A Poem Thread

Discussion in 'Art & Culture' started by Angelus, Nov 9, 2002.

  1. Hapsburg Hellenistic polytheist Valued Senior Member

    The Anthem of Antarctica.
    Oh, hail Antarctica,
    Devoid of Flora!
    Standing in peace,
    We shall not cease!

    Ruling above the seas,
    Defender of the oceans,
    A home of many,
    our glacial land!

    For a theoretical Republic of Antarctica (actually, from one of my alternate history stories).As a song, it's meant to be sung to the tune of "God Save the Tsar".

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  3. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    There is some flora there though.
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  5. Woody Musical Creationist Registered Senior Member

    Just a short spontaneous poem by me.
    Written Sept. 21, 2006
    In memory of someone

    Late September sky,
    before the dawn meets the eye,
    gazing stars remember why,
    in the late September sky.

    Changing seasons changing sky,
    looking for the reasons why,
    tell us why we have to die
    late September sky.

    Like a mem’ry fades the night,
    dreams awaken to the light,
    is it wrong or is it right,
    late September sky?

    As we live another day,
    another life has slipped away,
    we live to tell what others said,
    to the late September sky.
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  7. Parhadron Registered Senior Member

    From Heliotropes: (...)

    Gravity as evidence, Lady there, “I am”. “Reverted, oh,
    I elemental witness fusion, function in a space, this amber
    ever tempered, temperature forged face; now take a ‘center’,
    from first measure’s meet. “Hess’s Onion, also
    orbit missed is Orion”, Poet said is
    product, light in sentence played. Edward
    never answered, yet was ever entertained
    by ‘proximity’, his error only approximation
    in a watching.
    Years brought wealth to old man, couched
    on ancient holiday. “I will program Steven’s ship for love
    entailed in continuum, all Asterisk. This blueprint
    is meeting room…after all”.

    To teach and keep poems secret…seems undeniable…
    “Hatred”, Day read on holiday, called collapse some game
    when astronomer’s notes
    could catch, forestall a distance Day could never
    prepare for. “Steven’s Dream CAN tether priestess, tower
    bound remind loop infinite for monster, maze enticed…
    by degree an Edward funds it, through a poet,
    angle added will project through base attention

    If to assuage an intermittent ‘boredom’,
    Day played program Multi-Variable yearly
    as engine’s craft came consummate,
    contiguous to a preface.

    Karen L. Havens (2006)
  8. Jenyar Solar flair Valued Senior Member

    I know it's past my time for bed
    when daylight fades from memory
    and candles turn the darkness red
    when pens bleed lines of ebony
    and thoughts set free take flight
    when heavy burdens suddenly
    gain wings to lift up light
    flying further than the eye can see
    like warm evenings on the balcony
  9. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    systems shutting down,
    each light, each star in the sky,
    existance is closing its eyes,
    all eyes of all life
  10. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    In the winds above
    and in the death cold waters
    I walk risen from the fossils and dust,
    a lifeform shining and shattering time.

    The mortals can kill and the mortals can weep,
    that is their privilege - to think they can win or be able to lose -
    the reality is that they can change not a thing.

    Mutated DNA's and visions born from altered minds,
    creatures imagining themselves outside this world,
    but the gravity keeps them at bay
    and on their bodies I feed and I feast.

    I rise from the dust as nuclear attraction,
    I create an illusion and give it the power
    to live and to feed, to feel for my needs.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2006
  11. imaplanck. Banned Banned

    Children of yesterday, heirs of tomorrow. What are you weeping? labour and sorrow? look to your looms again, faster and faster, fly the great shuttles prepared by the master. Lifes in the loom, room for it, room.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2006
  12. blustixfairy Registered Member

    wow you guys are amazing at poetry!!! whats ur special deal??? U s moke :m: for inspiration???

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  13. Jenyar Solar flair Valued Senior Member

    Just plenty of late nights
  14. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    Brief Defense

    Four railway staff
    underneath identical moustaches
    smile together agreeably.
    Steaming terracotta teacups
    held more cautiously
    than shoulder slung rifles.

    and I remember

    It’s a common hope
    to be taken away gently
    by the wrist watch
    rather than engulfed in the noise
    of history repeating itself
    down the same streets
    a little bit louder each time
    until the traffic deals
    such a backhand of sound
    or at least so she explains,
    saying it was more like
    a windstorm in a doll factory
    than a car bomb
    that lifted her taxi.
  15. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    Without a Compass

    According to Darwin, I should be extinct.
    According to Malthus, never even born.
    According to Lombroso, in any case, I will end badly.
    And not to mention Marx, I, petit bourgeois,
    to escape, then, need to escape
    from the front, to the back, or from the side.
    (It was that way for everyone in the forties.) Still,
    personal uncertainties remain.
    Am I to the east of my wound
    or to the south of my death?

    Luciano Erba
  16. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    It always fascinates me, how good some things can be said in one language, and then sound just not right in another. Here's a song I wrote in Latvian, it's very rhytmic and good sounding. But in English (as you'll see below) the words don't really fit together, even more, the same can not be said in English, a direct translation loses the meaning, indirect sounds bad and some can't be translated, because there are no words describing that in English.
    Of course many times it is vice versa.

