If a person has the IQ of say, a pig or cow, is it wrong to eat them? Why or why not?

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by Zap, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Zap Facts > Opinions Registered Senior Member

    If a person has the intelligence of say, a pig or cow, or chimp or dolphin, or some other animal that humans eat, is it wrong to eat them? Why or why not?

    For clarity of discussion we'll limit this to adult humans.
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  3. draqon Banned Banned

    because we are same species, we should not eat our own species, for morality issues as well as biological issues.
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  5. ejderha Exhausted Registered Senior Member

    We don't eat humans because they are intelligent. We don't eat them because they are human.
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  7. draqon Banned Banned

    would it be ok for a dolphin to eat a human? sure, but not on my account, I am a human and must protect my own species.
  8. draqon Banned Banned

    Dolphins are intelligent, but we (Japanese) eat them.
  9. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Here we go again.

    *sits back and waits for n-th repetition of the same old invalid and speciesist arguments from the meat munchers*
  10. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    No, its not "wrong" to eat them. Its just illegal in most societies today. Cannibalism is present in humans and if you happen to crash land in some icy mountain, no one will blame you for eating the dead. btw, if you bite your nails and chew on your hair or suck blood from a wound, you are officially eating yourself.
  11. ejderha Exhausted Registered Senior Member

    I meant intelligence as human intelligence according to his question. He is talking about humans with animal intelligence. It's about humans.

    And you shouldn't eat dolphins or dogs for that matter, in my opinion, but then it's your culture. In mine, people are cutting cattle's throat ceremonically once a year in the name of religion. Even though I eat meat, I think that's completely out of line too. Conflicted? Yes, but I see a difference.
  12. ejderha Exhausted Registered Senior Member

    Sam, it's completely something different to eat a dead body just to stay alive and thinking that eating mentally handicapped people is not wrong. It's not even comperable.

    That people in that plane crash in Andies, did the RIGHT thing. Those people were dead and there wasn't another; not another chance to stay alive. And unlike most people believe, when you are at the surviving point you could do things unbelievable. It's basically self defense. It's simple.
  13. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Right and wrong is subjective isn't it? 20,000 children die of hunger everyday. Human value is an arbitrary phenomenon.
  14. ejderha Exhausted Registered Senior Member

    Yes they do. But there isn't a connection between either of the topics, is there?

    We are talking about morality aren't we not? Letting 20 thousands children die of hunger everyday is not moral for any of us and it's not moral to think it's 'not wrong' eating mentally handicapped people, because cannibalism exists in some cultures.

    In some cultures, it's a very normal thing to get marry girls at horrible ages like 9-10-11...etc It exists commonly. Is it not wrong? 'People' in those cultures claim that's suitable for their nature also the gender in question matures more rapidly than the other. Here, you have a pathetic disgusting cultural base for pedophiles and perverts, for sick fucks who thinks female is a herd to breed!

    The idea that a culture isn't bad or good, but just culture is bullshit when it comes to human rights. There are lines we have to draw. Or only the strong would survive and also get whatever he wants.

    I can't even see why this is debatable. Is it a bore subject that nobody wants to pay attention fully but just happened to post a half arsed comment or just a joke?
  15. Syzygys As a mother, I am telling you Valued Senior Member

    We shouldn't eat them but we could try to tip them in the middle of the night while they are sleeping....
  16. Zap Facts > Opinions Registered Senior Member

    What are these morality and biological issues? This is a discussion thread, not a poll.
  17. Zap Facts > Opinions Registered Senior Member

    Why is it alright for a dolphin but not for you?
  18. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    You just replied to his answer above..
  19. Zap Facts > Opinions Registered Senior Member

    Take away the intelligence and what's left but a metabolising carcass? Why not eat it?
  20. Zap Facts > Opinions Registered Senior Member

    If it's alright to eat people after a crash in the Andes, why isn't it alright to eat the other driver after a fender-bender?
  21. Pinwheel Banned Banned

    Does human meat taste any good?
  22. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Things like Kuru for one.
    And maybe the it-could-happen-to-me effect.
  23. swarm Registered Senior Member

    Are you asking out of personal concern?

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