New Book: The Hidden Origins of Islam

iceaura this thread is not a place for your hate message. Actually you're spamming the same kind of opinions after being refuted.

Exactly, good to see that someone else sees this too.

LOL! Oh yes, he's spreading hatred because he doesn't want to be told how to live by the 'good' Muslims here and if he doesn't he'll go to Islamic hell. Hilarious! :bravo:
Mohammed surely existed. The city of Medina had a large Jewish sector after they were displaced by Rome.
OK, now provide some proof. I mean contemporary PROOF :) Seeing as in, Muslims have zero CONtemporary proof of Mohammad's xistance, I'd be interested to see YOURS :)

As it stands, the entire episode was made up.

They were massacred by Mohammed, their women taken, all who had pubic hair were killed as adults and children raised as Muslims.
This is only proof of a much later antisemitism.

Re Moses, As I said, there is loads of circumstantial evidence, acceptable even in a legal proceeding today. The narratives of Moses tell of a war between the Israelites and the Egyptians, and that they left Egypt after builting two cities [Pithom & Ramaessy], and returned to their own land [Canaan]. An Egyptian stelle found recently speaks of a war with Israel - aligning with the basic texts of Moses.
OK, now post some proof.

See, it's really simple, provide proof.
The verse, NOW A NEW KING AROSE IN EGYPT WHO KNEW NOT [WOULD NOT RECOGNISE] JOSEPH AND HIS PEOPLE'. Soon after this the texts speaks of enslavement and bondage. This is the reason any past evidence has been erased, which is consistant of Egyptian traits. The first recording of the Pharoahs, even by name, and the Egyptian cutures, diets and religion is in the Mosaic writings. These writings also give an exact period between Joseph entering Egypt and the exodus, down to the year, and listing a host of nations and peoples names which are authentic to their historical period. Moses ushered in Monotheism as a legal treatise with written laws - this never existed before.
Link some proof.

IMHO, a greater wonder than no proof of Moses, is the text's assurence this will be the case.
yeah man, sounds good, now post some evidence.
LOL! Oh yes, he's spreading hatred because he doesn't want to be told how to live by the 'good' Muslims here

Where did anyone say this? No where.

and if he doesn't he'll go to Islamic hell. Hilarious!

Again, where was this said? No where.

OK, now provide some proof. I mean contemporary PROOF Seeing as in, Muslims have zero CONtemporary proof of Mohammad's xistance, I'd be interested to see YOURS

Haven't we been over this? :rolleyes:
Your psychotic religion makes those claims.

Prove it. All of you can sit here and try to make up such fabricated claims but how about you back your shit up or admit that your full of shit and are talking out of your ass. What other group besides Islam and Muslims do you treat in such a way? What other group besides Islam and Muslims are you so critical in such a bigoted way? What other groups are put under such scrutiny and suspicion other than Islam and Muslms? "Enlightened, openminded and tolerant," West my fucking ass.

The fact that your choosing to post this horseshit that is totally irrelevant to the thread says alot. Islam, Muslims and topics related to both, can't even be discussed in this forum without these paranoid, psychotic and bigoted reactions which says alot about all of you self-righteous Western Atheists.
ja'far said:
Do I really need to keep demonstrating how full of shit you are?
Still no example of anything that actually exists - it's been a few days now, you've had time to look.
ja'far said:
If you hadn't noticed, I have given you evidence against your claims written by scholars whom are accepted and respected by both Sunni and Shi'i Muslims. I have given you evidence against your claims from al-Qur'an of which is the central and most important holy text to all Muslims. I have also referenced numerous marji, scholars, texts and so forth that are in agreement with me.
I never claimed you couldn't find all kinds of texts and scholarly claims and so forth. I assumed that's where you got your stuff, rather than making it up yourself.

It's just that I don't see any matching Islamic religion, or correlative body of believers. I see the Islam in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Yemen, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Mali, Pakistan, lots of different versions of Islam to select from, and none appear to match your assertions about "Islam".
ja'far said:
Egypt has banned all forms of female genital cutting
Serious gential mutilation remains common among Egyptian Muslims. Its practitioners cite their Islamic faith in justification - to the point that Egyptians in the US sometimes send their daughters to Egypt for the procedure, as a means of holding to their Islamic faith in a Western culture.

In Mauritania, justfication as Islamic was so common that some local clerics issued a fatwa saying it was forbidden by Islam. It remains common, and remains justified as Islamic, among the Muslims there.
ja'far said:
I have already stated that it's an African cultural practice that isn't observed elsewhere in the Muslim world and would infact be considered haram in other areas.
It's common in the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, etc), as well, and a couple of other places. They justify it as Islamic custom. But really, that is beside the point - even if it were just African, I am told quite firmly that African Islam is full status - the Islam does not discriminate against Africans, not at all. So the Islam in Africa is the Islam we have to deal with, in the outer world of unbelievers.
ja'far said:
It not only condones but abets and enforces obvious misogyny.

