Ban List

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by cn1986, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    You are a very needy person.
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  3. sifreak21 Valued Senior Member

    Sarcasm or not tiassa you moderaters know i hope any way or you need to be changed sarcasm by demeaning another race is still weather you want to believe it or not racism and racism is a bannable offence so under the current URL shouldnt string be banned? so as a moderater i could say "sifreak is banned for pointing out that moderaters can get away with racist comments and because hes black" its the same thing, both are racist .. even if it is his humor no matter what you say it is STILL RACISM which is AGIANST the ula and under the ULA for that comment he should get a 3day ban correct me if im wrong.. if not ill start using racist comments in every post in a sarcastic way of course
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  5. ejderha Exhausted Registered Senior Member

    lol, ok.
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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Maybe we can say it's in the name of diversity

    Right. We'll get to work on banning String, or at least stripping his moderator status, because he sees the world differently than you.

    That's a good one. Tell us another.
  8. cn1986 Registered Member

    Finally,after few hours later I read my thread again,I realize myself overracted at that time. The way why I acted like that because I google evil China for some research and got an article(I still can not list that link but you guys can search the title:"China, the worlds most evil country" you'll find that article) ,reading that article I just simply thought this is forum regarding politics and I was full with angry emotion at that time,(I'll debate with that author later,it's so funny).
    Then I randomly clicked ban list then the rest comes...
    Actually most Chinese people are not as mean as I am.^_^
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

  10. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

  11. sifreak21 Valued Senior Member

    tiassa it doesnt matter if my views are different than strings thats not the point the point is he made a racist comment weather it was sarcasm or not he broke the rules thats the problem with moderation on this forum they think they are above the law..

    not a subject to be sarcastic about tiassa i never said strip his moderator status. and agian my views and his differnt doesnt mater racism is racism period
  12. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    There does come a point when it's hard to take the complaint seriously, but I'll try

    First, is China ethnically monolithic? No. You can't say one is being racist against nationality, although I do understand people have a broader definition of racism that includes considerations of nationality, localized ethnicity, and even religion.

    Secondly, you are not the arbiter of context. Of course, neither is String, and perhaps this little lashing he's getting right now will make him think twice in the future about how he expresses his humor. And on that point, let me also point out that as one of String's most vociferous opponents over the last few years in many debates about bigotry and society, even I recognize his humor. Certainly, I could play the opportunist here, but since I say and believe that I prefer honesty, such conscious misrepresentation would lack decorum.

    Additionally, I'm one who has, in the past, gotten away with using the word "nigger" in front of black people. How? Well, actually, it's pretty simple: use the offensive word sympathetically. For instance, after listening to a stupid, racist explanation of how to deal with crime, you just look at the person and say, "So the solution is to throw all the niggers in jail?" And if you do it right, some of the people who should, by your standard, be grossly offended, will actually laugh and applaud. In other words, they understand that you're mocking another's racism. This is much similar to String's mockery of American paranoia about China.

    But, of course, you want to be the arbiter of context:

    "and agian my views and his differnt doesnt mater racism is racism period"​

    I'm sorry, but I just don't buy the proposition that you know better than String what he said and meant.

    Yes, there are times when people's racism, or lies, or whatever, are completely apparent. But String's issues with racism as he and I have fought about them are not nearly so apparent. They stem from his efforts to overcome bigotry in his own perspective, and the observation that he sometimes fails.

    Lastly, I would note that, generally speaking, we tend to strip moderator status before we start banning that individual. It's possible that we've done it the other way before, but in the eleven and a half years I've been around this site, I cannot recall such an episode. Or maybe I can. There was an occasion that a moderator apparently went psycho all over a member, but I was either on vacation, or simply not paying attention, or maybe it was before I became a moderator. That is, I've heard about it, but don't actually remember the relevant events. So, no, I can't tell you specifically how that one was settled; I know the moderator was dismissed, but I don't know if he was suspended before, after, or ever in relation to the incident.
  13. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    We can't ban string. We tried, but he's got an exemption ticket.
    His grandmother was a Lithuanian Gypsy with one leg.

