Don't become a graphic

Michael 345

New year. PRESENT is 72 years oldl
Valued Senior Member
Millions of unknowable occurrences have happened before the occurrence which brought YOU into the Universe happens. Think Butterfly Effect

Millions of unknowable occurrences will have happened before the occurrence happens taking YOU from this Universe

The unknowable occurrences between the two determine the length of time YOU have between the two

Some occurrences, those close to YOU, you will have some influence over. Millions YOU will not. Yes I am emphasising YOU

Those occurrences YOU do have influence over make them the one's which lengthen the time between. YOU are not King of YOUR castle but have influence in its running

Many people broadcast to YOU details about occurrences YOU have influence over. Details, when followed, help smooth running of castle

Many people include parents, teachers, first responders and others. This advice is given to help prevent YOU becoming a graphic. Ignoring said advice increases YOUR chance of becoming a graphic. Heeding said advice decreases YOUR likelihood of becoming a graphic

Graphics have left the Universe

Who (?) are graphics who have left the Universe? Graphics who have left the Universe are those who frequently have need of first responders and frequently make news

The news they make comes with warnings along the lines of "Warning contents of video (photo) contains graphic content" YOU being the graphic

Becoming a graphic, apart from being utterly devastating for YOURSELF, is devastating for others

Universe is, even with COVID-19, a great place to enjoy

Try hard not to leave as a graphic

Speaking as one who spent many many hours helping those who almost became a graphic
I'm not sure what the OP means by "don't become a graphic".

I think the word he's looking for is infographic (a graphic that contains useful visualized information about some subject),
And I think what he means by that is what most people mean when they say "don't become a statistic".

But he will come here and say "NO" and then correct me.
But he will come here and say "NO" and then correct me.
Yes I will


The answer is in the original post

Here is answer extracted from the original post

Who (?) are graphics who have left the Universe? Graphics who have left the Universe are those who frequently have need of first responders and frequently make news

The news they make comes with warnings along the lines of "Warning contents of video (photo) contains graphic content" YOU being the graphic

Don't be a graphic on the news video or a graphic in a newspaper picture

Edited to add - graphic was specifically picked - statistic, in my view is a bit overworked in safety campaigns

Don't become a statistic - a bit non connective

Put a video / picture with graphic content and "don't become a graphic" much more visual connection. Looking at a burnt body in a car or a body on the road covered with a sheet, people are more inclined to visualise those images as being them as opposed to just becoming a statistic

There is more but that would mean going back a bit to my experiences as a Safety Training Coordinator on Off Shore Oil Rigs

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