
Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by duendy, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. duendy Registered Senior Member

    yeah, bullying is a form of sadism. sadism is where the sadist actually ENJOYS another's pain. so any move on theunwilling vitims part to try dissuade te sadists behaviour usually will bring it on more

    Good advice about parents being involved in trying to discipline their bullying children...but in REALITY the kids havelarnt it from teir behaviour. not necessarily bullying but also contributing to it

    what we need therefore is EMPOWERING children. so that they are INDEPENDENT of parents and school authorities...if you see what i mean?

    ie., IF child knewof alterhatives they can physically go to--such as OUT of that system, then problem is solved fr them isn't it?...THEY wouod decide. not parents--who might want em to stick at it to be a good character etc, and/or school utorities making sounds they will tackle the bullying but it goes on.

    So whats most important is that children receive actual alternative things they can DO. like go to a nother place AWAY FROm bullying to learn

    it is similar to the 'battered woman/man' syndrome. it can follow a pattern of the abused becoms magnetized to the situation.

    s/he blames hirself

    s/he imagines s/he can change hir partner

    abuse continues

    in th past women usually had to put up wit tis nightmare, and then came women's refuges where they GET AWAY OUT OF THAT HOSTILE PLACE
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  3. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Okay, what do they do when they grow up and encounter bullying in the workplace and other facets of their lives? Just keep running away from it, hiding from it for the rest of their lives?

    You may think that I'm not sensitive to the problems, but until a VIABLE solution is found to stop bullying everywhere, not just in schools, it's going to remain as a problem for the weaker, more sensitive people. I don't know what to do about it least in a workable, affordable way that conforms to the realities of the world. It's easy to make some claim about " it should be....", but that does NOT solve the problem. Reality gets in the way of "should be" every time!

    Baron Max
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  5. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    It is not possible to "not let it hurt." You get three to five habitual victims of bullies to grab the biggest one, stun him with a taser, take his shoes off, and shock the soles of his feet a few dozen times. If he's such an authority on how to handle pain, let him handle some pain. Let this expert show us that he can take it.

    And if anyone wants to kick him here and there, feel free.
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  7. duendy Registered Senior Member

    All we have to be concerened about is kids being bullied and how we a adults are gonna face this actuality. what alternatives are an option so the child sufering the terror of bullying can get the hell out of that situation.

    Bullying can affect lives, can cause kids to self harm, even commit suicide, so it is serious.
    Worry about what they do as adults when time comes. i am sure that with a healthy-in the real meaning of the term, which includes good communal relations-childhood, and being able to learn and play in relative peace, they will grow up as intelligent and caring adults
  8. crazyfreespirit "Custom User Title" Registered Senior Member

    ok, I'm not trying to be rude or make any piont or anything, but I don't understand what you're saying. I honestly just don't understand not the piont you're making, but what you're actually saying. Who is "him"? "grab the biggest one"-->The biggest what?
    Sorry, but I'm just a feeling a little slow.
  9. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    I say grab the biggest bully and make him taste his own medicine. I'm tired of hearing that we should just be able to take the pain. If that is such a good idea, let the bully see if he can take the pain. Just say zzzt! zzzt! to bullying. Better yet, gun the sons-of-bitches down.
  10. crazyfreespirit "Custom User Title" Registered Senior Member


    ah ok thanks...that's what I thought you meant. My thought on it is this: Then we'd only lower ourselves to their level, plus it wouldn't stop anything, or anyone else from bullying.

    Also, a nitpicky question, but by biggest bully, do you mean in size or amountage of bullying?
  11. BullyAlert Registered Member

    Please visit this website for all the latest news & more on Bullying, this is also an action site & not just an information website!

    School Anti Bullying Reporting System - Students & Parents
    can Report Bullying direct to their Schools Anti Bullying

    The Bully Alert System is Anonymous, Discreet, Secure &

    Please goto for more information
  12. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    I'm not all that particular, but he needs to be big.

