Deterioration of the religion subforum

Maybe that's why you treat people differently face to face, because you know some bitch like me would kick your ass.

My ass? No dear you wouldn't kick my ass, its childish of you to think you would. This, as was said, is a discussion board and in reality no one really cares what you think about religion, or about you for that matter, save for the span of time they read your post. So stop thinking you are somehow 'special' and that your blessed posts should be treated above skepticism or reproach.

I always love it when the 'religious' and 'spiritual' who are blessed with visions and so full of love threaten (over this medium) to 'kick assess' and other such form of violence.

Has anyone yet told you you were petty as well as immature? Add that to your list of grievances.

*someone come change the baby she's shat on herself again!*

Lori: 'Waaa! Waaaaa! :bawl: 'Dey said I was shtupid and ill' Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
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At Sciforums the situation is reversed and it is the theists who are outnumbered and are sort of harassed. I guess you can't blame atheists who have been facing aggressive theism all their lives for becoming aggressive atheists when they are finally the majority somewhere.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

But I agree that many who like to dish it out don't like having to take it.
This coming from the proponent of 'turn the other cheek' and 'love thy neighbor'.

holier than thou anyone??

Yeah well I have found that I'm still able to love someone while I'm defending someone else, including myself. And I don't think that "turn the other cheek" should be interpreted as "turn me into a victim".
Yeah well I have found that I'm still able to love someone while I'm defending someone else, including myself. And I don't think that "turn the other cheek" should be interpreted as "turn me into a victim".

You turn yourself into a victim. No one attacked you in this thread but here you are claiming victimhood and threatening to 'kick assess' when you were the first to assume someone had attacked you. Can you go back and find a post of mine prompting you to want to 'kick my ass'? Was it a vision maybe? :rolleyes:
A lack of faith?

Lori 7 said:

I don't think that "turn the other cheek" should be interpreted as "turn me into a victim".

Doesn't that suggest a lack of faith in God's purpose? I mean, nobody wants to die. But if turning the other cheek means a bunch of Christians get mowed down, does that not still reflect God's will?
You want some scripture glaucon? How about spare the rod and spoil the child? I think its pretty apparent that not everyone over the age of 21 has matured enough to know how to treat a fellow human being.
You want some scripture glaucon? How about spare the rod and spoil the child? I think its pretty apparent that not everyone over the age of 21 has matured enough to know how to treat a fellow human being.

And this from the 'I would kick your ass' girl:rolleyes:

Sure you're real mature Lori.
And tiassa, take it from me...god kicks ass with no sympathy whatsoever.
Yeah right:D

So tell us Lori why do you feel the need to defend yourself from paper arrows then? Hmmm? God don't work fast enough for ya?
I'll tell you guys a true story. One summer day I heard a commotion outside my house and looked out my window to see my neandrothal 6'5" 270 lb neighbor standing in his back yard yelling threats at his soon to be exwife with a beer can in one hand and a hockey stick in the other. She was on the ground on her knees wearing sunglasses to cover up the 2 black eyes he had given her previously. She had both her shoes off and was holding them against either side of her head. Apparently she was trying to leave him. There was another guy there who they both knew trying to help her get her stuff and doing nothing else to help her. I went outside after calling the cops and backed that motherfucker up against his house. Hands raised in the surrender position, beer can and hockey stick and all, 5'5" 135 lbs with my finger in his face, wearing shorts and a little flowered tank top and obviously no weapons. Him all, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" while I told him to shut the fuck up, and he did and went in the house. Words can be a weapon you know? I have deserved to get my ass kicked so many times, just like the time I just explained and never did. I can't explain it. But you wanna know who did kick my ass something fierce? God did.
And by the way that neandrothal stabbed that other guy who was unsuccesfully trying to help his wife that same night. Found that out from the cops the next day.
I'll tell you guys a true story. One summer day I heard a commotion outside my house and looked out my window to see my neandrothal 6'5" 270 lb neighbor standing in his back yard yelling threats at his soon to be exwife with a beer can in one hand and a hockey stick in the other. She was on the ground on her knees wearing sunglasses to cover up the 2 black eyes he had given her previously. She had both her shoes off and was holding them against either side of her head. Apparently she was trying to leave him. There was another guy there who they both knew trying to help her get her stuff and doing nothing else to help her. I went outside after calling the cops and backed that motherfucker up against his house. Hands raised in the surrender position, beer can and hockey stick and all, 5'5" 135 lbs with my finger in his face, wearing shorts and a little flowered tank top and obviously no weapons. Him all, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" while I told him to shut the fuck up, and he did and went in the house. Words can be a weapon you know? I have deserved to get my ass kicked so many times, just like the time I just explained and never did. I can't explain it. But you wanna know who did kick my ass something fierce? God did.

He didn't kick your ass because kicking a neighbor's ass would land him in jail.

Kicking his girlfriends ass who was probably afraid to tell on him and too embarrased because she stayed with him too long in the first place.

Did god leave any visible welts or bruises ?

Why have you or what have you done to deserve to get your ass kicked so many times before ?

Jpappl said:

Did god leave any visible welts or bruises ?

One could argue that she was acting as God's instrument, much like Satan in the Book of Job.