A Note to Republicans: If You Don't Like Gay Marriage, Then Get Off the Gay Hookers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiassa, Aug 12, 2011.


What is it with Republican homosexuals who fight against gay marriage?

  1. They just hate themselves, and eventually self-destruct

  2. They think God will save them if they only have sex with hookers

    0 vote(s)
  3. They think gay hookers are more fun than gay spouses

    0 vote(s)
  1. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Because They Just Won't Stop

    The news out of Indiana:

    An Indiana state Representative, who recently voted for a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage, has been accused of using Craigslist to offer an 18-year old male $80 for "a couple hours of your time tonight" plus a tip "for a really good time."

    The Indianapolis Star obtained e-mails sent from Rep. Phillip Hinkle's (R) publicly listed personal address, responding to a Craigslist posting by Kameryn Gibson that said "I need a sugga daddy." Gibson told the Star that the post was in the "Casual Encounters" section under m4m, or men for men. He used his sister Megan's e-mail address -- and she later sent the e-mails to the Star.

    "Cannot be a long time sugar daddy," says the e-mail response from what is allegedly Hinkle's address, "but can for tonight. Would you be interested in keeping me company for a while tonight?"

    "I am an in shape married professional, 5'8", fit 170 lbs, and love getting and staying naked," the e-mail says.

    Another e-mail says: "If u want to consider spending night u might tell ur sis so she won't worry. Would have u back before 11 tomorrow. No extra cash just free breakfast and maybe late night snack."


    Politico notes another tidbit that, every time it comes up, puzzles me:

    It carried the tagline, "Sent from Phil's iPad."

    No, really. I mean, that's just silly.

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    Rep. Phillip Hinkle (R-IN): He loves getting and staying naked.

    From here, things get even uglier. But I must, at this moment, digress in order to plead with my Republican neighbors:


    Just stop. Please. You keep fighting to deny your gay neighbors their civil rights, yet on a fairly regular basis it turns out that many of your leading voices are actually repressed homosexuals.

    My primary objection is that every time this happens, we end up with pictures of people like George Rekers or Phillip Hinkle, and there is a shudder that goes along with it. Really, look at that picture up there. He likes to get and stay naked. With teenagers. For money.

    Whatever moral objections you might have regarding homosexuality, or even prostitution, I beg you to please consider that millions of Americans will now suffer a flash of imagination either picturing that sad sack naked, or, at the very least, some unsettling leer of a dirty old man getting his rocks off.

    Over and over and over again.

    Republicans: If you must be a homophobic bigot, and you must violate the sanctity of your marriage, please at least have the moral consistency to do so with members of the opposite sex.

    Oh, and also: Stop getting caught.

    "Sent from Phil's iPad". Seriously? I mean, I know, Democrats have a hard time figuring it out, anyway. But there is an underlying difference between cheating on your wife with another woman in a way she knew you would when she married you and being a homophobic bigot who cheats on his wife by buying young male prostitutes.

    Yes, we know. Hypocrisy doesn't discriminate. But for heaven's sake, Republicans, would you please stop showing off? I would like to think that hypocrisy does, at some point, know boundaries.

    Thank you.​

    Meanwhile, back in Indiana:

    The Star reports:

    The young man told The Star that they met, but that he tried to leave after the man told him he was a state lawmaker. He said the lawmaker at first told him he could not leave, grabbed him in the rear, exposed himself to the young man and then later gave him an iPad, BlackBerry cellphone and $100 cash to keep quiet.

    Gibson had his sister pick him up, who says that she then received a number of calls, and one was from a woman who claimed she is Hinkle's wife. "I was like, 'Your husband is gay,'" Megan Gibson said. "And then she was like, 'You have the wrong person.'" When Gibson reportedly read back the e-mail address used for the Craigslist ad, the woman asked her not to call the police.​

    Megan Gibson told the Star that later that evening she went back to the JW Marriott to show Hinkle's daughter the e-mails. She soon after received another phone call from the woman claiming to be Gibson's wife, who offered her $10,000 not to tell anyone. Still another call came from Hinkle himself later, and she told him what she had told his family members. "You just ruined me," she says Hinkle responded.

    Hinkle did not deny the e-mails in response to the Star's request for comment, but said: "I am aware of a shakedown taking place." He did not elaborate on what "shakedown" meant, nor did his attorney.


    It is annoying enough to hear from conservative bigots about the horrible gay people all the time. Perhaps it wouldn't be quite so repugnant if it didn't turn out that so many of those bigots were actually on the down low.

    No, really, if it turns out that Republicans are against gay marriage because gay hookers are so much more fun ....


    Rayfield, Jillian. "Anti-Gay Marriage State Rep. Accused Of Offering Young Male Money 'For A Really Good Time'". TPM Muckraker. August 12, 2011. TPMMuckraker.TalkingPointsMemo.com. August 12, 2011. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsme...used_of_offering_young_male_money_for_sex.php

    Epstein, Reid J. "Report: Ind. pol in hotel hookup". Politico. August 12, 2011. Politico.com. August 12, 2011. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/61211.html
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  3. Me-Ki-Gal Banned Banned

    hypocrisy has no boundaries. What you talking bout ? I blame it on Jesus not being clear in his rhetoric . Yeah he left the impression that you all get a free pass if you believe him . He didn't emphasis " Pick up the cross and follow "Me" enough . Well he did but no one understood it . Everybody likes free ticket haven't you heard . I bet you like free tickets too. Well free tickets are very rarely free
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  5. origin Heading towards oblivion Valued Senior Member


    I don't get these guys! I really don't.

