Religion and women.

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Right above. You know, where you were calling her names and attacking her. (Just because you feel like you are in the right when you bully someone does not mean you are not bullying them.)

And of course you know that. You are the most dishonest and hateful person here.:biggrin:
What names did I call her?
Calling a person who tells lies, a liar, is not name calling.
I'm the one who is being bullied, by banning me for no good reason, other than standing up for myself.
Imagine that. Being on a so-called science forum, advertised as "the intelligent community", yet you are unable to give even a half descent reason to justify your vacuous claims. Where is so-called intelligence?
I'm not sure how the Tulsa Texas scenario is relevant to the quote. Maybe you can clarify.

It has to do with a person disclaiming that they or their actions are not somehow supremacist. The statement that, "Jan is neither" sexist nor misogynist is not necessarily significantly different from the claim that what happened in Tulia wasn't racist. We can always pretend that, gosh, someoneone wasn't trying to be racist, but don't ask me about the funny thing that happened as I was walking to St. Ives.

What do you mean by that?

That you're still a whipping idol↗.

Remember, Jan what is actually true does not necessarily matter to someone like Billvon or James R. You're here so that people can have someone to feel better than, and superior to. You're the person some folks think think they should get to abuse in order to make themselves feel better. Like you, I'm sure on some level they're good people, but the characters you and they prefer to play here don't always go that way.

Think of it this way, Jan: As long as some people have someone like you to complain about, they think they never actually have to get a clue or put any real effort into their hatred. You're an atheist's excuse, Jan; it's all you've ever been, around here. You're the idol unto which some folks around here will abase themselves in order to pretend they're fighting some good fight against evil.

Here, try this:

Imagine that. Being on a so-called science forum, advertised as "the intelligent community", yet you are unable to give even a half descent reason to justify your vacuous claims. Where is so-called intelligence?

¿Are you joking?

Seriously, that "intelligent community" thing was called off years ago. The bit about respect for the scientific method being the defining aspect of this community was acknowledged an empty slogan of its moment a long time ago. This isn't a "science forum". And believe it or not, you're an example of the reasons why. And, trust me, there are many examples and many reasons, but among them you do have your role.

Take a larger look at the internet and social media, and the public discourse is just beginning to reckon with something nearly unimaginable because it would make people feel really, really stupid to acknowledge they got caught up in it. But as social media companies discuss the idea of fact-checking, one point that seems nearly unavoidable is a question of apparent disparate impact. In and of itself, sure, that is as iconic as it is ironic, but in this case the disparate impact is not because of the color of someone's skin, unless it is; it is not about someone's sex or gender, unless it is. Rather, it is a fulfillment of a generational complaint for the manner and vector of its application to behavior.

What happened is simply that fact-checking would have an appearance of taking it out on certain quarters in popular discourse, and the trend is known; political and political-philosophical discourse supporting traditionalist and rightist beliefs crumble under the burden of even modest scrutiny—"fact-checking" can start to look like communities taking it out on conservatives. The underlying relativism is much akin to what proverbial grumpy old men of my youth warned of liberalism and humanism.

It's an easy sympathy, and the thing is your witness has always been very relatvist; like I said two and a half years ago, your evangelism seems to be more about the feeling of being some kind of evangelist.

Haven't you ever noticed ...— and, I mean, sure, there's a longer question, then, of staying a course, but still: Haven't you ever noticed that the envy seems to be the point? It's one thing to talk about evidence and rational argument, scolding and scoffing at some obvious examples along the way; it is quite another to actually bring that sort of produce for one's own part. That latter is why.

I had a discussion about this, once, with an atheist I know. I suggested an apparent envy of satisfaction drove certain errors; he virtually conceded the point, deferring to the nature of revolutions. Nonetheless, I still think usurping the throne of prevailing fallacy, to become the new boss that is just as dull and brutish as the old boss, is no proper solution. And if he didn't have much to say about that, no, you wouldn't be surprised, Jan, but understand, please, that entertaining people like you around here is part of some people's excuse for behaving poorly.

But that guy is just one of the atheists I've known over time for whom the point seems more about taking satisfaction from needling and irking religious people.

