Pakistani Parents Sentenced to "at least 25 years" for Honor-Killing of Daughter

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by Balerion, Aug 11, 2012.

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  1. seagypsy Banned Banned

    I second that motion.
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  3. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Is anybody going to discuss the topic, or are we just going to trade personal comments here?
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  5. seagypsy Banned Banned

    We were discussing it but Balerion started with his badgering and insulting, because people aren't agreeing with him. He has lied, accusing me of saying things that I didn't and failed to produce proof of what he accused me of and resorted to personal attacks (calling me intellectually bankrupt) when he was called on lying. His comebacks to legitimate arguments are insulting, he even insulted Fraggle Rocker when he posted a legitimate hypothesis. He has managed to derail his own thread by his bullying of those who disagree with him.
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  7. Balerion Banned Banned

    Reported troll is reported.
  8. Balerion Banned Banned

    It's difficult to discuss the topic when the other person's "arguments" are all ad hom and accusations of lying. I have asked her to clarify her position, but she has abandoned her entire argument in lieu of personal attacks.

    Is it wrong to demand that a person provides some evidence for their accusations?
  9. seagypsy Banned Banned


    yeah it's pretty sad when someone trolls their own thread.
  10. Balerion Banned Banned

    It is, but that's not what's happening here. You're trolling my thread.

    You can salvage some of your dignity here by admitting you were just being defensive when you accused me of lying. Take a while and think about it.
  11. seagypsy Banned Banned

    What personal attacks have I made? I have only accused you of one lie. Although accusing me now of personal attacks can be added to that. And the one lie I accused you of, you failed to back up. So it stands as a lie. Calling someone intellectually bankrupt is a personal attack. I haven't called you any names or suggested that you lack intelligence in anyway.
  12. seagypsy Banned Banned

    There is nothing to admit. You made a claim that I said something that I did not say. That is a lie. So you lied. Then you called me intellectually bankrupt, which I gave you a chance to correct my interpretation of your words and you confirmed that you were indeed calling me intellectually bankrupt. THAT is a personal attack. Take a while and think about it.
  13. seagypsy Banned Banned

    Are fraggle rocker and gustav also trolling your thread?

    You have even accused Fraggle Rocker of spamming. If reiterating some knowledge or opinion on a subject and being consistent is spamming then you are also guilty of spamming the Islam is evil bit all over the forum.
  14. Balerion Banned Banned

    Oh, another lie! What a surprise...


    Except that it's exactly what you said. For example:

    It wasn't until your most recent posts that you finally change your tune and admit that Islam causes this stuff to happen, but not before you said the direct opposite of that for two whole pages. Where's the lie here, seagypsy? What do I have wrong about this?

    Own up to your mistakes. You made a big one here, but you can correct it and save some face.
  15. Balerion Banned Banned

    The obvious difference is that Fraggle has heard intelligent and thoughtful arguments against his position, and chosen to ignore them for some reason. My contention that Islam is the vilest of three exceptionally disgusting faiths has yet to be countered with any such argument. All I run up against are people who consider criticism of religion to be bigotry, or people like you, who blindly defend the faith for personal reasons.
  16. seagypsy Banned Banned

    I will give you the superiority complex remark, only because I am not a psychiatrist and I haven't evaluated you professionally. But you have been very condescending (implying that I am lying about my experiences and ordering me to stop talking) towards me at every chance you get and that, to me, reflects a superiority complex.

    The remark about a primitive need to be right is not directed at you exclusively but I admit I should have worded it more clearly. I should have said, you are exercising the same primitive need to be right that we all have and struggle with.

    You did LIE. None of the quotes you gave of mine say that Islam cannot inspire one to commit murder. Perhaps you don't know the difference between inspiration and responsibility. If someone says that a beautiful woman inspired them to make a painting of angels, does that mean the source of inspiration is responsible for the painting? NO.
  17. seagypsy Banned Banned

    You have also had thoughtful and intelligent arguments against your position but you ignore them. So as I say, if he is spamming so are you. For that matter so all atheists, theists, physicists, biologists, omg everyone on here spams if they stick to what they believe to be true regardless of what is presented as an argument. how about that. we must all be spammers.
  18. Balerion Banned Banned

    I could care less what you're willing to give me. The proof is on the page. You're in no position to negotiate here.

    Again, try to weasel your way out of it all you like, the proof is on the page. You insinuate that I am somehow less than civilized for failing to keep what you (wrongly) consider to be a baser need.

    Your example is wrong, of course, because it could easily be said that inspiration is responsible for the result it inspires, just as it could be said that Tolkien is responsible for the fantasy genre as it lives today, since he is the one who started it and is still the chief inspiration for its writers. This doesn't do anything to absolve the current writers of their responsibilities, it simply puts the onus on the originator. Just as we say Nazism is responsible for hatred and bigotry today, we do not absolve the individual of their own responsibility, we simply recognize that it is shared. You want to shift all of the responsibility away from the ideology while paying lip service to your own cooked-up notion of "inspiration," and I'm calling you on it.

    And who do you think you're kidding? Either those quotes were an attempt to absolve Islam of any role in the violence and murder, or you're genuinely confused regarding the concept of responsibility. I suppose the choice is yours: Dishonesty or ignorance?
  19. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Balerion and seagypsy:

    I have received complaints from both of you. It seems to me that neither of you is much interested in discussing the topic.

    I will therefore close the thread. Feel free to continue to insult each other via PM. I doubt that anybody else is much interested.
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