Desperate denial of General Relativity by The God


That you are your own worst enemy in the area of understanding the behavior of physical phenomena.


Also, you didn't answer the question:
Why do you reject authority without first fully understanding what they are talking about? The correct philosophical rejection of authority is to be neutral on a subject until you have fully understood it. Instead you would rather pick a fight with authority before learning anything.​

I fully understand the behavior of physical phenomena, thats why it surprises me that how such a colossus intelligence (combined) is pursuing something unphysical like Black Holes, Worm Holes and Time Travel. (You tried to side step the time travel in most trivial way, while knowing fully well what I was referring to.

don't you know what authority is talking about ? They are talking about...

A. We do not know how to solve GR equations for more than two bodies.
B. We do not know what happens to mass once it goes inside the EH.
C. May be it will enter the new universe, may be it will squeeze to a point.
D. We know that time travel is possible, and we can go back in the past and kill our grandpa before our pa is born.
E. We do not know how the mass curves spacetime, but it curves.
F. We do not know how the spacetime tells mass to move, but it does.
G. We do not know how the universe is expanding at very very high speed, but it does.
H. We know that in maths we cannot divide by zero, but to get BH we can do that.

And by the way, your knowledge of maths, is to be respected, there is at least one more guy Schmelzer who is at par, most others are just the followers, blind supporters. I know my maths and Physics well enough to say that GR in its present form is not the done thing for Physics. I also know that GR maths holds the key to truth. The real theory will certainly use the GR maths not the philosophy or concept behind.

Anyways peace, because this argument is not going to take us any farther as on date...Will have to wait till 2025.
And by the way, your knowledge of maths, is to be respected, there is at least one more guy Schmelzer who is at par, most others are just the followers, blind supporters.
And both in the main have refuted most of your nonsensical claims.
I know my maths and Physics well enough to say that GR in its present form is not the done thing for Physics.
And yet you failed to recognise the mathematical mistakes in the paper by the Chinese guy you presented, and secondly was/is so blinkered by your agenda, that you could not see the logic behind the fact that one swallow was never going to invalidate GR: You so much fanatically wanted to invalidate that which you have failed in invalidating, that you just latched onto thefirst nonsensical paper you could find and ran with it.:rolleyes:
And both in the main have refuted most of your nonsensical claims.

And yet you failed to recognise the mathematical mistakes in the paper by the Chinese guy you presented, and secondly was/is so blinkered by your agenda, that you could not see the logic behind the fact that one swallow was never going to invalidate GR: You so much fanatically wanted to invalidate that which you have failed in invalidating, that you just latched onto thefirst nonsensical paper you could find and ran with it.:rolleyes:

Yet pad do you have the mathematical background to argue ?
Yet pad do you have the mathematical background to argue ?
No, obviously I do not and have never hidden from that fact.
I do though and have for many years now, read up on the latest cosmological discoveries etc, and the opinions of those at the coal face, the experts, rather then some stupid pretentious, philosophical clap trap that we often see here from the usual trolls.
No, obviously I do not and have never hidden from that fact.
I do though and have for many years now, read up on the latest cosmological discoveries etc, and the opinions of those at the coal face, the experts, rather then some stupid pretentious, philosophical clap trap that we often see here from the usual trolls.

I don't either pad.

But I do look for other perspectives ; because as science people we should.
I don't either pad.

But I do look for other perspectives ; because as science people we should.
Sure, but unlike you, I do not have an anti mainstream bias, and I do not need to pretend I know more than the experts and the general mainstream approach with regards to the scientific methodology.
Sure, but unlike you, I do not have an anti mainstream bias, and I do not need to pretend I know more than the experts and the general mainstream approach with regards to the scientific methodology.

It's not so much " anti-mainstream " as it is questioning any theory ; from any points of view.
Hmmmm... but I have read a few that do .

Have you ?
Certainly, as you know well.
The discarded hypothesis re Plasma/Electric Universe and the book by Eric J Lerner, is just one.
Steady State, Oscillating hypotheticals are two more, but I suggest you are not really interested, going on your past performances in science discussion.
A. We do not know how to solve GR equations for more than two bodies.
We know. We have the Einstein equations, and we can solve them on the computer with the accuracy we need. So, the situation is the same as in Newtonian theory, where we also do not have exact solutions of many body problems, but can solve them approximately on the computer.
E. We do not know how the mass curves spacetime, but it curves.
F. We do not know how the spacetime tells mass to move, but it does.
G. We do not know how the universe is expanding at very very high speed, but it does.
Every theory necessarily has some postulates, and cannot explain the why or how of the postulates. So this is a trivial objection, which can be made (in some variant) against every physical theory.
Certainly, as you know well.
The discarded hypothesis re Plasma/Electric Universe and the book by Eric J Lerner, is just one.
Steady State, Oscillating hypotheticals are two more, but I suggest you are not really interested, going on your past performances in science discussion.

I think your full of BS.

YOU have read nothing on the Plasma Universe at all .
I think your full of BS.

YOU have read nothing on the Plasma Universe at all .
The Plasma/Electric Universe certainly is BS and yes I have read the book...Unlike you and other trolls, I do not need to lie.! :)
Your pet hypothesis was it not. :)
Oh, and I've also read another BS book to obtain the range of views that I do have.
The Bermuda Triangle by Charles Schultz and the silly inconclusive results and fabricated nonsense that he portrayed in that book. :)
The Plasma/Electric Universe certainly is BS and yes I have read the book...Unlike you and other trolls, I do not need to lie.! :)
Your pet hypothesis was it not. :)
Oh, and I've also read another BS book to obtain the range of views that I do have.
The Bermuda Triangle by Charles Schultz and the silly inconclusive results and fabricated nonsense that he portrayed in that book. :)

No pad ; and I have told you a thousand times before ; the Plasma Universe has nothing to do with the electric universe. Get it through your head , once and for all.
Clearly the universe sits atop a giant turtle supported on its back by giant stone pillars and it glides thru the heavens which is a pond in gods garden.