Unsubstantiated bullshit.
You haven't noticed for yourself? Oh, but I forget - the burka, the forbidden bicycle and car driving, the sequestration at home unless escorted and monitored, the genital mutilation, the domestic abuse, all that stuff is both the woman's free choice and not "inherent" in Islam. Right?
ja'far said:
Not to mention, again, I have already addressed all of these arguments in detail, with textual evidence, counter-arguments and so forth.
You can't address my arguments with "textual evidence", and you haven't addressed them otherwise.
ja'far said:
You are the one asserting a single, inclusive, unitary image of Islam.

No, I'm not which is clear by my posts.
What is clear by your posts is that you are attempting to declare a lot of stuff not "inherent" in Islam, and attempting to prove that point by quoting Islamic scholarship and texts. That is an assertion of an "inherent" body of beliefs which are, you would agree, "Islam". It is a rejection of these other beliefs, which millions of Muslims hold and justify as Islam, as not among the "inherent" ones - your term.

I am accepting all these other beliefs held by millions of Muslims as Islam, and you are accepting only the ones you find "inherent", according to scholars and texts.
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I wonder if societies that accept polygamy as normal tend develop and maintain misogynistic attitudes towards women versus societies where monogamy is practiced? Although they didn't run any "scientific tests", this notion was considered to be so self-evident that Communist Chinese banned polygamy following the Communist Revolution - as in that ideology women and men must be equal.
That was equality as subjectively viewed by Communist China no? Another way of viewing equality is all humans deserve to be treated as humans.
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I wonder if societies that accept polygamy as normal tend develop and maintain misogynistic attitudes towards women versus societies where monogamy is practiced? Although they didn't run any "scientific tests", this notion was considered to be so self-evident that Communist Chinese banned polygamy following the Communist Revolution - as in that ideology women and men must be equal.

Polygamy was widespread in ancient times because women's rights did not yet come of age. A woman in ancient times could not survive independently - it was permissable to rob and kidnap a lone woman. Most common cause for polygamy was not a sexual premise but of protecting female family members. One was obligated to marry the wife of a deceased male relative - whether he liked her or not and whatever her age and condition was. But this does not appear the case with today's acceptance and practice of polygamy.
Prove it.

What is emerging in the past recent two years is an aray of Muslims coming out as Muslim Zionists - or rejecting today's Arab Islamism and its false claims of others and of history. This is not easy to do - considering the premise of murdering anyone who insults Islamic premises and killing any who had second thoughts and leave the faith.

This one comes from as far away as Bangladesh, and facing extreme torture and danger:
Still no example of anything that actually exists - it's been a few days now, you've had time to look.

Really? No example? I have named Imam Hussaini Shirazi (RA) (whom held the title of Grand Ayatollah) many times in this forum. His family also has produced many marji and they and Imam Hussaini Shirazi (RA) are famous for opposing the views, politics and actions that happened under Imam Khomeini. I have named my marja Imam Sistani whom is the leading Shi'i cleric in Iraq and is followed by millions of other Shi'a around the globe. I am Shi'i ithna ashari usuli, my views are pretty the mainstream/"orthodox," views in the Shi'a ummah. There is millions of Shi'a around the world whom would agree with me. Every Shi'a would be/is against the Wahhabis/Salafis whom yell in the faces of Shi'a children "heretic." I have posted verses from al-Qur'an which is the central and most important text to every single, solitary Muslim. I have even mentioned the Mu'tazli school of which I follow and which started in the 8th century CE. I have also provided numerous sahih hadith. I mean, what more examples do you need? I'm sorry this doesn't match up with your version of Islam.

It's just that I don't see any matching Islamic religion, or correlative body of believers. I see the Islam in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Yemen, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Mali, Pakistan, lots of different versions of Islam to select from, and none appear to match your assertions about "Islam".

See above. Not to mention it appears that you only see and accept what you want to and there is really nothing I can say to change this.

Serious gential mutilation remains common among Egyptian Muslims. Its practitioners cite their Islamic faith in justification - to the point that Egyptians in the US sometimes send their daughters to Egypt for the procedure, as a means of holding to their Islamic faith in a Western culture.

Your point? Egypt is an African country and this is an African cultural practice. Here is a map showing FCG's prevelance:


If anything this would bi'dah ("innovation"). Here is some relevant hadiths on the matter:

"Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."-Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861.

"Jarir b. Abdullah reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who introduced some evil practice in Islam which had been followed subsequently (by others), he would be required to bear the burden like that of one who followed this (evil practice) without theirs being diminished in any respect."-Sahih Muslim, Book 034, Number 6466.

