NASA: Humans Will Prove We Are Not Alone

Discussion in 'Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology' started by StrangerInAStrangeLand, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. river

    Right now , there are the Germans , real extraterrestrials , Russians maybe and the US
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  3. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    OK. I tried & I guess you tried.
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  5. river

    I tried

    Look UFOs are real , no doubt in my mind , people just have to read some good books about UFOs

    Not TV , movies , tabloids and the such , but serious books on the subject
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  7. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    There is no evidence of Alien contact.
    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    As a species we have and are Improving...As an advanced species, I would expect them to do what I suggest, or something similar. Certainly not to some loner out in the middle of nowhere.

    Funny, I generally try an keep updated with the Mars Rovers...Never heard of this one.
    Any chance you can repost it?
    Would be nice.

    You can justify your beliefs anyway you chose.
    I'm sure you have been told that scientific theories do gain certainty over time and continued aligning with evidence.
    See if Newtonian mechanics still holds up will you river. Jump up in the air and see if you come back down.
    Some scientific theories are beyond any reasonable doubt.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
    And I don't accept any "conspiracy" nonsense that you are so apt to claim.
    I mean with all this conspiracy crap, it's a wonder some of you have the nerve to get out of bed in the mornings.
  8. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    Of course UFO's are real. I have seen a UFO myself.
    You do know what UFO stands for don't you?
  9. river


    Your just not worth it
  10. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    Of course I'm worth it!
    I witnessed a UFO around 10 years ago one night while driving.....A blue circular disc, about the apparent size of the full Moon. travelling on the horizon and parallel with it before dipping below.
    I reached home quite excited, told the Mrs and young Bloke, then listened for news broadcasts...Read the papers next morning, no mention of it anywhere.
    I don't know what it was to this day, and I'm not one to suffer delusions or such. Then common sense kicked in.
    It was a UFO....could have been one of a million things, including one of Alien source.
    But common sense asked me, "Now why would they just do that?"
    No actual evidence for anything in particular, except a plain old common, often seen UFO!
  11. wellwisher Banned Banned

    I believe that alien type UFO's represent a modern version of mythology. This form of mythology is considered acceptable by atheists, because it follows the rules of science instead of adding powers that defy laws of physics and/or technology projections. If you look at the science fiction of 1950's, alien computers used reel to reel, which is primitive by modern standards, but advanced when this science fiction was conceived. This was do-able and acceptable mythology. If they had used flash drives 1950's atheist science may have drawn the line.

    Modern humans have religious firmware connected to the right brain, due to a selection process. Religions dominated the social landscapes of most cultures through their early and middle histories, with this religious connection bred by selection. An atheist would be removed. In modern times, atheism may have the attention of the conscious mind, but not the religion firmware. It needs to feed, with the UFO a socially acceptable way to do this.

    The aliens are real in the sense of being projections from unconscious aspects of the human mind. They symbolize our undiscovered self, just as the gods of Greek mythology reflected aspect of our human nature and higher human potential; future. It is interesting to listen to the stories because it often reverse engineers a mapping of some aspects of the modern human psyche.
  12. river

    What a load of shear non-sense
  13. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member


    I must emphatically state that my reason for agreeing to and seconding ForresrDean's Post was because I am not in any way, shape or form Theistic, so I do not need any 'Proof', one way or the other, that we are "alone" in the Universe or that it is here just for us.

    All that I have to do is allow common sense and just a modicum of applied thought to fully realize that there is absolutely no way that we are alone in the Universe.
    I do not 'claim' that we have been 'contacted', or 'abducted' or even 'Created' by ETL - be it ETI or some Theistic Deity.

    The reason that I wholeheartedly agreed with ForrestDean's Post is simply because I Honestly and Earnest believe that by the simple application of what little we know of the Universe, there can be no rational or intelligent basis for any deduction, nor conclusion, that we, Human Beings, are 'Alone' in the Universe, period.

    The statement : "NASA: Humans Will Prove ‘We Are Not Alone In The Universe’ Within 20 Years", is, for all intents and purposes, just anther 'sensationalist headline'.
    I personally find it to have as much weight as one of Harold Campings predictions or even the following 'sensationalist headline' from back in March of this year : "NASA predicts the end of Western civilization" -

    The New York Post article references this Article : "NASA study: Over-population, depleting resources and wealth distribution" -
    The ^^above^^ Link contains a Video news segment that some may find interesting.

    The same story, but two different "Headlines"!
    In all actuality I find this 'prediction' by NASA to be of much more importance to Modern Society and Humanity as a whole because, as I have stated previously, it is one of "the myriad of questions/problems that...we should take care of in humanity's currently occupied little corner of the observable Universe...before showing our A$$ to any and all ETL or ETI."
  14. river

    Originally Posted by river
    The reason I agreed with ForrestDean , because some of us already know whats really going , in plain sight if you choose to investigate

    And alot is covert , and the only way to KNOW this is by reading , serious books by competent researchers , some books take years of through research
  15. Arne Saknussemm trying to figure it all out Valued Senior Member

    Shear? Perhaps you meant 'sheer'? You really can't expect people to take you seriously when you write so carelessly, I think.