    One problem I can see for someone from China.
    Wouldn't you have to be very careful what you say?
    I could be wrong, but don't the authorities there watch out for people communicating with people outside China?
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  14. John99 Banned Banned

    People have weird quirks. It wasnt that bad though.

    And really, it depends on the person as to how they would take such a thing.
  15. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    To be fair, it's difficult to think of any major country that is more ethnically monolithic than China is.

    You can if said nationality is based in ethnicity.
  16. cn1986 Registered Member

    Becasue someone from China do not want to watch their mouth because getting poke fun at.
    If you can read my replies carefully,then you know what kind of person I am.

    Yes,Chinese Communist Party(CCP) may watch out Im talking here or there,but you know what?I bet U.S.A also do the same,you guys watch peopel communicating have a reason for against terrorism,then CCP watch people communicating is dictatorial.

    And I strongly recommend you to learn some Chinese,in that case,you can find how we people in China boo and write reviews about CCP in our local major sites when they do something inproper.

    People has its own thinking,as nowadays such a open world,you can not ban people from thinking and talking.I know CCP keep trying to control,but that has rare use easily as I'm here talking with u,and Western government control their country totally by law?

    People in China gives our government time to improve,believe or not they are changing,do you think let Obama be our president today and China has no problem tomorrow?

    Any time you think Chinese government is doing something evil,times your thought 13.6 billion times. Do not trying to say:how can this happen,this is totally evil,people there are in hell...Come on,think logically,don't you countries have no evil things?

    Leave us alone,we can change by ourselves. It's funny to see after 1980s.most wars in this planet are U.S.A fight others with a JUSTICAL reason.I'm not a good student in History,but I know every Dynasty in history got abandoned by his people if he treat his people bad. And now good for U.S.A,it helped a lot of people quickly abandon their evil government with missiles.

    And I'm curious about if U.S.A as world leader is so generous can not bear other people live in hell,why they do not share their fortune with poor countries,and this time I guess you would say: we can help people one time but can not help them forever,they need to improve by themselves.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  17. cn1986 Registered Member

    Do not share your article with me,I have a video record with live situation downloaded from somewhere a Taiwan website,that was 2 or 3 years ago when I do research on 1989,I kept that video now in my PC,its a tough time for Chinese people. And nearly every people in China know that.That's evil,f**k Chinese government,then what,we revolution? Thousands got killed(did you count the number when you were there,how about me sharing my video with you?)

    We people need stable and peace.
    If CCP is evil then its people will finally topple it,it is funny to see you judge our life here.

    Oh,BTW,do you know a website called Wikileaks? When your soldier shoot people there,what would you say? "For their own safety" Fair enough~
    Ah...That's the soldier's own behavior,not government order. Ok,you are correct,I'm sorry for being mean.But let me tell you:when government doing dirty things,they'll never let you know, Chinese government done and doing dirty things,once the dirty thing can not hide,it exaggerated by your media.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  18. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    Welcome to sciforums. I, for one, am interested in what you have to say from your perspective in China. China is a very interesting nation right now.

    That comment was a joke. The reason is that we have had quite a few people from China spamming the forum with advertisements for their products. This is not unique to China. We get spammers from all over the place. Some spammers are very persistent.

    If you'd googled "evil America" you might have also found a thread or two on sciforums.

    You can argue with people about your politics as much as you like here. You will not be banned for that.

    If you look at the political subforums, you will see many Americans constantly arguing about their politics. For example, some American members here do not like their President Obama and his policies. They are free to say that government policies are bad. They are free to say that they hate Obama.

    You may find people here who do not like China or its policies. Some of these people do not know very much about China. Maybe you can help them. On the other hand, maybe some people here know things about China that you may not be aware of. And you may know things about US government that are not widely reported in the US.

    Everything can be discussed here.