It's clear that this horrific practice would not only be bi'dah but also a practice which is negative, atrocious, evil, bad, etc.

In Mauritania, justfication as Islamic was so common that some local clerics issued a fatwa saying it was forbidden by Islam. It remains common, and remains justified as Islamic, among the Muslims there.

Also in Mauritania they force feed their women at a young age because being large is the ideal and has great influence in terms of marriage prospects. It also wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that this practice also has religious justification for it however just like FCG it isn't practiced elsewhere in the Muslim world. So really, what's your point?

It's common in the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, etc), as well, and a couple of other places.

Prove it.

But really, that is beside the point - even if it were just African, I am told quite firmly that African Islam is full status - the Islam does not discriminate against Africans, not at all. So the Islam in Africa is the Islam we have to deal with, in the outer world of unbelievers.

This isn't about "African Islam," it's about an African cultural practice. I am not commenting on Islam as practiced by Africans more I am commenting on a specific practice, a specific cultural practice which has no place in Islam and is bi'dah. You can't put a racist spin on this, sorry.

You can't address my arguments with "textual evidence", and you haven't addressed them otherwise.

Really? No textual evidence? I have posted numerous verses from al-Qur'an, sahih hadith and quotes by Islamic scholars, what more textual evidence do you honestly need? But really that's a silly question because you don't accept it even when I do post it and try to downplay it's weight and significance and sweep it under the rug.

What is clear by your posts is that you are attempting to declare a lot of stuff not "inherent" in Islam, and attempting to prove that point by quoting Islamic scholarship and texts.

Texts? I am not quoting just mere "texts." I am quoting al-Qur'an and sahih hadiths. You can't downplay the significance and weight of either.

That is an assertion of an "inherent" body of beliefs which are, you would agree, "Islam".

No, it's not. I said X isn't an inherent part of Islam or Islamic practice because that's how you're portraying this, as if X were. What other group do you do you view things in such a manner? If I were to say, apply this to other races and say some black people eat fried chicken and watermelon thus all black people must do this therefore it's a black practice and inherent black preference. By your logic you would have to agree with this assertion.

It is a rejection of these other beliefs, which millions of Muslims hold and justify as Islam, as not among the "inherent" ones - your term.

This isn't Ja'far > Rest of the Muslim community nor can you portray this in such a way. I have listed two Grand Ayatollahs, one of which is the leading Shi'a cleric in Iraq today and is also followed by millions of other Shi'a around the globe and I could go on and on.

I am accepting all these other beliefs held by millions of Muslims as Islam, and you are accepting only the ones you find "inherent", according to scholars and texts.

In other words your trying to portray this as Ja'far > Rest of the Muslim community which you can't. I'm sorry nor can you reduce my textual evidence to mere quotes by Islamic scholars. I have also posted sahih hadiths. I have even posted verses from al-Qur'an which is accepted by every single Muslim. I'm sorry this conflicts with your argument and version of Islam and Muslims. It isn't just me. I don't know how clearer I have to make this for you.
Polygamy was widespread in ancient times because women's rights did not yet come of age. A woman in ancient times could not survive independently - it was permissable to rob and kidnap a lone woman. Most common cause for polygamy was not a sexual premise but of protecting female family members. One was obligated to marry the wife of a deceased male relative - whether he liked her or not and whatever her age and condition was. But this does not appear the case with today's acceptance and practice of polygamy.
Was Buddha a polygamist?

Ancient Greeks were polygamists?
Ancient Romans were polygamists?
Ancient Japanese were polygamists?

I didn't know that.
Was Buddha a polygamist?

Ancient Greeks were polygamists?
Ancient Romans were polygamists?
Ancient Japanese were polygamists?

I didn't know that.

True there is no blatant obvious example of it in all countries, yet also true is that in ancient times women could not be independent and have business' as today. The only system which conducts polygammy today is Islam.
True there is no blatant obvious example of it in all countries, yet also true is that in ancient times women could not be independent and have business' as today. The only system which conducts polygammy today is Islam.

Someone best get to Utah and tell some of the Mormon sects they are suddenly Muslim. Might also want to tell other Christian sects that they are suddenly Muslim as well.

Prove it. All of you can sit here and try to make up such fabricated claims but how about you back your shit up or admit that your full of shit and are talking out of your ass. What other group besides Islam and Muslims do you treat in such a way? What other group besides Islam and Muslims are you so critical in such a bigoted way? What other groups are put under such scrutiny and suspicion other than Islam and Muslms? "Enlightened, openminded and tolerant," West my fucking ass.

The fact that your choosing to post this horseshit that is totally irrelevant to the thread says alot. Islam, Muslims and topics related to both, can't even be discussed in this forum without these paranoid, psychotic and bigoted reactions which says alot about all of you self-righteous Western Atheists.