(There came a point, last week in Arizona, when Maricopa County Board of Supervisors↱ sent a letter to the President of the State Senate, denouncing the so-called "audit" of the 2020 election, and addressing the public relations disaster it had created. The thing is, the thirteen-page letter reads kind of like a barely-restrained internet post. This is not to discredit the letter itself, but, rather, the point observes a wretched state of things. The response of the Board of Supervisors to the State Senate is simply brutal because that's how the answers happen to go, as that's how the inquiries ran. At the intersection of the Arizona State Senate and a presidential election, this was the best the dissent could come up with. And what a disaster they have inflicted. If there is a moral to the story, one can reasonably argue that it has something to do with the fact that this is what happens when society entertains that manner of conspiracist rhetoric as if it is valid and reliable.)​

At Sciforums, I've encountered a couple of versions of atheists protesting the idea of actually—how do I put it?—actually relying on what they know. One version goes that theists around here aren't worthy of an atheist's effort; another version, honestly, doesn't make any sense, but, yeah, Jan, even you can figure out why they don't bring that produce to market.

So it's like an atheist who needs us to redefine the actual word religion, to dumb it down, that we might make it easier to validate his critique. And, sure, okay, but wasn't part of the problem that this whole "God" thing is irrational?

Which is why it's weird to watch people who ostensibly know so much literally make up fake religions and religious people to complain about instead of dealing with reality. And it's a very interesting notion that some of these atheists might insist on a much narrower definition of God than even you would abide. There was even a point not real long ago when one of these puffed up atheists screwed up so obviously that even you got a lick in, and in a way, that's significant: If Jan Ardena is scoring a point on this, they're doing it wrong.

And that's the thing, Jan, you're one of the excuses. You're an example of "religious people"; you're an example of how some people excuse themselves from being rational.

(Here's an analogy from out in the world, somewhere: Have you ever heard of the "dirtbag left"? It's a marketing idea that concedes a rightist pretense about how leftism is elitist, effete, and emotionally fragile, pretending you can trust these "dirtbag" leftists over here because they can badmouth women and Black people, and speak up for white men, just like everyday real people. So, one day one of them picks a twitfight with a Black guy who is a socialist, and part of the point is to be seen doing so: See, here's a "leftist" who can stand up to mainline political correctness. But what he did, in actuality, was take a known basket case, an actual Black separatist who formed his own socialist party after the local organization kicked him out for being a frothing racist, and hold that one up as an example of some projected mainline left, in order to be seen standing up to an imaginary leftist bogeyman and challenging the Black societal overlords. To the other, the dirtbag left still fancies itself some manner of leftism, so its main audience seems to be men who were disappointed to discover the Democratic Party isn't actually liberal, and disenchanted Alex Jones detritus. In the end, they tilt windmills because that's the only thing they know how to do.)​

An atheist I know once wondered what someone ought to be obliged to know about religion, and left just at that, the answer is precisely nothing. However, if one intends to criticize, perhaps they ought to know something about the object of their criticism. If this turns out to be too much to ask, people like you become their excuse: 「But religious people …!」 or, 「What about the theists!」 With a caricature like you to rely on, Jan, some people will continue to burn sosobra because they just can't figure out how to do anything better, and in an environment like this one, there doesn't seem to be much impetus to evolve.

The intelligent community? A science site? No, Jan, those ideas were simply incompatible with our apparent priorities, and over the years you see the trade. It's why you never really needed to get a comprehensible point; you're canon fodder for anti-religious sentiment that, most days, cannot muster an argument beyond the point of God not existing. Beyond that, it's apparently unfair to expect them to be rational.

