Does this sentence have a verb?

Discussion in 'Linguistics' started by Syzygys, May 9, 2008.

  1. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    We are given no information from which to determine the location of the puddle. It could be precisely in the doorway due to a plumbing leak from the wall above the lintel. In this case the piddling can occur precisely at the moment of the emergence.
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  3. Myles Registered Senior Member

    Good point. Who would have thought it would be so difficult to talk about something as prosaic as having a piddle. Funnily enough, on this side of the pond we talk of taking a leak when we mean going for a pee.

    I take it you agree that the sentence is ambiguous.
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  5. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    Question: Why do we need to drill in ANWAR if oil is abiotic?

    Answer: China and India, and their emerging demand for oil on the world market, and the fact that they will do what is ever is necessary for the best interest of their economies and countries.

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  7. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    I thought "leak" was an American term, although it's had its two generations and is falling out of vogue. These days a lot of Americans simply say "I'm going to pee." It's been a long time since I heard "piddle." "Tinkle" is still occasionally used but for humorous effect and always by women. Children and puppies "wee-wee."
    I don't think the sentence about piddling is all that ambiguous. It's just a trifle imprecise in the grammar but that's ok for vernacular speech. When someone says, "Emerging from... I [performed an action]," I don't think much understanding will be lost if we can't be 100% certain whether the action was taken after emerging or while emerging. Perhaps it was an action like piddling that began while she was halfway through the door and continued as she was walking down the sidewalk. Unless it happens to be your job to keep the doorway sanitized, the subtle distinction isn't going to be important to you.

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