The Importance of Proper Definitions When Exchanging Ideas

Discussion in 'Free Thoughts' started by Techne, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. Techne Registered Senior Member

    People debate, people have arguments. These are normal activities whenever there is a search for truth and a meeting of opposite opinions. Often it is the case that the disagreement is not between the logic but between the definitions of the people with differing opinions.

    Let's take for example a discussion about the concept of "nothing"or "nothingness". The author of the piece on scienceblogs differentiates between the scientific definition of "nothing" and the philosophical meaning of "nothing". Briefly, the scientific definition refers to empty space-time. The philosophical and logical definition of "nothing" or "nothingness" is that which has no being. "Nothing" or "nothingness" has no potential to create anything or become anything on its own. If it did, it would not be "nothing" or "nothingness" but something that has potential. Nothingness can only become something as a result of creation (creation ex nihilo). Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit is axiomatic on this view.

    So it obviously follows that when two people are having a discussion about whether "from nothing, nothing comes" is true or not, the person using the scientific definition will say it is not (virtual particles pop out of empty space-time all the time) while the person using the philosophical and logical definition will say it is since it is axiomatic. The difference lies with their definitions, not their logic.

    People can have their own understanding and definition of a concept while their respective logic surrounding the concept may be sound. This of course is a problem. If people cannot settle on a proper definition before engaging in an argument or a debate or even a normal conversation, then there is no way any matter is going to be resolved. Each party will say the other is being illogical when in fact it is possible that both are logical, they just differ about the definition and thus talk passed each other without actually resolving anything.

    You get this a lot in discussions surrounding issues such as, Causation, Evolution, Natural Selection, The Laws of Nature, God, Science, Morality etc. People have differing views and definitions of such concepts.

    So before having an argument, a debate or a conversation with someone or just exchanging ideas, make sure you both talk about the same thing and make sure the other party understand your point of view and/or your definition, otherwise you end up talking passed each other or you end up having a debate with yourself.

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