But you are an example of their excuse. Say what you will about right and wrong, but that's how it works.
It has to do with a person disclaiming that they or their actions are not somehow supremacist. The statement that, "Jan is neither" sexist nor misogynist is not necessarily significantly different from the claim that what happened in Tulia wasn't racist. We can always pretend that, gosh, someoneone wasn't trying to be racist, but don't ask me about the funny thing that happened as I was walking to St. Ives.
If the officer in Tulsa had been black, and rounded up white suspects, would “racism” still be a factor?
Do you know whether or not the officer in question was actually racist?
Now please show where I am actually sexist or misogynistic. Just because the woke people have a narrative that defines certain patterns of speech as either or ither racist, sexist, or misogynistic, doesn’t mean they are right. In fact there is a very high chance that these fools are wrong.
I know whether I’m sexist or misogynistic , because I can think for myself.
Learn to think for yourself.
That you're still a whipping idol
That’s ok.
Remember, Jan what is actually true does not necessarily matter to someone like Billvon or James R. You're here so that people can have someone to feel better than, and superior to. You're the person some folks think think they should get to abuse in order to make themselves feel better. Like you, I'm sure on some level they're good people, but the characters you and they prefer to play here don't always go that way.
They are “abusing” symbols on a page (writing), a fictitious character named “jan Ardena”.
That these folks have an aversion to the truth, is their hell. They are abusing themselves 24/7.
Each time they see black mass shootings (which occur daily), where innocent people are being shot and killed. They are forced to either turn the other way, or lie to themselves.
Imagine seeing pictures of babies who were shot in the face, neck, or torso, because some folk were having a dispute, then having to write it off as “white supremacy”. Either they end up believing it (which is hell), or they see the truth, which means they are thinking for themselves (freedom from hell).
Think of it this way, Jan: As long as some people have someone like you to complain about, they think they never actually have to get a clue or put any real effort into their hatred. You're an atheist's excuse, Jan; it's all you've ever been, around here. You're the idol unto which some folks around here will abase themselves in order to pretend they're fighting some good fight against evil.
I’m okay with being the idol.
I’m okay with relentlessly questioning them (until they ban me). These folk are like the Borg. They’re everywhere, and they’re all the same. So it doesn’t matter which one of them I engage. When I leave here, I go somewhere else to carry on where I left off.
¿Are you joking?
Yes :D
Back in the day when first came here, there was an inkling of intelligence on these forums. But as the years have rolled by, it has become dumber and dumber. Now they’re just gate keepers for the woke community. Pitiful.
This isn't a "science forum". And believe it or not, you're an example of the reasons why. And, trust me, there are many examples and many reasons, but among them you do have your role.
Evil should be checked.
We know that this mind-set is hell-bent on destruction. That destruction affects everybody, including yourself, and your future generations.
So game-playing is not really an option.
We know that due to this mind-set, things are going to get a lot worse before it gets better. So think about the future, rather than now. Their foolishness won’t last forever.
What happened is simply that fact-checking would have an appearance of taking it out on certain quarters in popular discourse, and the trend is known; political and political-philosophical discourse supporting traditionalist and rightist beliefs crumble under the burden of even modest scrutiny—"fact-checking" can start to look like communities taking it out on conservatives. The underlying relativism is much akin to what proverbial grumpy old men of my youth warned of liberalism and humanism.
Fact-checking is simply another arm of wokeness. It’s aim is to curb ‘free-speech, to censor the truth. Again this is all very transparent if you care to look. Not only are we seeing this now, but have always been a tool used in any dictatorship, or totalitarian ideology.
There is nothing new here.
It's an easy sympathy, and the thing is your witness has always been very relatvist; like I said two and a half years ago, your evangelism seems to be more about the feeling of being some kind of evangelist.
Why do you label me an “evangelist”?
An evangelist is described as someone whose job is to convert folk to Christianity. You keep labelling me evangelist does nothing to understand the underlying basis of what I actually say. As a result your type-casting puts people off understanding, and diminishes their ability to think for themselves. You are adding to the problem. The problem being the inevitable destruction of society, like something straight out of George Orwell’s 1984.
Right now, the only thing that matters is the truth. Everything else is just noise.
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And if he didn't have much to say about that, no, you wouldn't be surprised, Jan, but understand, please, that entertaining people like you around here is part of some people's excuse for behaving poorly.
If I said that a female dressed in scanty clad is an excuse for her to be abused and/or raped. You would probably conclude that the problem lies with me, rather than the scantily clad woman.
The problem of their stubborn mind-set is their problem. Not mine.
There may at some point in the future, one person who stumbles upon what I’m saying in these forums, who may comprehend what is being said, which may cause him /her to think for themselves.
An atheist I know once wondered what someone ought to be obliged to know about religion, and left just at that, the answer is precisely nothing.
The opposite of “atheist” is “theist”, yet you folks always want cite “religion”, as if it only applies to theism. What do you think religion actually is?
You see, anyone who can think for themselves will know that an atheist cannot know what theism is. That is logically impossible.
The only way a theist can become an atheist, is to forget God. An atheist cannot understand that.
So from a theist perspective, an atheist is some who has ultimately forgotten God, by their own efforts.
With a caricature like you to rely on, Jan, some people will continue to burn sosobra because they just can't figure out how to do anything better, and in an environment like this one, there doesn't seem to be much impetus to evolve.
So what do you suggest?
It's why you never really needed to get a comprehensible point; you're canon fodder for anti-religious sentiment that, most days, cannot muster an argument beyond the point of God not existing. Beyond that, it's apparently unfair to expect them to be rational.
You make that sound like a bad thing. As though I’m the one with the problem.
I do expect them to be rational, because they are fellow human beings, and I know they have the capacity. It is better to keep trying than to give up for the sake of the future of the world.
It is because of the lethargy, and procrastinations of people who are truthful, why this evil is virtually, absolutely predominant as we speak.
We have to switch of the fan at the source, then “eventually” the blades will grind to a halt. It may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen.
And that’s not even bringing God into the equation
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Think of it this way, Jan: As long as some people have someone like you to complain about, they think they never actually have to get a clue or put any real effort into their hatred. You're an atheist's excuse, Jan; it's all you've ever been, around here. You're the idol unto which some folks around here will abase themselves in order to pretend they're fighting some good fight against evil.


