More evidence the universe is just a hologram

Discussion in 'Intelligence & Machines' started by Magical Realist, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

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  3. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Actually, just more evidence that Magical Realist can and will copy/paste anything.
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  5. Trapped Banned Banned

    Well, he might not be so off the mark. There appears to a growing body of evidence concerning an existing hologram.
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  7. Trapped Banned Banned

    Ad far as I know... there are two now existing bodies of evidence concerning the hologram theory. Both based on computer analysis.
  8. cornel Registered Senior Member

    Nah, everything we see on TV is just a hologram, since the tv doesn't show anything of itself(except when it's off) what it shows is basically prechosen(sorry, i know there must be a better english word for it, but no idea what) by (human) intelligence.
    Our perception of reality is not consciously prechosen by any intelligence as far as we know, and although a lot of our perception is just that, perception, and we're likely to be missing(and misinterpreting) big parts of our reality,
    it is not a hologram. That would be the same as stating that the night is a hologram, because in the night we (usually) perceive less of reality.
  9. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    Programming - television shows are "programs".

    Perception can be influenced by conscious, subconscious and even unconscious prejudices, biases and beliefs, not to mention the myriad of illusions perpetrated by television programmers and advertisers.

    During the daytime, we perceive a blue sky and the Sun, maybe 93 million miles.
    At night we perceive the Universe, and see things many billions of light years away.

    So...(usually) less?!?!
  10. Vance Elwood Registered Member

    It is a possibility, but these kinds of things become misinterpreted. I spoke to a spiritualist who interpreted the principle as "everything is an illusion", they concluded it as proof that everything is subjective, and that we project our own reality. Her reasoning was that because everything is "an illusion", evidence is an "illusion" also. A bit of a contradiction in her reasoning there, but she seems to think that because it is a contradiction, it proves her point further.
  11. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    All this means is that there are more dimensions than we perceive directly. You can think of time as the advancing wavefront between past and future, like a 2-dimensional membrane, the same way a hologram is flat but can represent 3D shapes. To us, reality has three dimensions, but from an imaginary perspective outside of time, we are flat. I don't think this is justification for supernatural shit, but it just might be the way things are.
  12. Vance Elwood Registered Member

    That is my interpretation also.
  13. Yazata Valued Senior Member

    I have tremendous skepticism when physicists play at being speculative metaphysicians.

    Here we have what may or may not be defensible work in mathematical physics being presented to laypeople as if it was the discovery of a higher metaphysical plane, a true reality of which our physical world is just a projection. The physical universe is supposedly a lesser place, "just a hologram", less real and presumably less exalted than whatever higher reality projects it.

    It reminds me of Plato's 'Myth of the Cave' in the Republic, where inhabitants of the cave can only see shadows of real things on the wall of their cave, and mistake the shadows for the real things. In Plato's imagination, the real things were his eternal forms, most notably numbers, now the real things are supposed to be the speculative mathematical abstractions of string theory. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    In middle Platonism this idea became a spiritual path, whose goal was to enable humanity to escape from the cave and discover what's truly real. These ideas survive today, in the western occult tradition. In late antiquity, Christian Platonism identified Plato's world of forms with ideas in the mind of the Judeo-Christian God and the goal became to know God.

    It seems to me that the job of physics is to understand the physical world, not to deny it and make it go away. The excruciatingly complex equations of physics are abstract conceptual models of regularities observed in the behavior of the physical world. Something seems to be going awry when science's conceptual models are imagined as being more real than the universe they were created to model.

    In philosophy this is referred to as hypostasizing, the process of regarding a concept, abstraction or object posited for the purposes of one's theory as having the status of a real independent object. In this case it goes beyond that, since here the theoretical entity is being proclaimed as being even more real than the real world.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015

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