Religion Defined

Here's a simple challenge for you then: I'll show you on Google Earth where I live and you "visit" sometime in the next couple of days using this absolutely-not-a-fantasy skill of yours and then answer 3 questions.
1) What colour is my guitar?
2) Who manufactured my piano?
3) What's the title of the very thick book laid (front cover upwards) on top of the small bookcase in my hallway?
I took up your chalenge.
The guitar is black and white ( all travel is in black and white besides I am color blind) I could not read who manufactered the piano or the title of the book because I forgot my glasses.
Surely thats proof enough.
Sorry but I could not resist I just find those claims so silly but I dont know if folk really believe that nonsence or if they are just.... I dont want to say it.
Is there any evidence that duality might be true or is even possible?
The question of the ages, leaving us only vague avenues on which to search for an answer. The only hint of a soul that I recognize is our core awareness. Yes, it's anchored to the body, yet it seems to have its own independent nature, impossible to find a beginning or end with the mind's eye. Maybe this is what the ancients recognized as the human soul. I don't know. I think they were more in touch with human spirit than are we.
The question of the ages, leaving us only vague avenues on which to search for an answer. The only hint of a soul that I recognize is our core awareness. Yes, it's anchored to the body, yet it seems to have its own independent nature, impossible to find a beginning or end with the mind's eye. Maybe this is what the ancients recognized as the human soul. I don't know. I think they were more in touch with human spirit than are we.

Ancients were more in touch with Nature period .

We are mechanistic nowadays .
Ancients were more in touch with Nature period .
True. And they were probably more in touch with the perils of life, which gave them all the more reason to examine spirituality.

We are mechanistic nowadays .
Yet we're still human. Our technology might be a distraction, but it can also open doors.
True. And they were probably more in touch with the perils of life, which gave them all the more reason to examine spirituality.

Yet we're still human. Our technology might be a distraction, but it can also open doors.

There is alot more spirituality than dealing with perils of life.

For now we are Human . Tech. Is more than a distraction it is who we have become . Tech. Has openned doors ; but to what room and/or hall way ?
There is alot more spirituality than dealing with perils of life.

For now we are Human . Tech. Is more than a distraction it is who we have become . Tech. Has openned doors ; but to what room and/or hall way ?
the availability of information is a huge advantage for anyone asking questions. The downside is that were becoming disconnected to our local surroundings anf the guy sitting next to us.
the availability of information is a huge advantage for anyone asking questions. The downside is that were becoming disconnected to our local surroundings anf the guy sitting next to us.


The problem with information is ; who controls the information and what information are we allowed to find ?

The problem with information is ; who controls the information and what information are we allowed to find ?
Anyone can post online. It's a virtual hodgepodge of content. I think the challenge for us is to determine what is garbage and what is truth. One point that should be made is that big players are having a larger impact on what we find, readily. Also, some content is presented that is relative to our past viewing history. As an example, if I have a habit of viewing alternative media on YouTube, similar content will be displayed whenever I visit that site. In some ways, we inadvertently write the script for ourselves. I should look it up, but I'm curious how Google's algorithm functions when queried, and whether it is tailored for the individual.
Anyone can post online. It's a virtual hodgepodge of content. I think the challenge for us is to determine what is garbage and what is truth. One point that should be made is that big players are having a larger impact on what we find, readily. Also, some content is presented that is relative to our past viewing history. As an example, if I have a habit of viewing alternative media on YouTube, similar content will be displayed whenever I visit that site. In some ways, we inadvertently write the script for ourselves. I should look it up, but I'm curious how Google's algorithm functions when queried, and whether it is tailored for the individual.

Knowledge ; not from the internet but from BOOKS .
The internet is much more convenient than the library. Even books are available via online.

The internet never gives the full breadth of what is know ; it gives brief context.

Buy books online then . But what is dedacted you will never know .

Books are by far and away the best resourse of through knowledge .
I had never been exposed to so many ideas until I signed onto the the web. The internet is a treasure. As long as it is an open market for ideas, it will remain the greatest thing ever.
I had never been exposed to so many ideas until I signed onto the the web. The internet is a treasure. As long as it is an open market for ideas, it will remain the greatest thing ever.

No question .

But to get an indepth understanding of an idea , books give you the depth needed to fully understand any idea.
No question .

But to get an indepth understanding of an idea , books give you the depth needed to fully understand any idea.
That is true. However, we live in a culture of soundbites. Most people opt for the quick and easy option rather than a few nights reading a book. The new champions of provocative ideas must learn how to present their content in a manner that engages and informs within a short amount of time. People love to be entertained, that's why YouTube is so popular.
That is true. However, we live in a culture of soundbites. Most people opt for the quick and easy option rather than a few nights reading a book. The new champions of provocative ideas must learn how to present their content in a manner that engages and informs within a short amount of time. People love to be entertained, that's why YouTube is so popular.

Soundbites etc. Is our down fall .

We no longer delve into the depth of information potential .

There is NO way that the full extent of the information ; can be given in short amount of time .

It's not possible.
Soundbites etc. Is our down fall .

We no longer delve into the depth of information potential .

There is NO way that the full extent of the information ; can be given in short amount of time .

It's not possible.

But it is the nature of the beast. You can convey a host of ideas with in a short time, and such interactions have the potential to encourage people to explore further, should your content be engaging. Some people are very good at producing such content.
River, I think this video might interest you.

Good video .

And which proves my point .

Look the only way to really get a grasp of religion is to actually read about the History of religion ; from ancient times , at least 6000yrs ago . Start where ever your hand lands on the book shelf . What ever the author , just start .

From what I have read ; people back ; 6000yrs ago were very , very , very simple people , 99% could not read , let alone privy to ancient knowledge , people relied on the " priests " for guidence.

Hence control over the populace.
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