Counterproposal: Don't dress like a slut...

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by visceral_instinct, May 22, 2008.

  1. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    if you don't like being harassed. (I couldn't fit all that in the title...)

    Let me put it this way. If I rounded up a horde of mentally deranged man hating uberfeminists and roamed the countryside throwing napalm at any males who were out after dark, would you tell them they were asking for it and should have been sensible and 'taken precautions', since they were aware that me and my cohort of napalm-throwing misandrists were out on the rampage??!!

    Nope, I thought not.
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
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  3. clusteringflux Version 1. OH! Valued Senior Member

    link to naked pics?

    Nope, I thought not.

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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  5. EmmZ It's an animal thing Registered Senior Member

    Just for you my dear clusteringflux

    With love

    Mod Note: Content warning regarding the link: Not safe for work, parental guidance advised, prudes and homophobic men should probably avoid.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2008
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  7. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

  8. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    EmmZ, you jackass. You should have said NWS.
  9. clusteringflux Version 1. OH! Valued Senior Member

  10. EmmZ It's an animal thing Registered Senior Member

    NWS? National Weather Service?

    Oh and the link wasn't for you, it was clearly addressed to clusteringflux. It's not my fault you're a nosey parker.
  11. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    NWS: not work safe.

    I know the link wasn't explicitly for me. But you were inviting others to look. How does not not arouse the curiosity of those with ADHD? Huh?
  12. EmmZ It's an animal thing Registered Senior Member


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    I shall mark my next posts addressed to others accordingly. I'm sorry if your boss caught sight of naked gay men in the shower. It might not happen again.

    Thank you and goodnight,
  13. lucifers angel same shit, differant day!! Registered Senior Member

    dont you mean OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
  14. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    So much for the point I was trying to make.

    *heaves sigh*
  15. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    its not that bad.
  16. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    Nah, I think both you, visceral instinct and lepidistimushitthatshardtoremember have valid arguments.

    I think any idiot, whether a feminist or not, would agree that a woman walking in a dangerous city at night by herself dressed really scantily is asking for it. Even well covered up would be stupid, but the skankiness ups the stupidity meter a few notches. Bad people come out at night and beat up and rape people. Everyone knows that we still try to control and contain the violence, but we still accept the fact that dense cities can be dangerous at night.

    The reason it's dangerous is because of violent people. People are all different shades of violent. Some are very violent, others are vanilla violent, not very violent and positively nonviolent. In places that are positively nonviolent, I don't think anyone would object to women skanking it up (except for the fact that some find it inherently objectionable) and it wouldn't be stupid for women to do to that because there's no threat.

    Reverse the situation of the all skanked up woman. Instead this time, she's in a super safe place, like, say, her mother's womb. If she was raped there, it would be totally objectionable. Nobody besides Muslim men wouldn't feel bad for the woman. It's supposed to be a safe place. If you're not safe to slut it up there, where can you?

    But most environments are neither highly violent nor highly nonviolent. It's hard to make the decision each time, and make the judgment each time "Oh, well, she shouldn't have been dressed like a skank. Stupid woman," or "That's horrible that it happened; she totally didn't deserve that." Each situation is different. Women should be able to dress like sluts, but they should know to do it in safe places. They should know they're increasing the inherent risks involved in skanking it up. It's a natural law.
  17. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member

    I do agree it would be a fucking idiotic thing to do, but there's another aspect of me that would kind of agree with her. We all only have one life, I would hate to live mine in the manner of a prey animal, even if I am a fairly helpless 55kg piece of wire.
  18. clusteringflux Version 1. OH! Valued Senior Member

    Then don't. Just have enough sense to keep at least one pocket to keep your napalm in.

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  19. francois Schwat? Registered Senior Member

    We're all prey to some extent. Sure, women shouldn't be raped. I agree. Women, ideally should be allowed to dress scantily with impunity. But rape is a fact. My advice: if you want to slut it up, do it in a safe place or only when there are people there to protect you. You know? Just use common sense.
  20. visceral_instinct Monkey see, monkey denigrate Valued Senior Member


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  21. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    What exactly is "slutting it up"?

    One of the things I wonder is what will the men do if women ever take this kind of argument seriously? Given that going out on a date counts as slutting it up for some men, I would hope women never give this attempt to excuse sexual violence serious consideration. Of course, when the day comes that men can't get dates because women don't want to "slut it up" and give the men some sort of green light to commit rape—see? it isn't rape after all if they give a green light!—the men will just mutter and spit about all the goddamn bitch dykes.

    Just to cover a few excuses along these lines, in order to be safe from rape, women should not:

    • Dress in any manner that might possibly sexually stimulate a male
    • Consume any sort of intoxicant around a male
    • Allow herself to be alone with any male
    • Respond in any affirmative way to a male's general advances (don't give him the idea that he can ask you out in the first place)​

    I mean, really, at some point we'll just have women hiding away in burqas, refusing to answer the door because if some man rapes them it's their own fault for giving him the opportunity, and certainly they won't do anything like answer the phone because, as we've heard from accused rapists before, "She wanted me. You could hear it in her voice."

    So, yeah. To borrow a phrase, "rape is a fact". Stop trying to mitigate, justify, or otherwise advocate it.
  22. lepustimidus Banned Banned

    Nobody on this thread is attempting to justify rape, Tiassa.
  23. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Try paying attention for once, Lepus. Is that too goddamn much to ask?

    Well, you can split that hair if you really want to try, but you're still wrong. In the meantime, though, just to satisfy your special needs, I'll point out that mitigation and advocacy are just as disgusting.

    Maybe if you actually read the topic, you would know what you're talking about. Of course, if you actually read the topic and wanted to make a valid point, you'd have to put in some genuine effort.

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