    Only lower ourselves to their level? If I had realized how much devastation bullies would cause in my life I would never have fallen for that line. They can make your mother hate you and help them ruin your life. They can drive you out of jobs and they will do it just because it's what they did to you when you were six years old.

    Beating the living crap out of bullies and causing them lots of pain does stop bullying. That is not the kind of easy target that they are looking for.

    Most of my point is that these bullies seem to be self-appointed experts on how we should live. How about they have to live the way their victims do? And if we can't make them do it, why not? Why can't they be stopped and why can real human beings be stopped?
  13. crazyfreespirit "Custom User Title" Registered Senior Member

    The vengful, vindictive part of me wants to agree. But after I came out of my suiciudal period, I've learned a lot. One of my main tormentors is now my friend. Hurting others just isn't the way to go. Not to mention the fact that what you're saying is completely out of the realms of reality. Are you suggesting that we hurt every bully everywhere, becuase that would be the only way, by what you are saying, to stop them. Because, otherwise I fail to see how it would help. And like I said, this is just hypothetical, seeing as how this is a unrealistic suggestion.

    Plus, would you feel you were doing anyone better by creating even more miserable people? Bullies already hate others, why teach them even more hate?
  14. Euler is my Hero Math Addict Registered Senior Member

    Wow, reading all of this talk about people's HORRIBLE experiences in school make me that much more thankful for my experience in school. My only horrible year in school was in sixth grade, when I pretty much had no friends. But even then I wasn't really "bullied." I was teased a bit but I wouldn't say bullied at all. Then I went to high school at a school of 1500 where, I swear to God, I never saw one instance of anything that even came close to bullying in four years there. I loved my teachers, my peers, and the entire community. As I'm writing this I'm realizing how ironic this is because I went to high school in Littleton, CO, less than 10 minutes from Columbine High School...nonetheless my amazing school experiences continued into college where I currently am having the time of my life. I was incredibly lucky and am very thankful for it.
  15. duendy Registered Senior Member

    well..bully for you!
  16. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    When the bullies were doing it to me they got away with it. When they tattled on me for doing things to them, which were often of the character of hurting their knuckles with my face, they got action. When I tattled on them, the teachers knew that I was telling the truth but they treated me as if I was lying. They pulled tricks like saying that I was complaining all the time.

    If it was good for me, let the bullies live the way I had to live, beaten, unbelieved, desparate, and unable to live. Also, let those monsters live with what they have made me. They never want to live with the results of their actions. I fucking AM a result of their actions.
  17. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Hmm, this is a difficult one.
    The authorities won't protect you. You can't ignore the bullies.
    So what other options do you have left?
    Jeez, I wonder...
  18. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Can't say.

    The idea is to leave me without options. I can't even obey because they play perverse games. I keep telling people that they do this on purpose.
  19. mountainhare Banned Banned

    Perhaps you should try standing up to them?
  20. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    The so-called teachers at that prison that might have been a school were vigilant enough to catch me every time I tried to hit back. They were vigilant enough that if they so chose they could have caught the bullies and stopped them from bullying.
  21. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Well, Meta, it seems to me that ye're doing nothing to help yourself. In fact, it seems by your responses here, that ye're only wanting to bitch n' moan ...and worse, it seems that ye're actually supportiing the bullies by showing us how damned good they are for getting around the authorities and not getting caught. Hell, if bullies are that damned good, then perhaps we should all take lessons!!

    Life isn't fair, but what little you have of it, you and only you can and should protect it. If you don't, then you don't deserve to have it in the first place. Laws can't protect you; parents can't protect you; people can't protect you unless they're chained to you 24/7 ....and do you want that? No. What you want is to change human nature by ....what?.... complaining about the parts that you don't like! Well, aren't the bullies doing the same thing?

    Baron Max
  22. crazyfreespirit "Custom User Title" Registered Senior Member

    Well said.
  23. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    The usual B.S. from B.M.

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