Appeasement: Obama Accommodates Racist Conspiracy Theorists

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiassa, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. Bells Staff Member

    Indeed. Look at Bush and Reagan.

    I am quoting this, just for prosperity.

    Damn liberals and their affirmitive action letting them black folks think they're equal. When will they learn!?

    Do you think laws resulting in blacks having equal rights and being designated as human beings under the law is 'whites giving ground'?

    What exactly do you think should have happened instead?

    Better they remain subjugated and serve the interests of the right, eh?

    Oh dear.

    Empty, I am going to offer you some advice and I would suggest you heed it well.

    Many members on this board are not white and yes, some are black. Some of the moderators are also 'coloured'. Blatant racism, such as what you have been pissing about on this forum is not welcome or tolerated. I would suggest you curb it, shove it back up your backside, I don't care. But keep going along this line and you will find yourself being shoved outside and the door slammed in your face.

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  3. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    There does not seem to be any noticeable shortage of black GOP politicians elevated to leadership posts, including in the executive branch.

    Except for all of the parts where it was whites taking ground. You know, slavery, Jim Crow, slanted sentencing guidelines, etc.?

    There is no "liberal establishment" in American politics, of any color. There's a far-right establishment, and a center-right establishment. Liberals are marginalized.

    None of Obama's ancestors were slaves in the USA. Obama's black lineage is from a guy who immigrated from Kenya in the 1960's.

    Not that such makes any difference - your demand that a black politician must necessarily demand slavery reparations in order to be legitimate is just so much more obvious horseshit. Black people can decide for themselves how they want to be represented. You don't get a say.

    Meanwhile, the people that Obama represents, are the American people. That's who elected him, in the representative democracy he heads. And I again see no reason to suggest that he needs to demand slavery reparations in order to legitimately represent that polity.
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  5. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    Fuck the threats - it was obvious from post one that this guy is here for racist trolling. That y'all haven't dropped the hammer on him already is starting to raise questions as to your resolve and acumen. Just toss him overboard and spare us the drama, already...
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  7. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Umm, Madanthony speaks for a group of people? Uh, illiterate much?

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    Making more of his statement than what's reasonably there?

    He says some people, not all people. And I don't see from what you quoted there that he was even talking about all people questioning his natural-born citizen status.

    I notice he also brought it up...

    Well, dammit, thanks for not calling me a racist for once! Or is Giambattista just code for....

    ??? No... shit??? Yeah, they do have NOTHING to do with race. You're right.

    People criticize him about all sorts of shit. And you know what, it somehow, inexorably comes back to how he's special and all that. It doesn't matter.

    Look at my Libya impeachment thread. Blah blah blah. Oh, the first black president isn't allowed to act like Bush? You RACIST! If he wants to declare a thousand wars, don't let his skin color stop him!
    So, the arguments didn't really use race, that I can recall, at least not directly, but it was just as futile. His change means being able to continue the policies of previous presidents. I don't think my argument against Libyan action had anything to do with race, did it? The birth issue was brought up somewhere, but that was a side-issue, not the argument against the latest foreign debacle.

    My comment you quoted was more to his citizenship issue, but the race card is used in general to counter various criticisms of him. Remember the "socialist" is code for "n-word"?

    Should I have said the Libya war was wrong because of his fake birth certificate? That would make your argument a little more valid.

    It's possible to keep his pedigree issues apart from his policies.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  8. Bells Staff Member

  9. YoYoPapaya Trump/Norris - 2012 Registered Senior Member

    Whites giving ground lol... You mean from the blacks being slaves and until today when they are still considered second rate citizens. I don't know why I keep arguing with you. I must ask you, why has there never been a black president if that's all the liberal wants. One would think that that path should be relatively easy for a black person, if that's all the the liberals want. Who are the liberals anyway? The democratic party?

    I don't hate my wife nor do I hate any people before I start interacting with them. I don't put people in little boxes based on their race or other superficial things. One thing that does fuel my hate though, is punks like you. Your conclusions on my marriage are preposterous and disgusting. I think you should probably stop making comments like that or I will have to report you.

    Go here and check your facts.
    I know that you're probably not interested in them as is common for your kind.

    lol... You know what... I think I'm gonna report you right now.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  10. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    What are you reporting, exactly?
  11. YoYoPapaya Trump/Norris - 2012 Registered Senior Member

    His last post.
  12. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    I guess I'm just queer that way, but I unless I see really hardcore racist talk, I tend to brush it off.

    Then again, I might have detractors who call me racist around here.

    I have a hard time figuring that out.
  13. YoYoPapaya Trump/Norris - 2012 Registered Senior Member

    Well to me that was pretty hardcore. I live on Planet Earth btw. Nice to meet you.
  14. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    Attack him because he's black and you don't like or trust black people, and that's exactly what you are.

    This nonsense started with a lunatic fringe. If the polls are to be believed, it seems a lot of average Americans are falling for the spin and the misinformation. That's what worries me.