    That whole story just cracked me up. I could care less if someone is gay, but damn what in the name of god is going in these poor guys minds???

    It is like that preacher dude out west that had the jeeezus camp; preaching against the sins of 'homos'. And then gets busted for romping with a male prostitude and doing meth. WTF?????

    edited to add: I love the caption to the picture. LOL​
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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    If God gave us brains ....

    Recognizing this, I would hope, then, that our Republican neighbors would at least have a sense of decency.

    That, in itself, should provide some suggestion of a boundary.

    Well, free tickets are great if they're intended to be free.

    As to Jesus, well ... God gave us brains, didn't He? Or, at least, so would say the faithful.

    Or ... well, wouldn't they?

    Or are our brains some satanic conspiracy against Jesus?

    Point being that if God gave us brains, He probably intended that people should use them once in a while.
  8. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    Although I'm sure making fun of an idiot like this guy is all in good fun, you are perfectly aware of the reason for this sort of behavior. Shakespeare expressed it well in the famous quote:
    The lady doth protest too much, methinks
    Even the Sopranos dealt with this issue in the character of Vito Spatafore.

    Freud described it as reaction formation. Regardless, the tendency of a person keeping a secret he's ashamed of to act in a way (at least in public) that is the complete opposite of the truth is well known and part of human nature.
  9. Mr MacGillivray Banned Banned

    Maybe republicans differentiate between the concepts of prostitution and marriage.

    Weird that the person who wrote the first post doesn't.
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    This and That

    It's the full complement of ego defense mechanisms.

    But that's sort of the point, too. Ego defense springs from internal conflicts. For instance, the homosexual who says, "I'm going to appeal to voters by being a homophobic bigot," will probably get farther in the electoral system than the homosexual who says, "I'm going to appeal to voters by celebrating my queer factor." However, the former will long carry the stress of his lie with him.

    The problem is that the shame originates in an archaic paradigm in which God is responsible both for everything and nothing. I mean, let's face it, whatever Rep. Hinkle's condition actually is—homosexual, heterosexual with an asterisk, eternally confused, &c.—is, in the homophobic outlook, unnatural or offensive to God. Yet nature, or God, continues to raise homosexuals out of heterosexual reproduction. But why? Let's go with God, for a moment, since nature has no specific argument against homosexuality.

    If God blesses each conception and birth, and has perfect knowledge, then He is willfully blessing the homosexual, who is then supposed to exist in a state of self-loathing, apparently for God's satisfaction.

    This is an intolerable view of God, is it not? Or is the anthropomorphized Abramic monotheistic figurehead supposed to be unflinchingly cruel? What logical reason is there for God to sign off on what is unsatisfactory to Him?

    People get trapped between who they are as a human being and who they are conditioned to be as a member of the community.

    I would suggest, then, that the answer in such a conflict—since God and nature will not cease their production of homosexuals—is to get over the obsolete artificial stressor, i.e., the standard that makes them ashamed.

    In other words, yes, I do, in fact, recognize whence comes this behavior. And I'm wondering why Republicans bother continuing the bigoted pursuit that ends up breaking so many of their advocates in this issue.

    • • •​

    In a circumstantial vacuum, I would agree with the first of those sentences. However, I must disagree with my post and also tender an apology. That is, many people differentiate between faux literalism and humorous exasperation. Unfortunately, you apparently don't.

    I would be happy to educate you, however, on the dimensions of the issue. By all means, let me know where to start in order to improve your understanding.
  11. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    I'm sure my local pastor would say something like no man can truly understand the mind of God, or the Lord works in mysterious ways or some such thing. Or, as Roger Waters said:
    The priest said
    God wants goodness
    God wants light
    God wants mayhem
    God wants a clean fight
    God wants peace
    God wants war
    God wants famine
    God wants chain stories
    God wants sedition
    God wants sex
    God wants freedom
    God wants semtex
    God wants boarders
    God wants crack
    God wants rainfall
    God wants wetbacks
    God wants voodoo
    God wants shrines
    God wants law
    God wants organised crime
    God wants crusade
    God wants jihad
    God wants good
    God wants bad

    What God wants God gets​

    People find it very hard to drop long held beliefs, so don't expect an end to this sort of thing any time soon. But look on the bright side, it gives you one more reason to bash conservatives, which I know you enjoy.
  12. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    The foot bone is connected to the ankle bone

    Well, the one kind of leads to the other, you know. I get that it's hard to drop long held beliefs, but in the meantime those beliefs are hurting other people. The effect, of course, is that it is very hard for people to stop hurting others, and we ought not expect an end to this sort of thing anytime soon.

    Which does, indeed, contribute to the exasperated, oft-unforgiving criticism.

    If this was just cookies and cream versus chocolate chip mint, I wouldn't give a damn. But this particular difference of opinion, this belief so hard to drop, continues to hurt people. Many people. Every day.
  13. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    lol @ this thread.

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