Gravitational Waves: Plus BH rethink:


Valued Senior Member
Missing gravitational waves lead to black hole rethink
October 21, 2015 by Chris Marr, Sciencenetwork Wa

Human understanding of galaxies and black holes is being called into question after an 11-year search for mysterious gravitational waves—famously predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago—failed to find anything.

Australian researchers have spent more than a decade trying to detect a background 'rumble' from the gravitational waves by using CSIRO's Parkes telescope to observe a particular kind of neutron star known as a 'millisecond pulsar'.


CSIRO's parkes telescope. Credit: Tam

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The fact that the search failed to locate any background 'rumble' from the waves is calling into question scientist's understanding of galaxy merges and black holes.

CSIRO and International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research scientist Dr Ryan Shannon says one possibility for the missing waves is that the two black holes never get close enough to create the waves, and never merge.

Another alternative is the opposite situation, whereby the two black holes may merge much faster than originally thought.

"Searching for gravitational waves is pushing the limits of our technology, and like the development of wi-fi was the response to the search for evaporating black holes, who knows what new developments this research may lead to," Dr Shannon says.

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Things are getting tough for GR in this 100th anniversary year....Missing stuff can only be found out if at all it was missing!! GR has become a behemoth, it will take some time. Marcy has proved how the system can act (or not act) unethically to get funds. So if the system was getting 100 Million USD for GR GW detection, then all the voices of dissent will be either ignored or bulldozed or silenced. This BH / GW / GR / Inflation / BB work and spending...will give the solace that look incidental and circumstantial scientific breakthroughs and understanding enriched. Agreed....
Things are getting tough for GR in this 100th anniversary year..
According to? You??? A nobody, the proverbial cocky on the biscuit tin?
GR along with SR will still be the most overwhelmingly supported and verified theory when you are long dead and buried.
Or perhaps you are still far too infatuated with the Black Neutron Star nonsense?
According to? You??? A nobody, the proverbial cocky on the biscuit tin?
GR along with SR will still be the most overwhelmingly supported and verified theory when you are long dead and buried.
Or perhaps you are still far too infatuated with the Black Neutron Star nonsense?

Pl educate me on this Black Neutron Star, you have referred it lot of times, and I have no know how of it.

SR already has few cracks or let me put it this way...not much applicability as it is impossible to find the true inertial frame of reference. Still SR is not so outlandish, GR is too much....kaput from day 1, its like that holy tunnel straight to heaven...Tunnel = meticulously planned geodesic path to heaven, a planned distortion in the spacetime.
Pl educate me on this Black Neutron Star, you have referred it lot of times, and I have no know how of it.
:) Something proposed here by a bloke seen as the village Idiot. ;)
SR already has few cracks or let me put it this way...not much applicability as it is impossible to find the true inertial frame of reference. Still SR is not so outlandish, GR is too much....kaput from day 1, its like that holy tunnel straight to heaven...Tunnel = meticulously planned geodesic path to heaven, a planned distortion in the spacetime.

:D I'm sure our mainstream friends are quaking at the thought!

Great place these forums. as outlets for the lame-brained, the cranks, the ego inflated delusional fools...Say what they like and then believe that what they say makes any difference to mainstream accepted science. :rolleyes:
:) Something proposed here by a bloke seen as the village Idiot. ;)

:D I'm sure our mainstream friends are quaking at the thought!

Great place these forums. as outlets for the lame-brained, the cranks, the ego inflated delusional fools...Say what they like and then believe that what they say makes any difference to mainstream accepted science. :rolleyes:

Ok, so in your opinion, on this sub forun, who is the intelligent member ? You need not write the name of your boss 'brucep'..apart from him.

You can also try finding out about true inertial frames..
Ok, so in your opinion, on this sub forun, who is the intelligent member ? You need not write the name of your boss 'brucep'..apart from him.
My boss??? No just a sensible logical cyber friend among many others.
You can also try finding out about true inertial frames..
More to the point, why not present your interpretation of 21st century cosmology? Write another paper. :rolleyes: And I'll help to demolish that too.
Even our other alternative hypothesis pushers have disowned you and doing their best to avoid your nonsensical claims.
C'mon, present your stuff for review and more demolishment by your forum peers!
What are you so afraid of?
Still got the BNS at the back of your mind?
It will be mildly interesting to see whether or if forum hierarchy take any strong and consistent action in the light of what is bleeding obviously spamming with deranged prattle in #3 here. Or a repeat dose of the crazies here:
Someone spare us a 'part 2' with likely reference to Bob Lazar and 'actual anti-gravity secret technology involving really element 118-not-115'.

Others have been perma-banned for less. Yet for some weird reason an untouchable sacred cow seems able to freely roam around to muddy the waters at SF. Strange imo that hardly anyone seems bothered by one entities antics, yet rage against others for lesser offenses. Almost persuades me casting of black-magic spells really works!
It will be mildly interesting to see whether or if forum hierarchy take any strong and consistent action in the light of what is bleeding obviously spamming with deranged prattle in #3 here. Or a repeat dose of the crazies here:
Someone spare us a 'part 2' with likely reference to Bob Lazar and 'actual anti-gravity secret technology involving really element 118-not-115'.

Others have been perma-banned for less. Yet for some weird reason an untouchable sacred cow seems able to freely roam around to muddy the waters at SF. Strange imo that hardly anyone seems bothered by one entities antics, yet rage against others for lesser offenses. Almost persuades me casting of black-magic spells really works!
I have a few here on ignore, have you thought of doing that yourself? It seems some here are under a spell that compels them to read every paddo post and then complain and reply to it too. Just look how many posts in this thread alone are devoted to replying to paddo's posts, they forget the ignore button is their friend. Paddo is not one of those I ignore, saying that will line this post up for 'The ill one' to have a swipe at this post. He/she just can't help their self. Try putting me on ignore I don't mind unless you like moaning or you could try another forum. As you can see, this post has nothing to do with OP, so if you reply it will show you maybe under that moaning/ complaining and REPLYING spell yourself...
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I have a few here on ignore, have you thought of doing that yourself? It seems some here are under a spell that compels them to read every paddo post and then complain and reply to it too. Just look how many posts in this thread alone are devoted to replying to paddo's posts, they forget the ignore button is their friend. Paddo is not one of those I ignore, saying that will line this post up for 'The ill one' to have a swipe at this post. He/she just can't help their self. Try putting me on ignore I don't mind unless you like moaning or you could try another forum. As you can see, this post has nothing to do with OP, so if you reply it will show you maybe under that moaning/ complaining and REPLYING spell yourself...
Well you did open by asking me a question - and it's impolite not to reply, no? I get your drift - don't give oxygen to trolls etc. While using ignore feature may work for some, I see it as too wide a net. Sure it means one can avoid the angst of say crazed stalking (characteristic of one 'entity' here). Yet also makes one vulnerable to outright systematic defamation and/or misrepresentation. I prefer to pay the price of avoiding the latter consequence.
As for 'spells', let's just say overall forum standards and behavior has it's oddities imo.:cool:
My bold
Krash, are you suggesting your own 'work' on your linked page is above mainstream and not just your alternative musing?
I have always wanted to ask you where your spacecraft know as in Krashed. Do the Lacerta files mean anything to you, will you find part two there, copy and paste, it will save you typing all again.Your find part 1 there too?
What's it all about Krashy?
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yes. i was hoping it would not come to this.. but yes.. i'm the one whom was interviewed.
It's nice to be "mainstream" before it's fashionable once in a very long while.

I credit you all for that. Thanks again.