    Massive, government-wide conspiracies are very rare indeed. People just can't keep secrets, and the more people there are who know a secret the more likely it is that it will get out.

    Of course it won't go away. The birthers are way too mired in wishful thinking that goes: "I don't like Obama/black people in general/the idea of a black President/Democrats/insert other political idea here. Wouldn't it be great if we could get Obama out of office not by voting him out in a legitimate election, but by some other more convenient method whose success we could guarantee? If only Obama wasn't really qualified to be President... Maybe if we wish hard enough, we can make it so."

    Interesting to whom? Are you a birther? Do you seriously doubt for a moment that Obama was born in Hawaii? Really?

    No? What other issues are there about his qualifications to be President? Do tell.

    Sure you will be. You'll follow Fox News and Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, no doubt. And Donald Trump - until he starts showing some common sense about the issue, that is. You'll follow right along with all the wishful thinking that you and your Tea Party friends so like to engage in. You'll imagine a supposedly better and brighter America, as it undoubtedly will be if only you can remove that imposter who the American people dared to elect.
  15. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Addressing me personally, or the hypothetical?
    I don't know how many people attack him because of his race. Don't see many people saying "I hate Obama because he's a nigger." I find this racial stuff a little hard to verify.

    Just because Madanthonywayne says that maybe a few people are racially motivated isn't good evidence they all are.

    Alot of average Americans fell for Hope and Change. Hope they like the Change!

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    Good. You can keep most people in the dark. Military and defense contractors keep plenty of projects secret. And have.
    And do.

    You can prove all that? Or do you have a personal agenda? Or are you psychic?

    Questions have been raised that I will certainly entertain. No prob.

    The certificate issue keeps morphing. They kept insisting that the Certification of Live Birth from two or three years ago was THE birth certificate, so shut up and go away, racist.
    Then suddenly, on the eve of this new book, and Trump and all that, suddenly another MORE real certificate is released.

    There are plenty of people who would challenge his eligibility regardless of where he was born. There are issues raised if he had a foreign born citizen as a father.

    If he was adopted in Indonesia and gave up his US citizenship and/or changed his name, that would be an issue.

    I see arguments all over the map. I personally haven't been satisfied.

    I follow Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, no doubt?

    I was sure some rational right-thinking science worshipper such as yourself wouldn't believe in psychic abilities, but BELIEVE! You got me described to a dotted "I" and a crossed "T"!!!!

    James R for God!

  16. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Two Plus Two Equals ... Say What?

    Would you do us the kindness, please, of explaining what the hell you mean with that line?

    Thank you.
  17. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    You yourself posted a quote above. I responded already. Go look if you want.
  18. EmptySky Banned Banned

    At what point exactly in the past did blacks control America? I can't believe that anyone would seriously argue that it was blacks who gave ground or created their own, after whites fought a civil war over the issue. Lol.

    The liberals created a black presidency when the opportunity arose, there was no need to force the issue. Coming after Bush it allowed white America to sweep a whole host of deeply threatening historical problems under the carpet whilst cleverly rebranding America in time for the tug of war with China over African resources.

    You sad, disusting hypocrite. I don't know what's worse, a slave master or a liberal who takes a black as a trophy partner. At least the slave master has all his cards on the table. When the douche bag liberal uses their spouse to score points in a debate on race and gets burned for it they come out crying like a baby and accuse the other of their own latent racism.

    Clearly, the fact that you even brought your wife into this thread is evidence of the low esteem in which you hold her.

    What you cannot change by hitting that report button is your own nature, which is despicable and low from what I've seen of it.
  19. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Tut tut. Don't get out of control.

    There are some sensitive people who prefer silence through censorship, rather than argumentation.
  20. EmptySky Banned Banned

    Well, let's see. The alternative was to either deport all the blacks back to Africa or exterminate them like they did with the Native Americans. As I explained on another thread, neither option was viable coming at the time it did and with America's growing stature in the world as a place for immigrants to get rich.

    Better they had retained their independence and been sent back to their homeland, rather than being subjected to a liberal program of slow extermination and assimilation over a number of centuries.

    You know, the more you depend upon accusations and threats, especially involving the word 'racism', the closer your house of cards comes to collapsing.

    Just saying.

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  21. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    The obvious questions

    In your opinion, do the definitions of words matter at all? Or do sentences just say whatever you want them to say?
  22. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    I'd ask you the same fuckin question, but it's like talking to a useless mirror.
  23. EmptySky Banned Banned

    Can you actually believe that someone would bring members of their family into a debate to score points? I mean hell, that's about as low as you can go.

    How many times have you heard liberals say "my friend/partner/relation is black", as if this somehow negates the facts of history or constitutes an objective response, when it is only a lazy way of scoring points and making themselves feel good.

    It's a glaring example of the truth at the heart of the liberal menace, that it's superficial and glib attitude towards blacks exposes it as a mirror image of the far right, but one which is controlled and maintained by the brightest intellects in the white world.

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