Clean renewable energy

Discussion in 'Pseudoscience Archive' started by albertchong1999, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. albertchong1999 The truth is out there Registered Senior Member

    In the advent of global warming and increasing air pollution, many have try to solve the problem of having solar energy, using hydropower plant, windpower etc. There is another potential energy source come from geothermal that is renewable and free from pollution. If we able to design a prefect driller to drill holes 3 to 20 kilometers or even deeper in the underground and pump water supplier into it and let the immense underground heat to boil the water and tap the steam to run the power station, we will be able to generate electricity anywhere in this world. Currently there are few company in the world contemplating it and face difficulty to drill deeper and cheaper.

    This application not only applicable to earth but also to moon and Mars if we have the chance to live there one day. The immense pressure inside the planet mass produce free heat source forever. It is amazing... Even if the sun gone out of fuel, we still can tap the heat underground to make us survival and cultivate crops under the artificial sunlight powered by geothermal power station. It is free from pollution and our planet earth will be more sustainable and less pollution related health problem.

    Lets all of us start thinking of geothermal power and move ahead to the future.

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