The Real Story of Jesus Christ

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by Unregistered, Jul 27, 2002.

  1. Unregistered The Original Conservative Registered Senior Member

    Imagine a small shack in Bethlehem (or wherever the hell Jesus was born). Born to a raped mother (or possbly a prostitute) and a poor shepherd father (Mary and Joe Christ) in a shack, Jesus Christ would go on to achieve many great things.

    Through the use of propaganda, lies, and cheap parlor tricks, a crazed arrogant man (hence his "disciples") became the most known and worshipped man in the history of our world (Cept maybe Pam's boobs). It is the fault of common propaganda and inflammatory speeches that our world isnt a better place. Its all cause of that one man's ability to fool people. Once Jesus had followers, the chain kept spreading and spreading, until even though you wouldnt accept the truth, you were pressured into by the twelve disciples (a.k.a "Shock Troopers")

    When you think about it, Jesus Christ pulled off the biggest scam ever. He was a very smart man, possibly even a little crazy. But he got people's attention, and when he had their attention, he could take everything else.

    If Jesus was born last year, he would only become the next David Copperfield-and thats ironic-they've pulled off some similiar tricks.

    (NOTE:This is just my opinion. Don't attack me, I am trying to create a meaningful debate with excellent points. Now lets all act like intelligible adults and debate instead of insult.)
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  3. Raithere plagued by infinities Valued Senior Member

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    When you think about it, Jesus Christ pulled off the biggest scam ever. He was a very smart man, possibly even a little crazy. But he got people's attention, and when he had their attention, he could take everything else.

    I'm not too sure about your interpretation. Do you have anything to back it up or is it purely hypothetical?

    Whether or not an individual named Jesus was the source or the sect began with a small group of people "Christianity" is an interesting offshoot of Judaism. However, the person most directly responsible for the proliferation of Christianity was Paul.

    His evangelization to the Gentiles, specifically the Romans, and especially his alteration of Jewish tradition made the Christian religion acceptable to the Romans. (Note: There is some evidence that there was quite a bit of dissention over his alterations.) Eventually Christianity inserted itself into the power structure of the Roman Empire assuring it's widespread survival.

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  5. Unregistered The Original Conservative Registered Senior Member

    Re: Re: The Real Story of Jesus Christ

    It is purely hypothetical, but chances are its true. Its a very logical deduction.
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  7. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member

    IMHO-you're being too extreme
    he gained nothing but his death from it
    he's phylosophy was used by others
    personally I have nothing against was his later followers who built christianity

    if it wasn't christianity, then it was judaism or some other religion now
  8. ilgwamh Fallen Angel Registered Senior Member

    What is there to debate? Are we to argue against your imagination?

    First, off, your naming of "Joe Christ" is off. Its not a proper first and last name. Christ meant the annointed one or something like that. But by the time of Paul it becames synonymous with Jesus (ergo Jesus Christ). I don't even remember any references to "last names" in the Bible.

    Wouldn't it have been Jesus ben Joseph?

    """"""Through the use of propaganda, lies, and cheap parlor tricks, a crazed arrogant man (hence his "disciples") """""""""

    I can simply flip that:

    Through compassion, love, the telling of truth and the performing of miracles, this sinless and perfect man with a lot of charisma (hence his disciples)

    See? Your statement does not actually argue a position. Its merely your speculation. You have offered no evidence in favor of your "logical deduction." As such, there is nothing to debate here. The same goes for the rest of your comments.
  9. m0rl0ck Consume! Conform! Obey! Registered Senior Member

    Throwing out the baby

    Jesus christ was a great teacher and I think that all of us have something to learn from him.
    A measure of his greatness I think is that so much of what he taught survived the violent, evil, corrupt, life denying sinkhole of instuitionalized christianity.
    If we could practice what he taught in our daily lives the world would certianly be a better place.
    Institutionalized christianity is all about judging "those others" who arent like us and thats its main problem, yet their greatest prophet said "let those who are without sin cast the first stone".
    Every great religious tradition has something to teach us, with christianity the problem is that you have to wade through so much dross to get to the gold that the temptation is to just chuck the whole thing.
  10. Raithere plagued by infinities Valued Senior Member

    The Real Story of this Thread

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    It is purely hypothetical, but chances are its true. Its a very logical deduction.

    Purely hypothetical indeed. I don't see any deduction at all and chances are that the details of the Bible are far enough from the literal truth that even if you had used deduction it would have no resemblance to the truth in any way.

    BTW if your desire is "Don't attack me, I am trying to create a meaningful debate with excellent points. Now lets all act like intelligible adults and debate instead of insult." then you might not want to begin with language that most people find insulting, such as; "raped mother", "prostitute", "propaganda, lies, and cheap parlor tricks", "crazed", "Shock Troopers", "scam" and think about providing some actual content. In particular you might think of brining some evidence to the table or giving a rational argument rather than blessing us with pure supposition.

