Can former atheists explain what atheism is?

You have to understand that when you try to insult me, I take it as a compliment. It's like Trump calling me a fool. It means I'm doing something right.

You saying that I’m trying to insult you, kind of gives your game away. No one has to try and be insulting.
I am not insulting you though. You are rude, and you lie profusely.

Why did God create humans who cannot live without the help of the Human virome?
The human virome is the total collection of viruses in and on the human body. Viruses in the human body may infect both human cells and other microbes such as bacteria (as with bacteriophages).
The human virome is far from being completely explored and new viruses are discovered frequently. Unlike the roughly 40 trillion bacteria in a typical human microbiome,[10] an estimate of the number of viral particles in a healthy adult human is not yet available, although virions generally outnumber individual bacteria 10:1 in nature.[citation needed] Studying the virome is thought to provide an understanding of microbes in general and how they affect human health and disease
Note; ratio of bacterial genes to human genes.

Why should a God create a human who is dependent on bacteria for ability to live at all.
But as long as humans can't live without carbon, nitrogen, protection from disease and the ability to fully digest their food, they can't live without bacteria, said Anne Maczulak, a microbiologist and author of the book "Allies and Enemies: How the World Depends on Bacteria" (FT Press, 2010).

Strange, that god created humans which are unable to exist without the help of bacteria. I consider that an ironic twist to the story of Human creation.

After He created Adam, God noticed that He would have to create a bunch of bacteria to keep Adam alive.
I can hear Him now; "crap, now what do I have to do to make this human functional, he can't even digest his own food"? Normally a mother's breast milk provides a host of bacterial benefits to a baby's internal biome. Without mother's milk someone has to create all those little critters. Wasn't any Pablum around at that time.

Is this what the bible considers the "dust" from which God fashioned Adam? Sure, these guys who told the story knew exactly what they were talking about first hand, even if there was no other human around to observe any of it.

I find it odd that scripture does not explain any of these little details. Seems rather important to me. Perhaps the biblical story tellers were not scientists?

Someone refresh my memory; who was witness to all of this?
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I don’t think you can, which is why ask the question.

It's clear you won't ask the honest questions and therefore must maintain your false fabricated narrative/monologe of me. Why are you even asking if you have decided what the answer is going to be? Questions posed to you are not loaded, Jan, at least none that I've offered, so why are not responding in kind?

Will you ask the questions that we both know are the honest one?
What is actually wrong with the question?

I have already explained that to you. Your question is loaded, you have already answered it based on a false narrative. I even provided a simple, honest, unloaded question based entirely on what you said.
An atheist asks for evidence of God, and if they are not satisfied with the evidence, they maintain their claim, there is no evidence for God.

Jan takes the bus but wants to buy a car, he asks the dealer for evidence the car has safety features so that his risk of getting killed in an accident is decreased. The dealer shows Jan seatbelts, air bags and activated sensors. Jan then asks the dealer for evidence the car is good on gas mileage. The dealer shows Jan the statistics of fuel consumption for this type of motor for city and highway driving and allows Jan to take a long test drive so Jan himself can calculate it. Jan loves to race others from the stoplight, so he asks the dealer for evidence the car is powerful. The dealer takes Jan for a drive to a secluded location and hits the gas from a cold start to 60mph.

Jan has now seen for himself the evidence he has demanded and is satisfied the car he wants exists. The fact that he as always taken the bus does not affect his ability and capacity to acknowledge and recognize the car he wants to buy does in fact exist.
Can you explain why you think so?

How many more times would you like me to explaing it to you? And, why is it a problem to use the simple, unloaded honest question that came from your original loaded, dishonest question? Are you actually telling me that you simply can't be honest about asking honest questions?
How many more times would you like me to explaing it to you?

Just one time would be good enough.
All you have said is that the question is loaded, and therefore dishonest. But that doesn’t explain why you think it is loaded and dishonest.

You accept nothing about the theistic explanation of God. You think that God being a purely spiritual being, transcendental to the His material creation, is vague.
IOW, you are attempting to cut of all theistic explanations by blatantly disregarding what God is, and still ask for evidence.

So my question appeals to the atheist, for whom there is no God, to explain what it is he expects to be satisfactory evidence, in order to accept God.

What’s wrong with that?

Just one time would be good enough.
All you have said is that the question is loaded, and therefore dishonest. But that doesn’t explain why you think it is loaded and dishonest.

You accept nothing... You think ... you are attempting ... by blatantly disregarding

What I placed in bold from just that one post demonstrates why your question is loaded. You have already decided the answer and have already placed the words in my mouth. This is dishonest if you are actually trying to ask a question.

So, I ask, again, will you ask unloaded, dishonest questions or not?
What I placed in bold from just that one post demonstrates why your question is loaded. You have already decided the answer and have already placed the words in my mouth. This is dishonest if you are actually trying to ask a question.

So, I ask, again, will you ask unloaded, dishonest questions or not?

Look at post 164.
You totally dismissed my response to another theist.
There is nothing that any theist is going to say, about God, that you are going to accept.
The reason is because you are an atheist. It doesn’t matter whether or not you comprehend what is being said. It therefore cannot matter if the truth is being spoken, because all you are going to do, all that your worldview demands of you, is to deny and reject God.

You can’t even answer a simple question, because you know your position makes no sense. All you do is deny, deny, deny, and reject.

You have already answered the question by dodging, and making false accusations.

You can’t even answer a simple question, because you know your position makes no sense. All you do is deny, deny, deny, and reject.

You have already answered the question by dodging, and making false accusations.
Are you talking to yourself?
I disagree.
No one cares.
Can you explain why you think so?
Goldtop, please don't. He is not an honest debater. It's like casting "pearls before swine".

He will manage to soil every word of truth that is spoken on this topic. He's is not an atheist and cannot be trusted to know anything about what it is to be atheist.

Interestingly Jan's false arguments are "legion".

Jan are you a "former atheist"? When did you become converted by the "divine puppet master "?
Can explain to this atheist why you think you need this crutch?
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