Reality is a Mirror

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by EndLightEnd, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. EndLightEnd This too shall pass. Registered Senior Member

    Reality is a mirror of our minds...

    We are in a point in history where nearly everything is accelerating or progressing exponentially. Human population, national debt, technology, cultural assimilation and in general human progress seems to be moving faster and faster with every passing day. Many fail to realize the "golden age" we are in compared to the other civilizations which have been on this planet, yet things are still moving forward and faster then ever.

    So whats changed? How is it that we have been able to make more progress in 200 years then all civilizations before us in thousands of years?

    I propose all this apparent growth is nothing more than a reflection of our conscious growth as a species, and it is the one doing the accelerating (everything else is a by-product).

    Quantum mechanics tells us that reality is potential. Things exists in many different places, interact backwards through time, and generally disobey classical laws of physics. What we observe out of this seemingly unlimited potential is a reflection of the consciousness which observes it. Through observation pure potential becomes concrete reality; reality is nothing more than filtered abstraction. The filters are the mind, the senses, and the ego.

    So because consciousness itself is accelerating (for reasons not speculated here) we inherently find acceleration through out society whether it be population, technology, etc... This could even be why we observe the universe to be accelerating, not just expanding.
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  3. stateofmind seeker of lies Valued Senior Member

    Yah, I think reality is a mirror of ourselves. There's no separation - no "I" without "U."

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  5. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member


    No. It's not.

    It may seem that way to you.

    Most people know little of history & care less.
    With only A, B, C & D, progress was naturally difficult. Once E, F, G, H & I were invented/discovered/accomplished, progress was naturally easier thus we now have J, K, L, O & P. We can reasonably look forward to Q thru V but it may or may not continue at the present rate.
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  7. EndLightEnd This too shall pass. Registered Senior Member

    Yes it does seem that way to me. Here are some visual representations.

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    If you do not think cultural assimilation has progressed exponentially you need to remember the days before the internet.

    For technological growth we have Moore's law telling us how it doubles every so many years, which is exponential growth.

    Thats probably part of the problem.

    No doubt each subsequent discovery aids in the next, but why would this cause anything other than constant (not accelerating) growth? Improving on old foundations does not necessarily mean things should double at a regular rate.

    Have you thought about how quickly we moved from the industrial age to the technological age, and how quickly we will move out of the technological age?

    Why werent our ancestors capable of these incredible advances in short periods of time if their consciousness (and thus their learning ability) was no different than ours?
  8. Drphail Banned Banned

    when problems are lacking, we seek them. the severity of problems in society will always be equal, it is how we perceive them that differs. argue this all you want, but it all comes down to perception. equilibrium is always at play in everything around us.
  9. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    At what regular rate do you think those things are doubling?
    Doubling is not exponential growth.

    " Moore's law as a target for industry and a self-fulfilling prophecy
    Although Moore's law was initially made in the form of an observation and forecast, the more widely it became accepted, the more it served as a goal for an entire industry. This drove both marketing and engineering departments of semiconductor manufacturers to focus enormous energy aiming for the specified increase in processing power that it was presumed one or more of their competitors would soon actually attain. In this regard, it can be viewed as a self-fulfilling prophecy.[25][26]"
  10. MysteriousStranger Banned Banned

    Reality is something that I can not fully recognise.

    Reality is something that I project myself on to and is the collection of experiences that are caused by those projections reflecting back on me.
  11. swarm Registered Senior Member

    So? What does recognition have to do with it?

    You are no less a part of reality.
  12. munty13 Registered Senior Member

    Someone, somewhere, once made the analogy that we, as observers, are running around inside a hamster's ball. The walls inside are covered in mirrors. No matter where you run, or look, you are only ever facing a reflection of yourself. We only ever run away from ourselves. I've always thought the analogy rather good.
  13. -ND- Human Prototype Registered Senior Member

    I thought of reality to be rather a sequence.
  14. EndLightEnd This too shall pass. Registered Senior Member

  15. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

  16. Xylene Valued Senior Member

    Very interesting, that article...just a thought. Civilisations can collapse back into the jungle or the swamp--they have in the past, either through the vagaries of Nature, or the bloodymindedness of some group of invaders with better weapons. What happens when any culture collapses--as they do--and a vast amount of knowledge is lost?
  17. scifes In withdrawal. Valued Senior Member

    i agree with are seeing things matirialistically..morally humans are free falling..or at least not as great as you say..
  18. Oli Heute der Enteteich... Registered Senior Member

    The general rule of thumb is that 90% of inventions (or innovations) were created in the current 10% of human history...
  19. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

  20. Cortex_Colossum Banned Banned

    I beg to differ.

    In what way are we trapped though?
  21. thinking Banned Banned

    interesting thread

    since I've recently been thinking upon the perspective of observation

    for instance when looking at a mirrior , right - left is reversed , so that left is right and right is left from the mirrors point of view

    now if you look at the rotation of galaxies from one perspective and take 180 degree turn and then look at the galaxy again , the galaxy is rotating in the opposite direction

    its almost like we are missing something , somehow , a hint of an incomplete perspective on things at times
  22. jpappl Valued Senior Member


    If a small group of ET's landed on our planet 1000 years ago with knowledge way beyond ours obviously.

    They would still be limited in what they could produce both, because their limitation is not in their knowledge but in the humans they have to work with, the learning curve would take a long time for the humans of the day.

    It's the same reason that companies like microsoft and other high tech industries look all over the world for those who can add value to their goals.

    We are now in a phase where a very large number of people are educated at a level where they can be trusted to add value, create and experiment with ideas that are far beyond the average citizens of even 50 years ago.

    We have never been here before and it can be questioned where it will level off.

    On the other side, there is a trade off. Think about what is being sacrificed for all of the effort geared towards technology, just look at how the internet has affected relationships with our friends and family fo example.

    What kind of people will we become is indeed a very interesting question.
  23. thinking Banned Banned


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