveling throughout South Asia on stipend money. I wasn't doing anything "academic," at least not officially. Just shits and giggles. But more to the point: I didn't learn scuba dive, but I did do a lot of white water rafting and kayaking--all on someone else's dime.

Edit: This was a private university, so it wasn't really tax-payer money. But it was someone's money, I suppose.
I suppose you went to SE Asia with only a toothbrush and your underwear but who took care of your dogs? You have an impressive vocabulary. I suppose that comes from the private education?
I suppose you went to SE Asia with only a toothbrush and your underwear

Pretty much. I always travel light.

but who took care of your dogs?

Didn't have dogs then--I was only 20.

You have an impressive vocabulary.

You don't.

I suppose that comes from the private education?

Maybe. I don't know. Probably just comes from reading--you should try it sometime.

Anyways, aren't you the one who's all about personal anecdotes? And trolling. And responding with non sequiturs. I mean, you're the guy who relates lengthy anecdotes about how Black people were mean to you as a kid, and that's why you're a racist <<<. And now, all of a sudden, it seems like you find anecdotal stuff. extraneous or something. I don't get it.
Anyways, aren't you supposed to accuse me of being "emotional" or something at this point? What happened, lose your playbook? :p

Why is it some people try to make a plural out of this?

Anyway is a common adverb used to mean “in any case." ...

Anyways is the informal form of anyway. While less common in formal writing, anyways abounds in everyday speech or dialogue. ...

Anyways is often used to signal a transition to a new topic or to resume discussion of a topic after some tangent or interruption: “Anyways, as I was saying, we leave tomorrow at 10am sharp.”

Sometimes anyways can be sarcastic or dismissive, used to move on from some objectionable but ultimately unimportant remark or matter: “Anyways ….”
(Emphasis mine.)

Kinda like "'cuz",or "kinda", I 'spose.

Why is it some people try to make a plural out of this?
I don't know but he is a paid writer with a private school education so I'm sure he knows what he is doing. Me? We're not sure if I graduated from the 8th grade.
I don't know but he is a paid writer with a private school education so I'm sure he knows what he is doing. Me? We're not sure if I graduated from the 8th grade.

Here ya go, idiot:

Anyway is a common adverb used to mean “in any case." ...

Anyways is the informal form of anyway. While less common in formal writing, anyways abounds in everyday speech or dialogue. ...

Anyways is often used to signal a transition to a new topic or to resume discussion of a topic after some tangent or interruption: “Anyways, as I was saying, we leave tomorrow at 10am sharp.”

Sometimes anyways can be sarcastic or dismissive, used to move on from some objectionable but ultimately unimportant remark or matter: “Anyways ….”
(Emphasis mine.)
I'm questioning your "well-paid" writer credentials but anyways I can barely use a 'puter, ya'know?
This is where we're at:

In a statement, Trump is asking the documents he did not turn over to the National Archives when he left office, be immediately returned to him so that he can turn them over to the National Archives until they are required for a presidential library.


Yes, really.
I'm questioning your "well-paid" writer credentials but anyways I can barely use a 'puter, ya'know?

First of all, the "well-paid" bit is your invention. Regardless, you've mentioned this "paid writer" thing and the "private education" thing a couple of times. What is the significance of that-- to you, I mean?

Yes, I've gotten paid to write. I've also gotten paid to edit and fact-check. I've also gotten paid for countless other things, totally unrelated to writing. Jobs is jobs, and I've never really been into the full-time career thing. I like to do a lot of different things. So? What exactly is your point?

And the "private education" thing: private universities tend to offer far more generous stipends than state schools. I grew up poor, so that was appealing to me. Also, it was "on point", as you like to say--you mentioned people using their education stipends to learn frivolous shit (Yes? That is what you were saying, right?), and I gave you some examples from my own personal experience. That the money came from sources other tax-payers is kind of relevant, isn't it?
First of all, the "well-paid" bit is your invention. Regardless, you've mentioned this "paid writer" thing and the "private education" thing a couple of times. What is the significance of that-- to you, I mean?

Yes, I've gotten paid to write. I've also gotten paid to edit and fact-check. I've also gotten paid for countless other things, totally unrelated to writing. Jobs is jobs, and I've never really been into the full-time career thing. I like to do a lot of different things. So? What exactly is your point?

And the "private education" thing: private universities tend to offer far more generous stipends than state schools. I grew up poor, so that was appealing to me. Also, it was "on point", as you like to say--you mentioned people using their education stipends to learn frivolous shit (Yes? That is what you were saying, right?), and I gave you some examples from my own personal experience. That the money came from sources other tax-payers is kind of relevant, isn't it?

If it wasn't well-paid I figured you wouldn't find it significant enough to mention. I also pointed out that many in the military already had degrees, either before service and while serving and that many spent frivolously after getting out of the military.

You're bragging about your reading comprehension (as opposed to my 8th grade level) so I just assumed that you made it to the end of that particular paragraph.

If you don't like to work full-time (your choice) but that doesn't really gel with expecting the public to provide. When the public does provide in too generous a manner, that's what happens and everyone and the overall economy eventually suffers from it.

Anyways, you do you, bro. I'm just an idiot racist who a black guy was mean to as a kid. What do I know? You're the paid writer after all.