Everyday racism

Look how calm Paddo has remained whilst suffering irrational abuse and blatant bullying. What hypocrites...
:) Thanks for your thoughts Alex...this imo and perception involves more then my imagined sexism.
The truth be that if I had of replied in kind, and calling a spade a spade after some of the disgusting remarks, it would be what they needed to kick me out. Not that it worries me too much as the place appears to be falling apart at the seams anyway! :)
There have been though a couple of exceptions, where the debate by a couple of members did maintained civility while still disagreeing with me [I mentioned them earlier] a shame that those that should no better, decided to let emotion rule over any common sense.

Anyway next time in the big smoke, let us know and I'll buy you a schooner. :D or two!!

Sorry about your illness mate, and hope all has now returned to some normality.
No argument on that score.

You cant appear rational and cause these haters to wonder if they are not just being stupid ..I mean they are stupid but we dont want to give them more things to wring their hands over not when they are knee deep in bullying an old man and saying "white male" oblivious that it is both racist and sexist...how will they squirm out of that..but they cant.

Its a pity they cant address, say, domestic violence or the many many pressing issues that real people have to face but lets judge Paddo and dribble on about a situation we did not witness.... sounds reasonable..to them.. idiots.

Rebels without a cause...

Their problem is, you see, they probably dont get out and meet real people..they have no idea of how real folk talk..all they have no doubt is their little computer world where they follow pretend causes...all this talk about BLM...you know not one word about the number of black females who die in domestic violence..would you not think that deserves heaps more attention.

You are a gentleman and those who call you bad names are simply losers ..there is no reason to name call but one finds when dealing with immature people name calling is about as good as they can wage in an arguement. I have name called here in the hope that if I lower to their level something may get across...and those who cry "sexist" have no problem going entirely over the top with their sexual abuse..grow a pair..not sexual abuse..hypocritical abusive bully.

They have no idea of context or what the world is like outside their bedroom...I mean what have any of them done in their lives..zip mate.

As I said to Michael I wont be wasting time here..back into guitar and I now have three microscopes, the observatory is finished with a section for microscopes and section for photo processing...the park has greened up and looks great..and all this with less money than most folk..just effort...it is amazing how time once spent here has produced so many real things...I can now actually play "Blues" just from using my time to practice a little each day.
I recall the van was a gift from a lady who called me love..should I have called her out for sexual abuse..no thats the way she speaks and the judgement of losers wont change that...who are they to judge...really where are their heads?

So not being here has been a very positive move.
It is just so good now...

It's how everyone sees it Dave, out in the general public
That is demonstrably not true - as witnessed by this ~200 post thread.

This forum is a much better representation of "the public" than your little community.

Let me ask you a question Dave....How far are we going to take this PC stuff?
"PC" is an epithet designed to make intolerance of sexism seem like a bad thing. It is a form of gaslighting.

We would be dismantling and banning every second record/cd!
Straw man. Attempt to deflect from your behavior, right here.
As I said to Michael I wont be wasting time here..back into guitar and I now have three microscopes, the observatory is finished with a section for microscopes and section for photo processing...the park has greened up and looks great..and all this with less money than most folk..just effort...it is amazing how time once spent here has produced so many real things...I can now actually play "Blues" just from using my time to practice a little each day.
Good for you on all counts Alex! particularly having the Observatory finished. If you get back, and if I'm still around ;) don't forget some of your "world class" photographs and pictures.
Personally am along with the Mrs, waiting for a possible Pacific bubble and a return to Viti Levu [Fiji]...great people, great life style, and genuine to boot. Happy to say Cyclone Yasa missed Rakiraki [where the Mrs is from] and they have been all ringing today, to relieve my worried wife.
Rather not talk about the other shit.
That is demonstrably not true - as witnessed by this ~200 post thread.

This forum is a much better representation of "the public" than your little community.
How is that so Dave? That's damn silly in actual fact. And certainly wrong about "my little community " It is far and varied, a member of three clubs and friends from Maroubra to Bondi, to Parramatta and Penrith. [you can google and see how extensive that is]
It's this science forum that is an apparent little community Dave if we are serious, and let me say after the first page of disguised threats, I would say I would have more support but for the fact that some do not want to earn the wrath of the mods.

"PC" is an epithet designed to make intolerance of sexism seem like a bad thing. It is a form of gaslighting.
No it is correct and true, and if not for the expected and correct outrage, we would be further curtailed in what we can freely say.

Straw man. Attempt to deflect from your behavior, right here.
Again not true and not a strawman. Records/cd's have already been mentioned by someone as sexist or whatever in the other thread. Certainly it won't happen, because it would again be pushing the envelope tooooo far!
remember "WASP"?
To some degree, of course. They know themselves to be white Americans, after all - that requires some minimum of racism.
being as I do not know of a "BASP"
the "W" seems ridiculous?
The W is informative - it labels a faction. Other people know about it - it's familiar to Americans who have been paying attention.
What people who have decided not to pay attention do or do not decide to allow themselves to "know" is beside the point.
Others, and I count myself in this group, have no need to change because I never had adverse views about people based on the fictitious concept of race or somehow their gender affected their intelliegence
You are fooling only yourself.
I find it ironic that in spite of all the consternation there are no really white or really black people.

