Critique of a few philosophers

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by Tnerb, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. Tnerb Banned Banned

    Taken from a tape recorder.

    Hi this is uh.. James B killingsworth ... And I am talkinga bout Immanuel kant, and he was a philoser back int he i think the 1700s and he was the first philosopher who took Hume's innacurate expl. of the universe and a proior concpe3ts and turned them into a more accurate system and he was a very uh what's the word, what's the word articulate thinker he expressed his entire thoughat and opend his mind up to all the possibilities of a idealistic system of the uinverse as aspposed to the skepticial claims of hume baSICALLY WHAT HE DID is he showed that idealism can lead to a more proper uview of the world than hume's incacuare skeptical claims that you can know tnothing I think -- i feel that hew as bozo. Actually. My criticms of him. although he did what he did and iti was very profoudn although the way he writes awans't reflecitonf of madness like neitzh scompt heidgerrg although hieldger is more pfofound than him when your ead him you find that his word are more accurate more pfoudn and more philsopciahl ayou find that his words are like this I'm sorry we're on a train right now wer'e doing a philsophcial view of the world we have some of the passengers dogs comming next to us : get AWAY, GO! Crazy dogs, ain't that right ben. Yep. Hmmmph. Uh........ Live, from down town down under, we don't know what's goin on but brents here, he's here to takl about some of the problems he's got.

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