Trouble shooting computer problems


Matter and Pixie Dust
Valued Senior Member
I'm so tired of this laptop, sometimes. I've googled a few ongoing issues, but the problem keeps occurring. I have been having an issue where I'm online, and trying to read down through a page, and using the cursor to ''use'' the bar to the right of the page to move the page downward. Today, as has been happening more frequently, the bar to the right won't move and only the up/down arrow keys on the actual keyboard, will move the page. It's so fucking annoying. I've cleared the cache files, as that has been recommended, and it does help it sometimes, but then it goes back to doing it again.

Another problem is when the ''hand'' stops appearing under links, and instead, an arrow appears...and I can't click on a hyperlink.

Have you ever had this happen? What is causing this?? :mad:
Okay, I will do it later. It's just annoying, running virus scans. Thank you for the advice!
What is causing this??

You seem to be describing a "Browser" issue.
What "Browser" are you using when 'this' occurs?
I would recommend trying a different "Browser".
Several customers seem to be happy with "Opera".
Can be D/L'd FREE at :

Or...might possibly be an issue caused by too many programs running in background...
What do you want with Windows? If you don't want your OS to use up all your resources and suck CPU cycles for an internal circle-jerk, run Linux.

And what's with all the quotation marks? Browser is a perfectly acceptable word, yet you make it seem like some sort of slang. Odd.
Okay, I will do it later. It's just annoying, running virus scans. Thank you for the advice!
A virus and malware is even more annoying. :) The scan should run in the background so why does it matter how long it takes? It can slow things down so maybe that's your issue?

There is probably too much malware running and taking up memory. I do know what you are talking about and it happens to me from time to time. When in doubt I always run anti-malware. Even when you don't notice symptoms your computer usually runs faster for longer when you run a scan every week or so proactively.
Thanks for the advice, everyone - I didn't run the virus scan yet, but removed ''ad blocker'' and the problem went away right then. lol what? Maybe that's just a coincidence?
I'll run virus scan later.
What do you want with Windows?
I never mentioned "Windows".
If you don't want your OS to use up all your resources and suck CPU cycles for an internal circle-jerk, run Linux.
And what's with all the quotation marks?
The "quotation marks" are used to signify that I am referring to an Internet "Browser" - as in a program to facilitate Internet "Browsing".
Thus, not alluding to a browser - as in an individual that is browsing the Internet.
Browser is a perfectly acceptable word, yet you make it seem like some sort of slang.
I simply try to express my views in proper English composition.
I proffer that it is your biases, Dr_Toad, that affects how you prefer to interpret said composition, or "make it seem like some sort of slang".
Do you also find it "Odd", Dr_Toad, that wegs was able to remove one of the "programs running in background" to solve 'this'?
Oh, piss off, dude. You're doing your best to live up to your handle, and I'm not going to play.
Oh, is that what ad blocker was doing? ''Running in the background?'' I guess I forget that things sort of ''pile on'' in the background and perhaps slow up the system, or can potentially cause glitches. Good to know. :)
Ad blocker runs in the program space of the browser as an add-on, so it doesn't run when you aren't running the browser.

Windows has a really shitty scheduler and garbage collection, and that's what causes slowdowns that make it necessary to reboot so often. Microsoft ignores standard protocols in favor of obfuscated bullshit, so it's broken out of the box. If you're not a gamer, try something else and be happier.
I've had intermittent problems with my laptop freezing up. A use Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) to see what process is using all of the CPU and/or memory. Disclaimer: Be careful what processes you kill. :)
Removing AdBlocker may fix one problem but it causes :)
LOL!! I hadn't even thought of this when I disabled it. Choices, choices.

I still haven't run the virus scan. :O