    Anyway, Dr. Carl Sagan, for one, would agree with wellwisher I have posted a link for this exact same video in another discussion of some other topic. Nevertheless, here it is again. Much of its charm is that it's one of Sagan's earliest television appearances.

  16. river

    Heres a quote from Carl Sagan and I.S.Shklovskii , from there book in 1966 , Intelligent Life in the Universe ;

    On Phobos , a satellite of Mars

    " Could Phobos be indeed rigid, on the OUTSIDE - but hollow on the inside ? A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object. Therefore we are lead to the possibility that Phobos-and possibly Deimos as well- may be artifical satellites of Mars. "
  17. paddoboy Valued Senior Member


    So you logically and sensibly agree that ETL should exist, or does exist? Which is it?
    My own answer to my question is "does exist" due to many reasons re numbers, extent, and the stuff of life being everywhere.
    But scientific methodology demands evidence of a more concrete nature, and in the absence of that evidence at this time, the true scientific answer can only be "WE DO NOT KNOW"
    Therefor it follows that NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, and others, all have as a prime mission target for most space missions, the finding, detecting and discovery of ETL.
    Any irrefutable evidence of any life no matter how primordial or fundamental, would be a "shout from the hill tops" discovery for Cosmology and science and be on the front page of every newspaper in the world.
    Any discovery of irrefutable evidence of an advanced civilisation, would be even more ground breaking and profound, with front page coverage all over the world for weeks on end, talk in church gatherings, and congregations, workplaces etc etc.
    It would without doubt be the most profound news for humanity in general, since Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins, went to, and landed on the Moon, for mankind's first step on another astronomical body.
    To deny that "FACT" of ultimate profound effect on civilisation, for whatever agenda, would be less then human.

    Although most scientists/cosmologists do agree we are not alone, that single first confirmation of it would be ground breaking and history changing, and go down in history books as such, and always be remembered and referred to in classes in all society.

    You maybe right, but that's not the point of this discussion.
    Whether we do find it in 20 years, 30 years, 50 years or next century, it will be just as ground breaking, history making and just as profound.
    With what we know at this time, and the efforts of SETI, NASA, ESA and others, I'll stick with the 20 years.

    Again, no one has ever disagreed with your noble thoughts, but not at the expense of science and cosmology.
    That is in itself, doing much to alleviate mankinds problems here on Earth, in many fields.
    We could though have many trillions of dollars available to fix up those Earthly problems diverted from all the world militaristic endeavours and associated cock waving that takes place regularly.
    You would agree with that now wouldn't you dmoe?

    And with that being solved we can then continue our reaching into space and the solar system, showing our arse to any and all ETL that is interested in seeing it.
  18. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    I don't believe Carl Sagan would be agreeing at all with wellwisher, or even one or two other extreme views in this thread.
    Carl was probably the greatest educator of our times, and although a 100% supporter of life out there somewhere, was also a critic of most of the delusional, mistaken UFO sightings supposedly of Alien origin.
  19. river

    It is what it is , pad

    A contradiction
  20. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    Not really, but you stay with your delusions, ya here?

    And if any Alien attempts any anal probe just relax, OK?
  21. Arne Saknussemm trying to figure it all out Valued Senior Member

    Have you listened to Dr. Sagan? In which part does he say something that is anything unlike what wellwisher had to say?

    You don't believe Carl Sagan would be agreeing at all with wellwisher? You're a great one for demanding proof. Can you prove that Sagan has an opinion different from the one he has stated here? Can you explain how his opinion differs so much fro wellwisher's on this topic?

    Also what are these other 'extreme' views that you mention? This thread has been eight pages.(Help us out) Please point out which threads are similar to what wellwisher and/or Sagan has said, and how you think they are actually not at all like them. Thank you.
  22. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    I'm quite familar with Carl Sagan and what he says does not conform with what wellwishers says.

    Nor does he align with inferences others here have made.
    Carl while realising that in actual fact scientifically speaking, "we do not Know" that ETI exists off this Earth, had the firm belief that the Universe should be teeming with life.
    He also often stated the fact, that time and distance were the great barriers to contact with another species.
    He also vehemently dismissed UFO's of Alien origins for the same reasons I have stated.
    He has also stated that when we finally do know with irrefutable certainty, that Alien Intelligence and life does exist, that it would be a great defining moment in human history.

    Anything else you see as a problem?
  23. Arne Saknussemm trying to figure it all out Valued Senior Member

    You haven't answered the question: specifically, how are what wellwisher wrote and what Sagan said in that video any different? You've only said you're familiar with what Sagan said, and stated that it does not conform to what wellwisher says. You haven't said how their statements are different.

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