People are pink, or beige, or golden, or bronze, or brown, all lovely colors.
But what's underneath those skin colors is what counts. Kindness, compassion, empathy are the important properties. Everything else is literally "superficial" and those who are affected by that are "superficial" people regardless of skin color.
Funny how "the norm" stops being "the norm" when one is on the receiving end, huh?
If one is opposed to certain behaviour the smart thing to do would not be to wallow in the same mud with the apparent glee you exhibited and then not address the fact that you are nothing more than an abusive bullying hypocrite...sad,y you have no abiloty to see you are simply wrong.
You know, your age is no excuse for your appalling and deplorable behaviour as exhibited by the statement above.

You can abuse and bully until the cows come home but you only underline your failure to accept that the term "white male" is both racist and sexist which says it all about your hatred and failure to address what sexism and racism is all about...it starts with un called for generalizations...white male fits the bill, used with hatred..white male fits the bill...you really need to see that and accept that what I say is both reasonable and sensible.

Your just can't bring yourself to say " yes I was wrong and now see that white male is both sexist and racist". You can do much better than choosing to become a hypocrite to add to the flawed abusive and bullying character you seem to be content building..you can do well to drop that character...you were someone that I once really admired, but I can't tolerate bullies which you have become unfortunately.

And again as what I say about how I feel does not suit you then you do nothing but ridicule and attempt to belittle..get this I find "white male" offensive because it is racist and because it is sexist ..don't my feelings matter?

And please tell me how could anyone not see it is racist and sexist...it is such a broad brush stroke which sends it to the same category as all racism and sexism..you just don't understand that labeling any group this or that is wrong... Does racism and sexism only go for things you seek to label so?

I think you hold a similar position to me re the confederate flag and we both answer on that " well it is offensive to some people and their concerns should be addressed" so tell me why here are my feelings of being offended not addressed..I will tell you why..because you have made a poor choice to be a hypocrite not interested in seeing a better world and just intent on attacking those you hate..don't be a hater and let bitterness induce you to judge others but not yourself.

So tell me what is not racist about "white male".

With that out of the way I do hope you are well and getting to manage your sad loss. I too lost my father last year and he was my best friend, I saw him every day and enjoyed his company more than anyone's. Even now I find that I will be looking at something one youtube for example and think " I must show that to Dad" then only to realise I will never be able to show him anything again. He was a wonderful man, tolerant understanding, never looked down on anyone, stood up to inequity when no one else would....he had the answer..if talking to a stranger...after a short while he would ask "what is your name if you dont mind me asking? ...then on reply would say " would you mind if I called you ( the name they gave)"...Some would say ok some would say " no call me ( whatever) that is what everyone calls me. That was typical off the respect he gave to all people.

If ever you went to say anything bad about someone he would say " You have no right to judge another human it is condecending to do so". He never forced his opinion on others in fact avoided expressing and opinion usually saying something like " no one has a monopoly on view point"...
Anyways I do sincerely hope you are doing well...
Others, and I count myself in this group, have no need to change because I never had adverse views about people based on the fictitious concept of race
So you believe there is no racial discrimination because race is "fictitious" :smile: :smile: :smile:

Go tell George Floyd's family that :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
So you believe there is no racial discrimination because race is "fictitious" :smile: :smile: :smile:

Go tell George Floyd's family that :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

How did you put my words through the mincer and rearrange them to make such a stupid statement

You would do well cutting out newspaper headlines to make ransom notes

Race with regard to humans is fictitious since we are only one - singular

With regards to any discrimination, with so called racial profiling, stupid people use skin colour as a marker and incorrectly divide humans into various non existent races

Sorry I am not responsible for stupid people or their actions regarding their stupidity

I would call it stupidity discrimination but that lowers the discriminator not the person being discriminated against

Does that mean you are a rebel without a cause?

Well probably yes..I am not a rebel that's for sure ...I do try to work on things I can fix and avoid judging others so I don't have the style required you could say. I try not to be impatient with humans not moving to better behaviour..my main concerns are inequities in general, the predominance of superstition in people's lives and the lack of attention given to domestic violence and the deaths related to relationships ending. I am more interested in how to fix that problem than any other...I blame the church and Hollywood for supporting an image that can only lead to bad things and yet these two evil places are where we get our morality and visions of ourselves...and sadly governments are happy to let the people have what they demand and yet deny them drugs for example on the basis of the harm they do...I think both the church and Hollywood do more harm than most will entertain.

An idiot, as you have called me?

I appologise for everything along those lines..I really don't think you are an idiot..if I did I would just avoid you...but your tactic employed in trying to discredit Michael was wrong by any decent standard and frankly much less than anything I would expect from you...it was poor form old chap and you did youself more damage than anyone else.

"you're crazy if you are offended by my innocent talk!" But it's also used to discount her point of view, in light of her gender, youth, appearance and assumed inexperience.