It's all of us atheists who are the problem.

Poor Jan! Having to face disgust at his beliefs..

If I said that a female dressed in scanty clad is an excuse for her to be abused and/or raped. You would probably conclude that the problem lies with me, rather than the scantily clad woman.
The problem of their stubborn mind-set is their problem. Not mine.
There may at some point in the future, one person who stumbles upon what I’m saying in these forums, who may comprehend what is being said, which may cause him /her to think for themselves.
If I said that a female dressed in scanty clad is an excuse for her to be abused and/or raped. You would probably conclude that the problem lies with me, rather than the scantily clad woman.
Yes, the problem would lie with you. That kind of reasoning results in the mandatory dressing of women in burkas in Muslim theocratic countries.

If you read the Q'uran, you will find that this form of female attire is to protect women from the uncontrolled animal instincts of men.
So instead of controlling male instincts, the women are being blamed and punished for provoking male aggression. Women get beaten by the moral police for showing an ankle!!!!!!!
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It's all of us atheists who are the problem.

Well, do you think you actually accomplish anything useful acting like a religious zealot?

No, really, this isn't the first time↗ an atheist has complained because my criticism against Jan Ardena isn't hateful enough to satisfy their needs.

You're supposed to be smarter than that, Bells, so spare us this cheap performance.
Well, do you think you actually accomplish anything useful acting like a religious zealot?
Can you point, specifically, where I have acted like a religious zealot?

Just as this:
No, really, this isn't the first time↗ an atheist has complained because my criticism against Jan Ardena isn't hateful enough to satisfy their needs.
Really does not get a pass..

I do wonder though, whether you'd be a bit more forceful in criticising Jan if he had posted his rape prevention advocacy and misogyny it in E,M & J?

In this thread we have seen misogyny, blaming rape victims, racism and sexism. And your participation amounts to a whine, not about his comments, but because atheists are apparently acting like religious zealots in responding to him.

You are more interested in having a go at certain individuals than addressing the misogynistic and racist bullshit Jan spouted throughout this thread. And you want to complain about cheap performance?
You're supposed to be smarter than that, Bells, so spare us this cheap performance.
Right back at you, buddy!
What names did I call her?
"Weak" "hateful" "lies" etc.
Calling a person who tells lies, a liar, is not name calling.
What, exactly, has she lied about? She has told you are a misogynist, which is true by definition - you have prejudices against women, as you have demonstrated several times.
Imagine that. Being on a so-called science forum, advertised as "the intelligent community", yet you are unable to give even a half descent reason to justify your vacuous claims. Where is so-called intelligence?
In a place you will never see it, since you are blinded by your religious dogma.[/QUOTE]
If you are not a user, you are being used.

"Gotta serve somebody" - Bob Dylan.

You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

You might be a rock ’n’ roll addict prancing on the stage
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage
You may be a businessman or some high-degree thief
They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk
You may be the head of some big TV network
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame
You may be living in another country under another name

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

You may be a construction worker working on a home
You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome
You might own guns and you might even own tanks
You might be somebody’s landlord, you might even own banks

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side
You may be workin’ in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair
You may be somebody’s mistress, may be somebody’s heir

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk
Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk
You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread
You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

You may call me Terry, you may call me Timmy
You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy
You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray
You may call me anything but no matter what you say

You’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

Copyright © 1979 by Special Rider Music

I f you are not a user, you are being used

“Guiltiness”- Bob Marley & The Wailers

Guiltiness (talking about guiltiness)
Pressed on their conscience. oh yeah.
And they live their lives (they live their lives)
On false pretense everyday
Each and everyday yeah.
These are the big fish
Who always try to eat down the small fish,
Just the small fish.
I tell you what: They would do anything
To materialize their every wish. Oh yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah.
Say: Woe to the down pressers:
They'll eat the bread of sorrow!
Woe to the down pressers:
They'll eat the bread of sad tomorrow!
Woe to the down pressers:
They'll eat the bread of sorrow!
Oh, yeah-yeah! Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah!
Pressed on their conscience. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
These are the big fish
Who always try to eat down the small fish,
Just the small fish.
I tell you what: They would do…
Source: LyricFind
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