Don't think for a second your psychotic religion is alone in the world, it's just one of many hate filled ideologies plaguing mankind.

"Enlightened, openminded and tolerant"

Can you actually say your twisted cult offers those things? LOL! :bravo:
ja'far said:
Still no example of anything that actually exists - it's been a few days now, you've had time to look.

Really? No example? I have named Imam Hussaini Shirazi (RA) (whom held the title of Grand Ayatollah) many times in this forum. His family also has produced many marji and they and Imam Hussaini Shirazi (RA) are famous for opposing the views, politics and actions that happened under Imam Khomeini. I have named my marja Imam Sistani whom is the leading Shi'i cleric in Iraq and is followed by millions of other Shi'a around the globe. I am Shi'i ithna ashari usuli, my views are pretty the mainstream/"orthodox," views in the Shi'a ummah. There is millions of Shi'a around the world whom would agree with me. Every Shi'a would be/is against the Wahhabis/Salafis whom yell in the faces of Shi'a children "heretic." I have posted verses from al-Qur'an which is the central and most important text to every single, solitary Muslim. I have even mentioned the Mu'tazli school of which I follow and which started in the 8th century CE. I have also provided numerous sahih hadith. I mean, what more examples do you need? I'm sorry this doesn't match up with your version of Islam.
Your first attempt at an example.

Let's remove the irrelevancies (the names of the clerics and the Quran citations, etc) and take a look:
- - I am Shi'i ithna ashari usuli, my views are pretty the mainstream/"orthodox," views in the Shi'a ummah. There is millions of Shi'a around the world whom would agree with me. - -
The orthodox Shi'a put their women in the oppressive special clothing and impose the special rules, tend to creationist assertions, and exhibit a couple of other inconsistencies with your asserted nature of "Islam", but all in all probably one of the better examples.

My friends who have traveled in the Middle East and central Asian Islamic world all - without exception - tell me that the regular Iranian Shia is on average one of the nicest, friendliest, most reasonable and most Western compatible people in the entire region, maybe the world in general.

The fact that you are still quoting the Quran at me, and naming clerics, tells me that you have never really understood my posts, though.

ja'far said:
It's common in the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, etc), as well, and a couple of other places.

Prove it.
Oh c'mon. This has been a battle for years now.
ja'far said:
This isn't about "African Islam," it's about an African cultural practice. I am not commenting on Islam as practiced by Africans more I am commenting on a specific practice, a specific cultural practice which has no place in Islam and is bi'dah.
It obviously has a place in Islam as practiced by millions of Muslims. It is condoned by Islam, even justified by Islam, as practiced by millions of Muslims. If thousands of Muslims move into my neighborhood, one of the possibilities is that they will bring their Islamic practice of genital mutilation (which they will defend as part of their Islamic religious practice) with them.

That happened, in Minneapolis and Rochester and a couple of other towns in Minnesota, USA.
ja'far said:
exts? I am not quoting just mere "texts." I am quoting al-Qur'an and sahih hadiths.
ja'far said:
There is nothing inherently wrong with polygamy.
In theory. It has some unfortunate side effects, in practice - it tends to reward wealth too greatly, and punish poverty too severely, to easily support an egalitarian society or democratic politics, for one.
There is nothing inherently wrong with polygamy.
Three questions:

(1) Is there anything inherently wrong with a man taking 5 wives?

(2) Is there anything inherently wrong with polyandry (a woman with multiple husbands)?

I hypothesize that social acceptance of polygamy leads to increased misogyny and ultimately reduced legal equality for women. Whether that is wrong is a matter of personal opinion. But, that's viewing things at the social level in particular societies. There may not be anything wrong at all with polygamy/polyandry/swinging etc... if that's what people want to do. So, I wonder: Why did the Chinese ban polygamy? If there's nothing inherently wrong? Why ban it? I suppose Chinese probably noticed that (at the time) polygamy went hand-in-hand with misogyny and it's probably why they made it illegal - following the introduction of Communistic philosophy to the Chinese people. However, who knows, in a Communistic Chinese Utopia polygamy and polyandry may be perfectly normal and in no way lead to a generalized misogynistic behavior :shrug: It's ideas like this that tell us that the notion of a Penultimate Perfect Ideology is not only very shortsighted but is misleading. Acting in a certain way in one society may not be the same as acting in the same manner in another. Societies change along with people's attitude.

Think about some hippie love fest with some dude and his two babes "rebelling" against the establishment. Compare this with a 12 year old daughter "married" (for $150) to a 50 year old wealthy man to be his 4th or even 54th wife. It's simply a completely different scenario.

But, yes, sure, in a free society adults should be able to choose the relationships they engage in.

(3) Is there anything inherently wrong with homosexulaity?
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