To be clear..I do not need to be told how to be respectful to people I have been respectful, anti racism, anti sexism anti "generalisation name calling" all my life...I don't run around judging others and then trying to have them follow my rules ...
Other than here I don't express an opinion on anything at all...I listen to people ... I like to know what they think not tell them they need to behave better. How can you learn about people if you dont listen to how they view things?

Should you "grow a pair" and become a real man instead of a hypocritical abusive bully hiding in your forest bedroom, afraid of how real men talk?

So you support Bells employment of sexism when she is raging against it? That's what the reference to grow a pair was about..you do get that I hope.
....and you can call me what you like but that won't alter the facts... and yes I am afraid of how "real men" talk... given they express solutions that choose violence as a primary goto...And Hollywood provides plenty of roll models to show how you never walk away and always avoid sensible behaviour.

And I hope you are well and all is going well in your world...I have not been at all well but still got stuff done but I had to manage my time better and visiting here had to go....

And that's about the size of it Alex...well said!!!
It's interesting that the start of this debacle, and the made up/fabricated pretentious nonsense being spewed was all inspired by a joke along the lines of the following....

Here's another, just to help balance the equation....
I think generalisation without reference to context is a problem some folk fail to appreciate...now why get stuck into you I wonder... You could think a reasonable person could find some humour in your joke,or not, but to seize upon it as an opportunity to ridicule effectively your very existence simply shows they are driven by hate..it is a joke for goodness sake... look at any comedy it works because it is having a shot at someone..dont they get that?

Its is when malice is intended that there is a problem with humour and of course they fail to judge the malice they bear when they attack you.. hypocrites hateful miserable hypocrities laden with malice ..that is what they refuse to see.

Crime is about evil intent ..they hold evil intent ..you do not.

Well no of course they wont see humour the hate clouds all opportunity...

and so off they go ...
and just look at what we see take place...they use terms like "white male", ridicule you because of your old age ( how disgusting) focus upon your lack of computer banking skills and then without being present at the events they offer judgement upon they judge, ..in your case you then become the whipping boy as being a "white male" you now represent everything wrong with the world and my friend you then suffer their irrational hatred for everything bad that has evolved with no actual input by you.
And to top it off whilst lecturing you on your "sexist" behaviour tell you to grow a set.. laced with malice..clearly laced with malice ... then abuse and bullying.

That is irrational hate in play. Disgusting and what is worse even having this pointed out you get no appology...

Then of course they can judge a situation that they were not there to be witness declaring they know more than you, who being actually present would know and I expect you are not insensitive to "body language" and "feed back" from others, such that if someone has a problem that you are most capable of seeing that for yourself.

And look at them ..like a pack of dogs tasting blood all dashing in for a bite..the mob mentality and hate now completely taking over that has them unable to see reason or their bad behaviour...and who do they think they are casting judgement on others whilst ignoring their own flaws...immature...and this hatred of white males...do they not realise there are many "white males" whose ancestors suffered for centuries at the hand of the rouge group they hate and can not identify more than "white male"..heck if your are Irish decent you must find the term " white male" just so stupid and annoying.

And the slimey tactics to drag folk into their world of hate...the putting words into ones mouth is deplorable...

Billvon is addicted to such practise...

so you post a joke, which you did not create, and out comes the hate...sad little people with sad little lives more interested in commenting on others rather than addressing their own flaws..

Judgemental arrogant nobodies.

And they will choke before one of them stands up and says that "white male" is both racist and sexist.

And they will choke before one of them stands up and says that "white male" is both racist and sexist.
That's not an "admission" - white males created and applied both of those labels, and to the extent they are racist or sexist that racism or sexism is the responsibility of the white males themselves.
- - - -
Race with regard to humans is fictitious since we are only one - singular
That is false. Race with regard to humans is a sociological construct, not a biological one, and it is a major structural component of American society (it's only rival in importance would be gender).
Sorry I am not responsible for stupid people or their actions regarding their stupidity
You live in a community governed as a representative democracy. That means you are responsible for the behavior of your local police and other government agents. You are also responsible for the various forms of non-governmental racial oppression you permit the "stupid people" (that's "stupid white people, mostly male) to inflict on others in your community.
It is all well and good to say that. But when you try to tell someone who has been a victim of racism "there's no such thing as race" - you are going to be seen as out of touch at best, a gaslighter at worst.

It's like saying there is no such thing as drowning - because only stupid/weak/untrained people find themselves unable to swim. Sure, you can say that. But it's not really accurate, and people are going to (at best) think "well, thank god he's not a lifeguard."

Again I am not responsible for people being stupid.

If they don't understand humans are a single race and have invented a artificial division of so called races based on skin pigmentation not much I can do

Certainly I am not going to join them

That is false. Race with regard to humans is a sociological construct, not a biological one, and it is a major structural component of American society (it's only rival in importance would be gender).

Interesting. Am I required, as a nurse treating a patient, to take into account this social race construct? Do they bleed different? Suffer pain different?

There's the rub. Stupid people rely on artificial social constructs to make judgements instead of reality

I'll stick to reality

Out of interest how many genders do you consider exist?
