Which Evolution?

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by TruthSeeker, Jul 10, 2004.


Have we evolved at all?

  1. Yes, we evolved

    15 vote(s)
  2. We only evolved superficially

    2 vote(s)
  3. No, we live in a decadent society

    3 vote(s)
  1. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Did we really evolve?

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    No, seriously.... producing all the junk we do is not a sign of progress. Destroying entire ecossystems and species is not a sign of progress either.

    And when I look at our culture.... yuck.... people like so much garbage that I feel sick sometimes. I mean.... some people try to be "cool" and "popular" by smoking, drinking, smoking pot, driving like crazy, consuming excessively, being snob...... is that even mature at all!?!? :bugeye:

    And we still act very much like animals, or even worse then them when it comes to dating. Guys like to be stupid, sleep with hundreds of girls and treat them like garbage. Girls love that. The guys that act like animals are rewarded by their stupidity and goofiness. Both guys and girls seem to act very much like animals. No kidding, eh?

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    Have we evolved at all? Maybe superficially? I think this whoe thing of "progress" is just garbage. I think our culture is extremely decadent, and I´m happy to be different then most people. I´m happy being anti-popular. But it is sad that most people live and agree with a decadent culture.....
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  3. Dreamwalker Whatever Valued Senior Member

    I say we evolved, and evolution is still going on. That doesn´t mean that the different stages of evolution are good, or getting better.

    to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually

    to develop:
    to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger or stronger form

    We evolved, and developed into something advanced and strong, otherwise we could not cause that much harm, but no matter if we are destructive or creative, we still evolved. Of course, we also have evolved decadence, it is a matter of perspective; but I would say, only evolution brought decadence, but it stays evolution...
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  5. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Evolution that brings decadence is evolution?
    Sounds contradictory.....

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  7. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    Evolution has no goals. It merely is. Grow, shrink, good, bad, the only truth is change. And even that slows down upon occasion.
  8. Closet Philosopher Off to Laurentian University Registered Senior Member

    I think we evolve slowly. I also think we may be devolving because the genetically superior seem to mate less than the inferior.
  9. Dreamwalker Whatever Valued Senior Member

    First, definition of decadence:
    the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities

    Contradictory? Not really, to be decadent, you first need to have a standart, from which you then see a degeneration. But this degeneration is also change, and evolution brings about changes in liveforms.

    You see, nature obviously doesn´t care about good and bad, those are human standarts. The same goeas for evolution, there is not good or bad evolution, just evolution.
    Of course, our present form might not be good, the same way a bunny that is born with bright purple furr would be no good. Such a thing would surely die since it is unfit to live, but that is still evolution.
  10. Igor Trip Registered Senior Member

    Evolution is about survival. What survives breeds, what doesn’t survive doesn’t breed.

    We haven’t changed since our hunter gatherer days. In those days the strongest fighters tended to survive best and thus the girls who preferred those guys were most likely to succeed in raising a family.

    To want to raise a family does require some degree of morality, but to defend that family requires the willingness to harm others. This can even include stealing food leaving others to starve just so that their own can live.

    The result is that our morals have evolved only so far.
  11. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Ok. But I always think of evolution as getting better....
  12. NooFas Registered Member

    The fundamental problems with life have gotten better. For the most part we are better at getting food and protecting ourselves. Evolution is about getting along with our environment I think. With the advancement of tools and technology we create new problems.
  13. ColdFusion Registered Senior Member

    Evolution is not about progress it's about survival. And evolution happens in hundreds and millions of years. It's not about the good, moral and inteligent people, but the ones that manage to survive. There's no thing like devolution, because the species would simply die off.
    The other thing is that thanks to technology and inventions all kinds of humans survive. So if that is the case in millions of years then we'll not change at all.
    You're not more evolved than a monkey or a snail or a fish or any other animal, and you're not something more than an animal. There're many ways to survival that's why there're so many and different animals. Humans have just chosen a different way to evolve, if it's a right one we'll see in millions of years. We're relatively a very young specie.
    In the end only those that survive are important. Good, bad and morals are just made up by current society.
    To say that we haven't evolved is stupid. Where do you think we came from? We didn't just miraculously appeared.
    And you being anti-popular isn't a good thing for you because eventually you won't mate and your genes would be lost.

  14. Jolonar Being of intellect. Registered Senior Member

    Evolution is how humans came to be. Evolution is how we change. Evolution is learning!
  15. Enigma'07 Who turned out the lights?!?! Registered Senior Member

    I think he's talking about macroevolution...
  16. Jolonar Being of intellect. Registered Senior Member

    Ahh, understandable. But why macroevolution?
  17. Enigma'07 Who turned out the lights?!?! Registered Senior Member

    He's comparing humans to other animals.
  18. Jolonar Being of intellect. Registered Senior Member

    Ahh, that makes more sense! Kewl. But why?
  19. Enigma'07 Who turned out the lights?!?! Registered Senior Member

    Because in his opinion, humans act like wild animals, no regards for other people?
  20. Jolonar Being of intellect. Registered Senior Member

    Ahh, maybe of SOME humans. But, lucky for me, I don't enter into this "act like wild animals" conclusion.

    Humans are animals! We are all the same sort of thing, living beings!

    So of course humans are wild animals, what else could they be?

    Although, some humans are not very hostile towards one another. I know many humans who live in peace with one another.

    Strange topic.

    Last edited: Jul 11, 2004
  21. kriminal99 Registered Senior Member

    Pretty soon there will be a revolution in philosophy and people will change drastically.
  22. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    Or not...

    This great revolution in philosophy has been imminent since the dawn of man. We walk the razors edge. We can succeed and change, fail and stay the same, fail and change, or fail and die. It's not clear which course is most likely at the current time or which is the most desirable. The terms fail and succeed are misleading. It's possible to add another option succeed and stay the same, though this seems undesirable to me.
  23. TruthSeeker Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey Valued Senior Member

    Hey! You understand me! Now that is new....

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