    On the English translation in [ ] brackets I'll give the meaning that is there in the Latvian words, but is not found in English closest counterparts.

    Kas redzēja, kas tevi,
    kas redzēja staigājot,
    kas pēdas atstājot,
    kas tevi jūras malā dejojot?

    Kas dzirdēja, kas tevi,
    kas dzirdēja dziedājot,
    kas vārsmas skandinot,
    kas jūras malā dainojot?

    Kas juta, kas tevi,
    kas juta elpojot,
    kas starp vējiem lidojot,
    kas tevi jūrā savu dvēsli ieliekot?

    English translation below

    Who saw, who [saw] you,
    who saw [you] walking,
    who [saw you] leaving footsteps,
    who saw you dancing at the shore of a sea?

    Who heard, who [heard] you,
    who heard [you] singing,
    who [heard you] chanting verses,
    who [heard you] folksongsinging at the shore of a sea?

    Who felt, who [felt] you,
    who felt [you] breathing,
    who [felt you] flying among the winds,
    who [felt you] putting your soul in to a sea?


    That's why I think visual arts and melody are superior to poetry and words,
    they are able not to lose their impact no matter the time or culture.
  17. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    It always fascinates me, how good some things can be said in one language, and then sound just not right in another. Here's a song I wrote in Latvian, it's very rhytmic and good sounding. But in English (as you'll see below) the words don't really fit together, even more, the same can not be said in English, a direct translation loses the meaning, indirect sounds bad and some can't be translated, because there are no words describing that in English.
    Of course many times it is vice versa.

    On the English translation in [ ] brackets I'll give the meaning that is there in the Latvian words, but is not found in English closest counterparts.

    Kas redzēja, kas tevi,
    kas redzēja staigājot,
    kas pēdas atstājot,
    kas tevi jūras malā dejojot?

    Kas dzirdēja, kas tevi,
    kas dzirdēja dziedājot,
    kas vārsmas skandinot,
    kas jūras malā dainojot?

    Kas juta, kas tevi,
    kas juta elpojot,
    kas starp vējiem lidojot,
    kas tevi jūrā savu dvēsli ieliekot?

    English translation below

    Who saw, who [saw] you,
    who saw [you] walking,
    who [saw you] leaving footsteps,
    who saw you dancing at the shore of the sea?

    Who heard, who [heard] you,
    who heard [you] singing,
    who [heard you] chanting verses,
    who [heard you] folksongsinging at the shore of the sea?

    Who felt, who [felt] you,
    who felt [you] breathing,
    who [felt you] flying among the winds,
    who [felt you] putting your soul in to the sea?


    That's why I think visual arts and melody are superior to poetry and words,
    they are able to not lose their impact no matter the time or culture.
  18. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Just found this poem today.


    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible without surrender
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexations to the spirit.
    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain and bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love;
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.

    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.

    Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
  19. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    [A song]

    Everyone cries when everyone dies,
    everyone saves a life of another
    when everyone is about to die.

    Everybody flies inside a dream, a world full of lies,
    realities created, realities forgotten,
    a snap of fingers, life.

    What you see is what you see,
    for no-one else, just for you,
    for no-one else, but you,
    what you see is you.

    Sensory organs, impulses, shadows,
    what do you think the shapes represent,
    what do you believe in? you believe in you!

    you believe in existence existing
    you believe in existence transmitting
    little flowers, rain and sex,
    happiness, insects and snakes.

    Signals from me to you, signals from you to you,
    energy field just like it was in the big bang,
    manifestations of it all of our kin
    and the meteor in the sky,
    the meteor in the eye
    coming from the sky.
  20. Coolies! Yes! Wait a minute... no Registered Senior Member

    Your all very brave putting ur personal thoughts end experiences on to something like this. I write poetry to help deal with things that happen, things in the long run have truned out to be meaningless, but they were good threapy at the time
  21. Riot Registered Member

    i have one.
    its not really good but i like it

    Girl in the mirror

    Look at the girl in the mirror
    Your nose is too big
    Your eyes are too small
    You’re pale with acne
    How could anyone like a girl like you
    Your hair isn’t really that color,
    Sure you can keep piling on that make-up
    But I know what you really look like

    Look at the girl in the mirror
    Thick luscious ‘lashes
    Pure even complexion
    Plump ruby lips
    Pin straight golden hair
    Why can’t I look like her?
  22. Prince_James Plutarch (Mickey's Dog) Registered Senior Member

    An exercise in aesthetic
    A beautiful calisthentic
    With words sewn upon a page
    So that all might rage
    Against a life which is droll.
  23. Chatha big brown was screwed up Registered Senior Member

    It was August and I was at the best of myself when I met her
    It wasn't as though I thought about it, It wasn't as though anything at all
    I was just being myself
    the first time you fall for someone is usually the first time again
    fall came with its ever clever decaying beauty and enchanting season
    all the leaves seem to follow her
    I should have followed her
    she was beautiful in all the word
    maybe it was in my head that the leaves followed her
    maybe I wanted them to
    In my heart you will remain, guiding and encouraging
    I have to go now, to the ever amazing free flowing cosmic abyss of the pool of life

    *Dedicated to girl on subway*

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