How long would a person survive if he the last remaining human being on Earth?

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by Enoc, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Amar Nath Reu Be your own guru Registered Senior Member

    I see a contradiction here. You go out of the walls and are devoured by dogs gone wild (since there are no tigers, lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, wolves or even bears in UK. Thank the mythical figure of speech that you are in a very safe territory).
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  3. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    If necessary I could wear one of the many suits of armour.
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  5. Amar Nath Reu Be your own guru Registered Senior Member

    That does it. Happy scavenging in the super markets, all yours. Light a candle for the departed humanity.

    "Dar-o-deewar pe hasrat se nazar karte hain;
    Khush raho ahle-watan hum to safar karte hain."

    I see the doors and walls with longing;
    O people of my land, I wish you happiness as I say good bye."

    The poem was written by Rama Prasad Bismil aka Panditji, one of the Indian freedom fighters who were given death sentence for Kakori train dacoity before he was taken for hanging in 1927.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
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  7. madethesame Banned Banned

    what if the person was osama ?
  8. Amar Nath Reu Be your own guru Registered Senior Member

    I think Osama would have asked permission to see his reported porn collection once more.
  9. madethesame Banned Banned

    their will be no one to manage electricity.
    what he will do then ?
  10. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    If I were that last person on earth, I would miss a few friends and family.
    But humanity?
    No, I don't think I'd miss that.

    As Gandhi said when he was asked what he thought of Western Civilisation.
    Yes, that would be a good thing.
  11. madethesame Banned Banned

    i dont want to be the last person.
    girls gone all fun is gone.
  12. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Indeed. Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens encountered each other about 25KYA, when the most recent ice age began to abate. The Neanderthals were well adapted to a cold climate, and so were the large, slow-moving, fat-bearing animals they hunted. As the weather warmed, modern humans began to migrate into Europe, as did smaller, faster-moving prey animals which they were accustomed to hunting but were very difficult for the slower, denser Neanderthals, whose arms were not articulated as intricately as ours so they were limited in the kinds of weapons they could use. The less dense sapiens are buoyant, allowing us to cross rivers by simply swimming, and to hunt the fish and other animals that live in water.

    Nonetheless, genetics tells us that the two species did interbreed. The average modern European has about 5% Neanderthal DNA. Obviously the two kinds of humans managed to find a way to get along. They surely each had some useful abilities and other traits that the other did not (such as the Neanderthals' ability to endure cold nights during a winter hunting excursion), which increased the success and prosperity of their communities.

    Nonetheless, as the temperature continued to rise, the arctic animals died off, and Europe became criss-crossed by rivers of liquid water, pure-blood Neanderthals faded away.
    "Species" is a scientific term coined by humans. It does not fit entirely well in the study of animal populations.

    Nonetheless, we have adequate evidence for the evolution of species. The polar bear speciated from the grizzly bear over the past 100K years, and we have plenty of fossils from various eras that show the slow changes. The most recent modification was the completion of their teeth, which are noticeably different from grizzly teeth. This took about 10K years.
    Apparently you haven't read Never Cry Wolf or saw the movie. The scientist established his own "territory" by laboriously marking a circle with his own urine. At one point it (deliberately) crossed a wolf path. When the wolves encountered the new odor, they muddled for a couple of hours and then decided to revise their path and went around it.

    True wild dogs like dingos--domesticated dogs brought from New Guinea around 5KYA and abandoned--have had plenty of time to revise their instincts and may indeed regard humans as food. But members of the average feral dog pack in the Third World are the offspring of domestic dogs who lost their way just a few generations ago. Many of them--if not most--would be delighted to have a human step in and reestablish the order that their ancestors trained them for.
    Amar Nath Reu likes this.
  13. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    For love interest.
    There would be Dugongs
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  14. Amar Nath Reu Be your own guru Registered Senior Member

    Aye, Captain. Dugongs good.

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  15. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    And the characteristics that help the existing species survive cumulatively change the survivors into a new species.
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  16. Waiter_2001 Registered Senior Member


    Also that person is probably guilty of mass murder. There's a film about a similar dilemma. There is a group of people on an island, and characters begin dying one by one. Eventually there is only two of them remaining so one character says to the other, "well i know it wasnt me, so it must have been you!" I will break the tension by telling you the good guy escapes the island. Ive never actually seen the film but a friend of mine raved about it. Thats how i know what happened.
  17. kilao Registered Member

    Maybe like the film ‘I Am Legend’? The one who think there was nobady else but himself live in the earth. But he will continue to find whether there is a person alive. And he will survive until die of old age.
  18. jcc Registered Senior Member

    A miner survived under ground for 17 years, news from China.

    Live lives as long as it lasts.
  19. kilao Registered Member

    It seems that human's potential is unlimited.
  20. jcc Registered Senior Member

  21. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    Not me.

    < >
  22. paddoboy Valued Senior Member

    If it just was me and any one of two or three particular people on this forum that were the only survivors, I reckon I would murder him and knock about by myself.

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  23. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    When humans no longer rule the world from any reason, the insects will rule the world because the can adapt to any environment.

    Or how about Tardigrades (Waterbears)?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2015

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