The Evolution of Time; A Buddhist Perspective

Discussion in 'Eastern Philosophy' started by nameless, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. nameless Registered Senior Member

    One aughtn't come to a 'pot-luck' without something to offer that is tasty.
    I found this tasty treat HERE. From cement-headed 'materialists' (who can find here the religious foundation of their beliefs) to the wackiest New Age Advaitan, this perspective of the 'evolution of time' titled, "Saving Time A Buddhist Perspective on the End" is a slightly long, but very enlightening read.
    If you read it through, I'd like to hear your comments.
    Thank you.

    NTA (no Trolls allowed!)
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  3. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    So what are you doing here?
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  5. duendy Registered Senior Member

    I enjpoyed te article, nameless,,,,,the experience of time gretly interests me as it is V E R Y cloe, and it is the very-close things that have THE CLUES!......and of courswe , what the celever-dicks completely ignore

    I noted a while back an Native American Elder speaking to some youth. he told them that tese times they were going to see things get faster and faster and faster....etc. And encouraged them...that As things get faster and faster and faster....THEY must SLOW down. it made me laug and i love such wisdom and try to follow it.
    Many people get caught up in this--whati am seeing as--industrial-fascist time. somefeel the pressure but dontknow how to challenge it, others seem to wallow in it, becomeing coffeee/coke fuled workaholic 'playa'holics, others cant cope at al and get labeled by this culture, 'mentally ill'...etc etc.

    I liked your article where it mentions how cloks were introduced onto cathedrals in th Middle Ages. This act of te church was a deliberate ploy to mjechanize te pagan understanding of time which was much more seasonal and organic.
    For example the mechanization began in the west in te christian monastries where all activities follwed a clockwise drill. as many institutions do

    te central term of tis mechanistic mindset is the term 'efficiency'. people become cogs in te machine imposed by an elite

    that ISthe oppressioh rifght now. no space is being allowed. look atp-opleleisure time. it is more and more regulated by corporate interests. look at the proliferation of digital channels with rtheir ubiquitous leisure parks, and nighlife venues, etc etc. at te war on drugs, which includes war against psychedelics---the inspiration suprme which exposes fascist time for what it is

    do you know, when i was 15 i was not as read up as i am now. i had come straight from a dumbing down via school and was in love wit the whole chaade--the bigcity bright lights trip.....right. so it make my insights tat much more dramtic cause it wasn't as tho i hadad pre-conditioning. my main insight on my very first trop when 15 was hpow everyone --people on te streets, etc (tis was in London) looked like manic androids rushing around totally unaware of te amazingness of everything. tey were te eptiome of what is being talked about here. this is why i feel therer is such a taboo agINST psychedelics. they show in te utter inspeakable RAW nakedness the falsnesses of mechanized culture and mindsets!
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