    Most people in the West like the Chinese people. They do not always like the Chinese government and Communist Party.

    It's not quite the same. People in the USA are not generally worried about speaking out against the government. They do not fear prosecution for doing that.

    I think it would be good if more people learned Mandarin. I do not know any myself. I think it is good that so many people in China are learning English so that we can talk.

    Your government and your country have both changed a lot in recent years. No country has no problems. I am glad you think things are improving.

    Every country has evil things, including the USA. It is important that people can talk about evil things in their countries so that they do not happen.

    The USA does help other countries with a lot of foreign aid. Perhaps not enough, but the USA has its own financial problems right now. The large populations of countries like China and India make helping everybody very difficult.
  19. cn1986 Registered Member

    Your mass media always talk China shits,I've seen so many and I feel shame that we live in hell. As you said,I should be afraid now cuz CCP will put me into jail cuz I'm talking too much shit of them.

    Do not judge us by your mass media,come to China and see how we live here.
    Media in China is not reliable,and yours are the same,let me give you the media defination --- Political microphone,not absolutely ,most likely I mean.
    You have to have your own thoughts,not show me your media pages otherwise I can show you times Chinese media pages if you could understand.
    And to tell you the truth,I do not know this event before,thanks for your help,and thanks for your media who knows China better than I am so I could realize how hell I'm living. And let me explain this news to you this way: the womon has a lawyer,she did not got shoot secretly,she may can have medical parole,and she has her speaker--CNN. Hmm,seems the white terror in China now is not as harsh as in 1989.

    Actually I do not know the truth,and you do not tell me the truth cuz that's the truth you got from your media.
    I'm wondering if I write a terrorist draft poster to attack U.S this December in twitter?What would happen?
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  20. cn1986 Registered Member

    I dont know how to quote one by one,and actually you just picked some replied,missed some of my opinion,whatever,now I really feel tired typing cuz talking my opinion in English really hard for me,I have to use a dictionory and google translate whenever I want to type a statement and it's easy for you to misunderstand what I really want to say cuz my bad English using.:shrug:
    And thanks for your guys,I know American is a free country,I'm going to study MBA in U.S next year.I have no opinion about your people..
    Just want you to know,do not try to judge others as you are them or you are prior level.People has their own thoughts.
    I warmly welcome you guys come to China,we can talk and travel together to see how people live here,I'd glad to have friends every where.
    See ya!

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  21. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    There is no peace when your government can shoot you for protesting poor working conditions. Whatever happened to your worker's revolution? Now it's all about exploiting your labor for profit and ruining your environment. I probably will have to visit China someday for my job, but I don't want to. They spy on foreign visitors and your people rob us on the street. Our media has it's problems, but it's much more free than yours. Don't take it so personally, it's not your fault. I understand your desire for peace, but social order is not the highest achievement of mankind. There are more important things, like your right to choose how you are led, your right to hold the government accountable, your right to democracy. Socialism is compatible with democracy, if that's what you want.
  22. cn1986 Registered Member

  23. Hercules Rockefeller Beatings will continue until morale improves. Moderator

    Oh puh-leese. Are you aware that the USA photographs and fingerprints visitors? I’ve travelled to quite a few different countries and the USA has been the only time that has happened to me. I think it is a violation of my civil liberties that physical evidence is collected from me when I haven’t committed a crime and there is no suspicion that I have done so. It’s rather like something communists would do, no?

    And now internal airline passengers are subject to sexual assault (according to some) as part of your uber-over-reaction security procedures. I do have to semi-regularly visit the USA as part of my job, but there are many aspects of your country that make me not want to in the same way that you don’t fancy visiting China.

    And as for being robbed in the street, you’re surely not taking the moral high-ground as an American on that issue, are you? Chinese tourists never get robbed in the USA?

    Again, given your minimum wage and environmental stewardship in some areas, the USA has no business taking the moral high ground on either of those issues.

    All in all, you’ve demonstrated some fairly weighty hypocrisy, even if not intended or realised.

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