Is the Galactic Empire evil?

Discussion in 'SciFi & Fantasy' started by USS Athens, Jun 4, 2008.


Is the Galactic Empire evil?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. Imperial Knight Registered Member

    The Empire was a meritocracy compising uncounted billions if not trillions of individual citizens hosts the gambit of moral characters ranging from saints to devils.
    Its purpose was not destruction or "evil" but peace and order. Collectivistic arguments about the morals of such a vast societies tend to break down when you attempt to lump every Rebel as a "good" and every Imperial as "bad". No matter what it all depends on your point of view. The farmer whose son was saved by the imperial army from bandits roused by insurgents rebels would have a very different view of the Empire than someone who lost their son to a villianous counterpart.

    True, several of its top leaders during its formative years were extremely ruthless in their methods but their goals to eliminate the corruption that parasitically drained the galaxy for the sakes of a few for untold eons, promote those with the ability to positions where they wielded power and responsibility wisely and well, and unite the galaxy under one vision so internecine warfare and perserve the lives of the untold billions who would die under such a weak and sceloric republic were still clear. Perhaps they choose too extreme and harsh a ideology where a moderate and gentler approach would have better served the end they sought with all their souls. Social Darwinism however well-intentioned is not a healthy ideal due to its extreme self-destructiveness, cruelty, and inhumanity. A society that valued loyalty, humanity, order, friendly (non-lethal) competition, discipline, individual dignity, honor that practiced even-tempered pragmatic compassion in its leadership and military while still stamping out corruption, criminality, and insurrection would have served the Empire very well.

    'Most vices miss what is right because they are excessive in feelings or in actions; while virtue finds and chooses the mean.' - Niccomachian Ethics
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