Unwarranted closure of threads.

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by outlandish, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    This is a formal complaint regarding the unwarranted, and unjustified closure of the following threads:



    cris writes:
    1) no where in the SF rules does it state that posting links without commentary is a breach of the rules.

    2)commentary to links is not the only factor that constitutes debate, the information inherent in the links provide more than sufficient points for debate

    3) how is any debate possible when you slap on the padlocks so quickly, your actions prevent anyone else debating.

    this is absolutey absurd and reprehensible, and I demand that the threads be re opened.

    dont be such a beligerant pig headed fool cris.
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  3. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Those two links link to the exact same thread.
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  5. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

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  7. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    I bet if those links were about "muslim terrorists" or "islam the religion of violence" the threads wouldn't have been closed down, but anything that shows islam in a light which is contrary to the usual anti islamic dogma and rhetoric gets closed down.

    cris your actions are tantamount to fascism, and furthermore for some reason I cant PM you, the site wont let me.:bugeye:
  8. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Other threads about 'lighter' subjects have been closed before because the OP didn't not make any statement or asked any question. Your threads are not unique in that.
  9. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    1)it's not up to cris to determine what questions i may or may not want to ask, or what statements i may or may not want to make. At the very least he is obliged to leave the threads open to allow the possibility of debate.

    2)and once again, as i stated earlier, the posting of the links without any commentry does not breach any SF rules (to my knowledge)

    3) it is the mods responsibility to excersise some modicum of common sense and judgment to distinguish what is banal and what is of some interest.
  10. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Outlandish, you've been a member long enough to know we discourage that practice, which has only been called into question at all because a moderator recently, not realizing he history of the idea, defended it. That Cris chooses to enforce the rule is encouraging.

    Furthermore, the idea that you're just itching for the ability to throw out links for people to consider without even the slightest context is a bit silly in and of itself.

    Additionally, I would remind you that, for some reason, some of our posters throw stupid temper tantrums about their topics. We recently, in EM&J, saw a member throw a fit all over people because they weren't posting in the topic the way he wanted them to. Of course, the only comment he included with his agit-prop was that he came across the essay while cleaning his hard drive. I'm not sure what discussion that was supposed to inspire. ("It's just unethical how cluttered people let their hard drives get!") So people responded as they saw fit, and the topic poster was offended that nobody read his mind.

    As it is, you've come across some interesting information, and you could probably combine both of those links into a single topic that actually has a valuable point. Of course, I'm just guessing, because I have no idea why you posted those links.
  11. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    what is less encouraging,even slightly worrying is his inabilty to excersise discresion.

    not so, this is pure speculation on your part T. The inherent information provided in the clip should make the context more than self evident.

    nothing to do with me.

    well at least people were able to post in his thread, alas i have been afforded no such luxury, as "quick draw mcgraw" has been a little hasty in slapping on the old cuffs.

    ...as opposed to finding it whilst surfing the net? What relevance has the method by which the poster comes accross the information to the validity or level of interest of the information?

    you just let it happen organically.


    the point is self evident in the clips!! what would you rather i do? post some rambling twaddle about yusuf estes, and AR green? why not just post the links and let them speak for themselves,then allow other members to repond??

    ouch, that hurt! didn't expect that from you T

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  12. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Oh, well

    If you say so.

    Pure speculation! Pure speculation! Waaaah!

    Come on, dude. Seriously. What is so important to you about posting a clip without having to contribute any context?

    You're part of this community, aren't you?

    Oh, poor oppressed you. Not only do we force you to spend your time here when you'd rather be doing something else, but we also prefer that you contribute something worthwhile. How awful of us.

    My point exactly.

    Beautiful theory, difficult practice.

    You know, when did it become so goddamned oppressive to expect you to have an opinion? When did insight become too much to ask?

    Right. I'm supposed to read your mind? Should I do the thinking for you? How much will you enjoy it when I tell you what you think?

    • • •​

    On edit:

    I don't know if you've noticed, but your neighbors have been rioting because moderators have shown discretion and not applied a clumsy, uniform standard. I'm getting sick of how our members ignore what their neighbors are demanding in order to simply complain about the moderation and administration. I realize we'd be oppressing you to ask you to pay a little bit of attention to what is going on in this community, so in the meantime, I'll simply assure you that the situation is more complicated than you seem to realize or accept.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2007
  13. Gustav Banned Banned

    is wraith throwing a hissy fit?
  14. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member


    How hard is it to start another thread with the same link, and some explanation, as opposed to spending your time whining?
  15. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    i thought you had died.

    not hard at all, it's just the principle, the brazen way inwhich cris shut down the threads and the speed at which he got his little lock out,like some hair triggered,power hungry brown shirt irked me. Thats all.
  16. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member


    i do.

    thats not the point, the point is why were 2 perfectly ok threads closed down for no aparent reason,well appart from some lame spinless pansy of a reason which makes no sense at all.

    yes, but someone elses bitching doesnt affect me, nor has any relevance or bearing to me, and simularly i dont expect my bitching to have any relevance to the next man.
  17. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    It seems that if you were actually interested in having a discussion, this wouldn't be an issue. Cris basically told you that he didn't want you starting threads in the manner that you started them---you can either bitch about it, or try to conform to his standard.
  18. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Because, as I've pointed out, you've been around long enough to be aware of that rule. If you are so overtaxed by the obligation to establish a context for why you consider the topic significant, that's your problem.

    Fair enough. I understand your point that as people debate the proper and fair application of the rules, said rules should not apply to you.

    For some reason, the words "lame", "spineless", and "pansy" come to mind.
  19. Gustav Banned Banned

    /bitchslaps wraith
  20. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    why is my reticence mistaken for lack of interest or opinion?

    1)I thought the links more than spoke for themselves, and orumi thought that the threads being started in the religion forum was context enough.
    2) i was hoping that the links would actually act as a catalyst and instigate debate/opinion/reaction from other members...
    3) which is where i would enter and offer my twopenneth

    i like to have my cake and eat it.
    i never pass up an opportunity to bitch, ask spookie.
  21. BenTheMan Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love Valued Senior Member

    Just so we're all clear as to your intentions

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  22. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    Those threads should have been perma-deleted.
  23. outlandish smoki'n....... Registered Senior Member

    no context/reason.:m:


    PS:i thought you were dead.

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