    Thus far all it looks like to me is an attempt to offend Christians. You're trolling.

  11. Unregistered The Original Conservative Registered Senior Member

    Exactly. I was not creating a debate, I was drawing a parallel to the fact that religion is unsubstantiated. Therefore, both sides commit lies and ect. Thank you for giving the response I was expecting.

    (Note: This is not meant to be an example of a proper debate, but an example of questionability. If this is made a sticky or what be it I need to point out that this is NOT how you debate.)
  12. Tinker683 Registered Senior Member

    Now, I admit, this is probably an un-needed comment from my part...

    But I'm sorry, Unregistered but me thinks that you realized what a doofy thing you said, and then to keep some face, resorted to forming a really stupid response to the whole thing.
  13. Unregistered The Original Conservative Registered Senior Member


    Not the case.
  14. odin Registered Senior Member

    According to the Romans of the period,Jesus was the illegitimate son of a Greek soldier.
    Adopted by a man called Joseph & given the name Joshua Bah Joseph.
    He was re-named Jesus after his death,by the Greeks who believed him to be the foretold prophet of God.
  15. Dark Master DaRk LoThArIo Registered Senior Member

    Where is your evidence to back up this claim? You sure? I would like to see.

    I think Jesus was a really good man. He was probably altruistic and possessed all those 'good' abilities. A very wise and intelligent man. Maybe he saw all the horrors of the world and wanted to change it. Therefore he started to preach, but would people just follow 'to be good'?? Then he probably thought of a higher power so that people would then want to do good for a reason. Besides, everybody wants to do something for a reason, every human being. But anyways, just my thought.
  16. dickbaby Banned Banned

    No-one seems to be interested in drawing any conclusions from the recurring themes of death and resurrection in many religions. The similarities in names, stories...

    I'm with you, Unreg.

    And could it be that 'Jesus', if he did indeed exist at all, is merely a retelling of other stories from earlier beliefs and religions that christianity in its infinte wisom adapted, then stomped on?

    I for one do not feel his daily presence in my life, man.

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  17. odin Registered Senior Member

    Dark Master

    Where is your evidence to back up this claim? You sure? I would like to see.
    This is not my claim.It is a stated fact in ancient Roman history,& can be found in several documents of the period.
    I believe it can also be found in the diaries of Claudius.
  18. Ekimklaw Believer in God Registered Senior Member


    Sheer brilliance. I believe I will now burn all my Bibles and join a free-love cult. Thanks!

  19. Unregistered The Original Conservative Registered Senior Member

    Exactly. Christianity as we know it was spring boarded off Paganism. Scary, how they can take something, and just change it into a huge worldwide organization. They just did a little name changing and voila! Christianity!
  20. Unregistered The Original Conservative Registered Senior Member

    Re: Re: The Real Story of Jesus Christ

    I knew you'd com around sometime. I'm glad I could help you put your life on track.
  21. Angelus Daughter Of House Ravenhearte Registered Senior Member

    It is entirely possible that Unregistered was drawing a parallel and did not mean for his post to be taken factually. Why he would do this without anouncing in his thread is shady. The only reason I can see is to draw out exactly the kind of response he got. If he was trying to draw a valid parallel he would have stated something like, "Here is a claim of which I have little or no proof, does the christian view of Jesus have any more validaty?" Not doing so merely requests to be flamed for ignorance and have ones intelligence and education called into question.
  22. Teg Unknown Citizen Registered Senior Member


    You give this Jeus fellow too much credit. He jsut walked on water and payed people off to pretend they were healed. Copperfield can make the statue of liberty dissapear.

    And think that all this culminated in an attck on some Jewish moneychangers. He and 10-15 followers assaulted some poor dolt and then tried to flee. That was the whole of what we can get from the stories.
    Actually any philosophy that can be weaned has more to do with the four people who told contradictory stories about an individual who died 70-100 years earlier. For all we know they made this person up.
  23. dude182 Registered Member

    "Actually any philosophy that can be weaned has more to do with the four people who told contradictory stories about an individual who died 70-100 years earlier. For all we know they made this person up"

    contradictory stories? what fundemental contradictions are you talking about which relate remotly to their motivation for writing their stories down?

    made person up? Jesus is recorded by christians, Romans, and Jews. People do not respect you if you write letters about imaginary friends who died 15 years ago. because people have real friends and ask their real friends about your imaginary friend.
    the probability of these people [authors] all having the same imaginary friend?

    "I knew you'd com around sometime. I'm glad I could help you put your life on track"
    do not judge another's life track unless you know for sure where it is going.

    peace uall

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